Community > Posts By > mr041

mr041's photo
Thu 04/23/09 05:02 PM

mr041's photo
Thu 04/23/09 04:30 PM
2 of my children are daughters. they are just becoming teenagers now too.
i have always tried to open doors and pull out a chair for a lady and things like that because i was taught to respect a woman.
now that i have 2 teenage daughters that are starting to get interested in boys (grrrrrrrrrrrrr), i am glad that they have been able to witness how i have treated women and how it should be done. i hope they wont settle for anything less!
and its not just the act of opening a door. showing respect and meaning it, will come out in everything you do.

mr041's photo
Thu 04/23/09 04:23 PM
very well put lady...

im sure just about all of us have been in some sort of a relationship by now and have gone through the pain of a break-up. we wouldnt be here otherwise. for those that still have fresh wounds or are carrying baggage from being hurt many years ago are in for a "repeat" if they arent willing to admit their own faults in what went wrong. i know men and women who have stereotyped the other sex from just one experience. its sad.

mr041's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:50 PM
praying boldly, for healing for your son and comfort for you as well.

mr041's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:33 PM
i guess i can only speak for myself concerning this belief.
i came to believe do to pain. finding myself at the end of my rope several years ago, He came to me. no visions or sounds, but God made Himself known to me at that moment. i was never more sure about anything in my life. i never knew anything about God. no religeous background at all up to this point. i have spoken with many other people since then who've experienced a very simmilar experience. i have found that not everyone has had to go through as much pain, to become willing to believe. but usually, there is some sort of thought that there has to be more to life than what we have been experiencing. i also believe that true belief has to be partly, if not all, from God Himself. if we are believing something because someone talked us into it, someone can also talk us out of it. i thank God everyday for what He's done for me and others.

God bless

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:57 PM
lol... well said exempt
i can take that on the chin

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:55 PM
and while talking about Him, someone else mentioed DNA was the reason for it, God not only created things like DNA but also knows the exact count on how many hairs i have!

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:05 PM
thank you too beauty. :)

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:04 PM
thank you dear.... i would never do anything because a few people made comments. ive gotten by just fine with the hair God gave me on my face. lol i was a little surprised on how much chatter come from it tho

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 02:26 PM
THANKS queene

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 02:16 PM
thanks for the "down to earth" part there....

mr041's photo
Mon 04/06/09 02:01 PM
ive been on here for a while and dont check in often. hows my profile?