Community > Posts By > Versavia

Versavia's photo
Fri 07/03/15 11:43 PM
Any masturbation is a sexual immorality.
Sexual immoral people do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. This is the LAW of our God Jesus. Last chapters of the Holy Bible -Revelation.

Versavia's photo
Thu 07/02/15 12:55 AM
Sometimes the answer is NO. lol

Versavia's photo
Wed 07/01/15 09:30 PM
Thank you, brother.

Prayer is a communication line with our Father..a mobile phone if you will. Only He hears..not any dead people "saints". Only He is omniscient...allknowing. His name is "God hears" in Hebrew.

He commands us to pray i.e. TALK to Him.

Versavia's photo
Wed 07/01/15 09:26 PM
God commands to FLEE from sexual immorality!
Because sexual immoral christians do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God (last chapters of Revelation).

How to stop being a sexual immoral person? We have to repent, Get washed of our sexual immorality through repentance/ turing FROM this sin, confessing this sin to God in a prayer, and ABANDON this sin and lovers.

If we will NOT abandon lovers/sexual immorality to be HOLY sons of God then we will live in sins and die in sins and God will abandon us.

Any sexual immorality is a deadly sin if we will not stop practising it.

Versavia's photo
Wed 07/01/15 02:53 AM
Edited by Versavia on Wed 07/01/15 02:53 AM
Thank you for your good wishes.:banana:

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/30/15 01:20 AM
Right. May God bless you with a wonderful christian wife and use you during all days of your life.

Versavia's photo
Sun 06/28/15 06:59 AM
Right. Thank you.
May God bless you in your life abundantly.

Versavia's photo
Sat 06/27/15 08:43 AM
Edited by Versavia on Sat 06/27/15 08:45 AM
Right, brother.

Unfortunately our churches do not teach that but God TEACHES us that in the Holy Bible.

Versavia's photo
Fri 06/26/15 03:55 AM
Why the main idea of the OT and NT is RIGHTEOUSNESS/holiness/godliness?

Why God commands us to live a HOLY life?
Why He says: Be HOLY for I am HOLY.

Versavia's photo
Fri 06/26/15 03:52 AM
Edited by Versavia on Fri 06/26/15 03:52 AM
Sexual immoral people do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God... no matter if they are christians or not.

Versavia's photo
Fri 06/26/15 03:51 AM
Edited by Versavia on Fri 06/26/15 03:52 AM
Sexual immoral people do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God... no matter if they are christians or not.

Versavia's photo
Thu 06/11/15 02:53 AM
Edited by Versavia on Thu 06/11/15 02:56 AM
Is #ISIS the harlot (Revelation)?

I think YES.

Your thoughts, Christians?

Would love to hear them..


Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 09:31 PM
Topic: Pray for Syria and Iraq

Have a look at it.

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 09:27 PM
Edited by Versavia on Tue 06/09/15 09:38 PM
Let's ask God to save followers of ISIS/al Qaeda from the coming wrath of God.

But why should we pray for them?

Let me tell you what a Christian said about Osama Bin Laden:

Today I am mourning the loss of the image of God stamped into the heart of a man that the world never saw.

Every creation bears the signature of its Creator on their heart. As you and I both were handcrafted by the one true and living God, so was Osama bin Laden. He had the image of God within him, yet he never came to know the truth that he was a child of God. Since he lived his life in deception, he lived out the destiny the enemy had for his life rather than the beautiful plans that God had for him. I'm saddened that we never got to see what Osama was created to do here in this world.

Though I do not condone his actions, support his beliefs, or think he should go unpunished, I find it hard to celebrate when I know that my Abba Father is mourning not only the death of His child, but also the eternal separation from him.

Throughout scripture the loving character of our God is revealed countless times.

Matthew 5:43-48 says, You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus tells us we must love our enemies. But the Bible goes further than that.

In Proverbs 24:17, we are commanded, 17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice.

In Ezekiel 33:11 God said:

I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.

While I sympathize with those who have lost loved ones in our nation due to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the following war on terror in the middle east, and I can't image the pain they have experienced, I can also see the faces of others suffering. Surely Osama has a mother, a brother, a sister, a friend� Their hearts must also be shattered. I don't want to tell anyone they are not entitled to grieve. This whole mess is tragic. I just think that we must not forget to be honorable in the face of dishonor.

I think this beautiful quote articulates my feelings more clearly than I ever could:

I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The call is clear. The Lord has raised the bar for His people. We must love, even when it is hard. Jesus died for Osama bin Laden. Jesus loved him and called him His child. And so will I.

This is the love of God for Osama and thousands of his followers. God commands us to LOVE people and God. This law is simple. But people do not want to follow it, that's why they live abandoned by God. That's why cursing people, they are left being cursed by God. The God who is LOVE is the God who is JUSTICE and in His righteousness and justice He is punishing any crime/sin we have ever committed: sexual immorality, murders, hatred, stealing..

Those who even HATE people, are murderers..the Holy Scripture says...and murderers do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God..

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 09:16 PM

Let's make a difference in this region.
Let's ask God to transform lives of people suffering and dying there.

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:57 PM
News for you: Three fighters of ISIS converted to Christianity after talking to Jesus. All of them saw Him.

All were baptized and one of them is being trained now to be a missionary.

Praise the Lord for their salvation.

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:52 PM
Ok. Let's see if other Christians know the Scripture here...

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:42 PM
LOL No, you have got just a political preacher

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:21 PM
Edited by Versavia on Tue 06/09/15 08:38 PM
My God is Jesus. Christianity. To know more about Him, welcome to the religion section. We discuss it there.

Versavia's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:11 PM
My ethnicity is Jewish. My Father was a Russian.