Community > Posts By > bumblebee

bumblebee's photo
Mon 05/24/10 09:17 AM
Is there anyone out there close to pekin Indiana between ages of 66 an 79 looking for a friend . I would like to make some friends.

bumblebee's photo
Tue 11/20/07 09:52 AM
Thank you for your prays. I am happy one day and sad the next. Need all the prays we can get. All was going fine. They woke him up. But he sneeze and it open up his stomace. On December first they are sending him to Denver Unverestery hispital for they do not know what else to do for him. Waiting for a bed. They are full. Say he is back to day one. Hopeful they can help him. I do not know how he can take all of this. My daughter will go to Denva to be with him. Lucky she knows someone that lives near the hospital she can stay with. Has along way to go. Keep the prays comeing, I know God is listing and has his reasion for use going throught this. Thankful my daughter is a nurce and can handle all this herself. She is not giving up hope and neader am i. I know what God can do. My youngest daughter was a car injury person Had head injury when she was only ninteen. Thanks again for your prays.

bumblebee's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:22 PM
Just want to wish every one a happy thangiving. My family is very thankful. They are going to have my soninlaw a weak for the hollidays. They are starting to take him off medican now. He will be able to talk to his wife now. They will have a xmas togather in the hospital. He will still be in hospital another two too three months. He is slowely getting there. Thanks so very much for your prays. I also will be able to bring my youngest dauther home for thanksgiven dinner for the day from the nurcing home. We are truly blessed. I hope every one will be as happy as my family. Thanks again , as i can not thank every one enought.

bumblebee's photo
Wed 10/24/07 08:30 AM
My family is still hanging in there. They say they will not wake him out of comer until after Christmas. He is healing slow. We did get the good news from doctors that his cancer has not come back this time. So we have a lot to be thankful for. God is with him and healing him. Thank you all for your prays . Keep praying for him. It is really helping him. Pray for my daughter too , as i know it is very hard on her, do not know how she is holding up. She is a strong women. But i learnted a long time ago , you do what you have to do. God will not lay on you what you can not handle.We all have happy times and sad. This Sunday i saw my sixteened grate grand child for the first time. They named him after his grand pa that passed away four years ago as he has a dimple in the middle of his chin ,just like him. He would of been so proud . It sure made my day. I love you all and thanks again. Have a great thanksgiving and the hollidays. WE hope to have a better year.

bumblebee's photo
Tue 10/09/07 10:40 AM
I apologies for not being on for so long, but i was waiting for some good news to tell you all. thank you so much for all your prays. i finally have some hope for him to get better. He is now opening his eyes for a minute. When some people call his name he opens his eyes and smiles ,then he goes back to sleep. I had hopes of him coming home for Christmas . That is not going to happen. They wear going to wake him in a month. But have changed there mines as he is now healing slowely. So will wait till after xmas to wake him. I got my christmas gift early and it is the best i ever had or will have in a life time. They say his cancer did not come back this time. WE are not puting up a tree this year for we have received our gift early. Please keep up the prays For God is answering.I am crying with joy while writing this. I can,t thank every one enought. I will keep you posted, The doctors say it will be a long time but will get better. His valewill have to heal befor they can close his stomace. Pray for my daughter all so. as she has to see him every day like this.I do not know is i could go throught that. Thanks again.

bumblebee's photo
Sun 09/23/07 07:34 PM
Thanks a lot for all the prays, It makes me feel good . I am not alone and so many people care, I can,t thank you all enought.Ilove each and every one I will be praying for you all as no one can ever have to many prays. I have learned a long time ago what pray can do. I am a beliver.:smile:

bumblebee's photo
Fri 09/21/07 07:38 PM
Hi ! every one. I just want to thank you all for your prays, As i know how great they are, I cant thank you enought, It made me feel good to know others car. I printed it out to send my daughter in Colorado Springs. She is having a very hard time now as she is working two eight hr. shifts to pay the bills. Then when she gets home she goes to sit with him three or four hs. Even though she thinks he does not know she is there. But i know he does hear. My youngest daughter was in a coma for three months. I stayed at her bed side and prayed all day with her. Lots of people prayed all over the world. When she woke , a year later when she started to talk. Told me she heard every one. She is a head injury person was in a car acident when 19 years old. She died at the seen and God gave her back to me. Keep praying and belive in God, He loves use so. Thanks again. I have made good friends on hear.thankful to all.

bumblebee's photo
Wed 09/05/07 03:42 PM
huh Is there any one out there that would like to chat with a little old happy go lucky lady. I have not been on for a while. Would love to chat with some nice male. Hopeful some one that does not live to far from me. You can read my profile , see phots and see if interested. will be waiting for mail. i am on yahoo messager. thanks for reading this. God bless you all, have a great day. Hurry I like to make new friends.

bumblebee's photo
Thu 04/19/07 12:41 PM
I am going hunting this week end. Any one want to join me ? I am hunting
for some two leged dear in and around Indiana, about 65 to 75 young. If
you are interest in or know of any send them my way.I would like to talk
to and get to know them. So far i have not been able to find any, I
think they have left town. Let me know if there are still out there.

bumblebee's photo
Wed 04/04/07 12:57 PM
laugh blushing laugh laugh

bumblebee's photo
Wed 04/04/07 12:55 PM
This sound some thing like me. I never had crabs or fruitflies. The Dr
just tild me that i had lost my cherry, But the good news was that i
still had the box that it come in and it was not crush.

bumblebee's photo
Wed 04/04/07 12:41 PM
I heard this one a long time a go .
Mary had a little lamb .
She all so had a little bear.
I have seen her lamb .
but never seen her bear.

bumblebee's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:14 AM
What gets longer when puller
Fits between your boobs
Isserts in a hole and works best when jerked.
If you do not know ask me and i will tell you.
From bumblebee.

bumblebee's photo
Tue 04/03/07 05:21 PM
I decited i am tired of looking for my prience,as i do not belive you
are real oh looking for me. So i decited I would like to be your pet.
You wan't have to empty my litter box. Take me for a walk ,feed me or
water me. Do not have to clean my ears or give me a bath. I promest you
will never have a vet bill. What you can do for me is scrach my back now
and then, LOL Treat me good, lots of love and effection and i will be
true to you. After all i am low maintences. Hopeful down the line i
might be your true love.

bumblebee's photo
Tue 04/03/07 06:26 AM
I was sitting hear this morning drinking my tea and thinking about life.
I decited life is all about ass. You're eather covering it, laughting it
off, kicking it ,kissing it, busting it, trying to get a piece of it,
behaving like one or you live with one. Oh ! well i can't change the
world so i will just learn to live with it.

bumblebee's photo
Sun 04/01/07 09:45 AM
Do you think you are my prince, I have try every thing, even kiss a
toad someone was kind enought to send me. I have looked under my bed
every night with no luck. If you think you are him Please send mail. I
have been waiting for a long time. Maybe i will start looking for a
rainboy and make a wish on it. I cant think of anything else to do.
Hope he finds me soon.

bumblebee's photo
Sat 03/31/07 09:13 PM
Whear are all the widower that are searching for a widow

bumblebee's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:16 PM
Have not been having much luck, so i am looking for a toad to kiss so i
can find my true prince. Please send him 65 to 75 years young.

bumblebee's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:28 AM
I wish i may, I wish i might find some true friends today, I am very
lonely. Would like for them to be around my age. 65 to 75 years young.
I am avage, No beauty queen , but far from ungly. I have sented some
photes in but they have not been postated as yet, Sorry , hope they wiil
be soon. I have fait.Take a chance and you will be glad you did.Life is

bumblebee's photo
Fri 03/16/07 06:35 PM
This is boumblebee, Is there anyone out there looking for a friend 65
to 75 years young around Louivlle Ky or Indiana area I am looking for
some friends close to Pekin In. with in 100 miles. I have not maid any
friends as yet. I am a happy go lucky person. Red hair,very big blue
eyes and 5" 3

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