Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND
Msharmony stated >>>
but that is still at the church discretion,,,many still won't marry those who dont have a biblically sound divorce and many leave that to the couple and the creator without asking invasive questions about the reason for divorce but divorce is not an abomination, and Jesus himself allowed for it under certain circumstances in the bible, reasons for divorce are adultery or abandonment there wasnt any allowance for a union between man and man or woman and woman,,, man was for woman and woman for man,, throughout the bible,, from the beginning,,,even in talking about the church relationship to jesus, the church was described as like the wife and jesus like the husband The thread line was flowing about the 6 major issues of the link & graphs... LTme and I were discussing the speed and reasons for the rapid changes; hence my thoughts about the way divorce was handled in the 60's - mid 70's! Thank God our forefathers were brilliant to clearly state the 'division between Church & State' and kept it that way! |
2015 Fifa Tournament
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Tue 06/30/15 05:57 PM
Right now on my local channel... Live Summary / Match Facts: - 84th minute: GOAL! Kelley O'Hara scores after Carli Lloyd taps a pass off to her in the box. The USA now leads top-ranked Germany 2-0 and is on the cusp of earning a berth to the Women's World Cup final. IT'S ALL OVER...WE WON |
alleoops stated >>>
Not to worry. we have the capability to get what is needed to the ISS LOL...before or after they've ran out of 'TOILET PAPER & Personnel Wipes'; ya those essential items that were on this last supply load! I can see this conversation up there >>> "Here's my last paper tissue - everyone gets a small square; make it last" |
RockGnome stated >>>
I see where this, can come in handy. My day starts early, so I need my sleep at night. Separate bedrooms would be great on the nights, she just won't shut up. Prior to having older siblings gradually moving out of our home; my mom & dad shared 1 bedroom but slept in twin was often you'd hear mom yelling - 'For the love of Christ, will you roll-over and stop running that chain-saw' and then **BAM** she'd be throwing something over at his bed! I always wondered about that small hunk of brick and way it was on her night stand |
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Tue 06/30/15 04:01 PM
1 - Roman Foot This is the most common type of foot and is well proportioned with all the toes being straight. The big toe should be the largest, with each toe descending at a 45 degree angle from the big toe. People who have a Roman foot are well balanced as well as being outgoing a sociable. This person loves discovering new things, especially places and cultures. Successful business people as well as public speakers are likely to have a Roman foot. 2 - Very Long Toes People who have very long toes are very expressive. They like to talk about everything, especially their feelings and opinions and tend to make excellent public speakers and politicians. 3 - Little Toe on the Side of the Foot People who have a little toe slightly on the side of their foot with the nail facing towards the wall tend to be unconventional. They are also rebellious and like to have everything exactly their way. 4 - Narrow Base on the Second Toe If the second toe has a narrow base that widens as it reaches the top of the toe, you are likely to be a very expressive person. This person is larger than life and tends to amplify everything so that it seems bigger than it really it. when this person is in a good mood it seems as though the world is filled with light. However, if you notice that this person is in a bad mood for any reason it is a good idea to leave them alone until their mood improves. 5 - The Greek Foot This type of foot is also known as the flame foot and the most distinctive feature is that the second toe is significantly larger than the big toe. People who have a Greek Foot are usually very sporty and creative. People who have a Greek foot tend to be very enthusiastic and enjoy motivating other people. However, a word of caution: people who have a Greek foot tend to look before they leap, which can lead to stress and problems. Artists and athletes tend to have this type of foot, while the Greek foot could also been seen on public speakers and innovators. 6 - Hard Skin on the Edge of the Heel This is an indication that the person feels insecure and wants to take steps to change their situation. 7 - Large Toe Pads Extremely large toe pads are seen as a blessing and this indicates that the person is a deep thinker who likes to consider things very carefully. 8 - Gap Between the Second and Third Toes Take a close look at your foot and check if there is a gap between your second and third toes. If you see a gap it indicates that you are someone who prefers to keep you emotions separate from anything you are doing. People who have this gap typically tend to take on jobs where they need to be emotionally detached, such as working as a butcher. This gap also typically indicates that you do not like what you are doing and it is a good idea to reconsider your role in life so that you can be happier. 9 - The Square Foot When all of the toes on a foot are almost exactly the same length, including the big toe, it can be said that the person has a square foot. This type of foot is also known as a Peasant foot and can have an almost rectangular appearance. People who have this type of foot have a tendency to weigh their options very carefully before making a decision. As a result they tend to be very reliable and practical. 10 - Tilted Third Toe The middle toe on the foot is tilted slightly so that the tail points towards the little to. This indicates that the person very good at planning ahead and likes to be organized and in control of situations. 11 - Ability to Separate the Little Toe Take the time to stretch your foot so that it becomes more flexible and then spread out all of the toes on the foot. If you are able to separate the little toe from the fourth toe it is an indication that you need constant change in your life to be happy, hate routine and are very adventurous. You probably find that you get bored easily and if things start to fall into a routine you will most likely do something drastic to switch things up a little.]/b] 12 - The Stretched Foot This type of foot has a long, thin appearance due to the fact that the toes tend to be rather squashed together. The big toe is significantly larger than the other toes and taps slightly as it reaches the top. People who prefer their privacy and have a tendency to be secretive and hide their emotions are likely to have a stretched foot. These people should be treated with a little caution as their mood can change suddenly and they can also be rather impulsive. 13 - Unable to Separate the Little Toe The opposite is true if you are unable to separate the little toe from the fourth toe. This indicates that you are the sort of person who needs routine in your like in order to feel safe and secure. This type of person is extremely reliable and trustworthy as well as being a loyal friend that people can depend on. Other Variations In addition to the four main types of foot, there are also special variations that can have an impact on your personality. People who have swollen feet are said to have trouble expressing their emotions, while cracked heels is an indication that the person is a decisive leader who is able to deal with anything that comes into their path. If the toes on the foot lean towards the little tow it indicates that the person is usually in a hurry, while people who have toes that lean towards the big toe tend to hang onto the past. The Art of Foot Reading Foot reading can be used to make predictions about the habits of an individual. It can also indicate strengths and weaknesses and be used to indicate the path that someone should follow when they find themselves at a crossroads. After learning about the types of foot and their link to personality traits, you may well find that they are very accurate. However, it is worth wondering whether personality is affected by the shape of the foot or whether the shape of the foot is affected by an individual’s personality. It seems that there is no real way to tell for sure, although feet tend to develop earlier than fully formed personalities, so it would seem that the shape of a person’s foot can be very influential on their personality. **************************************** And there you have it; now you'll know what your body is trying to tell you after 'ALL THESE YEARS''ve checked your hands & feet and now there are 'NO MORE SUPRISES' Well, unless I find something about the lumps & bumps on our cranium |
love for ZIPPY!
zzzipy stated >>>
I know all the prayers coming my way have helped... Yesterday I went to the Dr and was told my cancer is in check at this point and I'm gonna do everything I can to keep it there... Thank you all and god bless you all.. The zipster.. WOW...what wonderful news!!! Prayers too continue 4 U. |
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Tue 06/30/15 01:12 PM
not really, it's because he shut down NASA this crap is happening... NASA was one of the main things that made this country great... I'm all for going along with multi national cooperation, but shutting NASA down was a big blunder... Oh, yes...that single mans power of the MIGHTY PEN; sure it's all his alone - he makes all those budget cuts when he's got zero clue on what all of those agencies need or can do without! That's what advisors and the people within those individual agencies do to earn their KEEP! LMAO NASA has been burning through funding and using their space shuttle work horse well beyond their effective days; but it's called planning and putting ones priority in order! But we've had this 'BUTT HEAD' discussion on another thread and it ended up the exact same way --- your redundant 'BLAME GAME' is old - boring - and 'OFF TOPIC' per time spent on the 'POTUS' job...our current president has worked circles around these 2 other nimrods that you seem to hold in such high esteem and they were known LIARS and spending freaks! But your delusional inability to discuss ANY topic leaves me ROTFLMAO |
obarry should have left NASA alone... |
LTme posted >>>
A2, Specifically on divorce: a) Just about everything we do is sinful. My biblical consultant (a Jehovah's Witness) tells me "sin" means: - to fall short of divine perfection. So when you sign your check to pay a bill, your signature might not be as picturesque as god might forge it. b) Humans live twice as long as before. Some outlast their marriage. c) I heard a radio discussion / debate on this a few decades ago. One of the comments about clergymen was; while in strict accordance with our formal religious traditions we're opposed to divorce; personally we know persons for whom divorce is really the best option. I don't dismiss the sanctity of marriage. But I acknowledge that, by the time he's cheating on her, and she's pulling kitchen cutlery on him; it's time to look at separate sleeping arrangements. Granted and we agree that the 'WEIGHT' that churches place on that 'SIN OF DIVORCE' is not what they chose to react to back in the 60's & 70' as the social order of things changed so will this 'Gay Marriage' issue! My sons generation are already sick & tired of hearing my mother's generation harangue him about the social ills of the world when he's got more racially diverse friends {as well as gay & lesbian} then I ever did growing up! So the next generation might be more like what Jesus actually preached then the rigid/ever so suffering generation of 'Hell Fire & Brimstone' preachers that I was exposed to growing up! |
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Tue 06/30/15 12:33 PM
Hmmm, sustaining these losses and now I'm wondering; do those other experiments and supplies have an insurance rider attached so the other people placing items onto the shipment don't get 'BURNED'? Anyone know about that?
SpaceX Rocket Explosion:
Can The Commercial Space Industry Recover From The Falcon 9 Rocket Failure? By Amy Nordrum June 30 2015 The explosions underscore the risks inherent in space innovation and repeated failures could have spillover effects for the rapidly-growing commercial space industry. Overall, the estimated 800 companies in the commercial space sector are predicted to rake in $10 billion in private investment in 2015 alone. That's roughly the amount that has been poured into the top 100 private space companies over the past decade. In 2010, SpaceX was valued at $250 million but the company raised money at a valuation of $12 billion this year after Google announced a $900 million commitment. ******************** Sunday’s flight also carried 51 science experiments booked through NanoRacks by NASA’s National Design Challenge and the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program organized by the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Six of those experiments had already been re-booked from the failed Antares flight in October. It costs $15,000 for a group of elementary students to send a basic experiment to the space station and $35,000 for high school or university students to send a slightly more complicated one. Most students throw fundraisers or apply for grants to pay to cover the costs. |
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Tue 06/30/15 12:38 PM
2old2 stated >>>
I would love to be a mouse in the corner of this law chamber; really - really I would. LTme stated >>>
As the topic is rate of social change, I ask: Do you think this now closing court session is the first in which a 5:4 decision would have been in favor of the human right? That if it had addressed the issue in a previous session, it would have gone the other way, by whatever ratio? And was the issue chosen for that timing reason? 2old2 replied >>>
But since I don't know & and can only speculate according to the 'WORLDS' view of their discussion - while taking on these weighty matters! IMHO - I'd be more apt to feel/think that because so many other non-3rd world countries have already taken on the 'EQUALITY of Marriage Issue' and they've approved of this issue - many of our states had given permission {see chart in the link}...the title wave of seeing the sound reasoning for this was most persuasive! Marriage is a 'CIVIL CEREMONY' and shouldn't be based on FAITH. We have to purchase a 'permit' that makes it a government/state = legal determined matter. Religious thinking/feeling has zero bearing on this matter! MsHarmony posted >>>
IM supportive of that position IF religious institutions and organizations are not dragged into the process let it apply to CIVIL matters, and there is no issue let there be(There already is) the option to have a civil ceremony and lets not attack churches and pastors(including military chaplins) by seeking to force them to 'change' the religious values they hold to suit the masses,,, See I can recall the 'DIVORCE' issue being utilized by many - many different Faith Based Churches during the late 60's early 70's; when so many of those Vietnam Veterans were coming home on leave or wanting to marry before they were shipped out for their tour of duty! So many of my older siblings friends were asked or involved in those 'RUSH ARRANGMENTS' and there were several {at least 5 in my area} that just flat out refused to allow that young couple to be wed within those sanctimonious church walls because the SOLDIER had been divorced! So they'd end up at the courthouse or having a judge preside over their wedding {off sight} --- so churches have been willing & able to push their morality code for years and it was just accepted and allowed to happen. Amazing how that 'DIVORCE' issue isn't such a FLAMING HOT BUTTON anymore Churches have changed greatly about that 'SIN' |
Debbie stated >>>
my nan and granddad sleep in separate rooms now because she started on some new medication and she started to hit my granddad in her sleep and she got fidgety and my granddads a light sleeper. Oh --- UGHHHH; my dad ran a 'Chain Saw' or would 'GRIND HIS TEETH' when he was sleeping or BOTH! But mother snored too; there was an entire calipee of noise coming out of their bedroom...used to make my dog bark & growl at their closed door! |
The last years of my husbands life he was in a hospital bed so I wasn't sleeping beside him; but would stretch out in his recliner next to his bed so we could hold hands or at least make eye contact. And staying in our king-sized water bed was just to hard for me; when he passed I had that huge bed removed and went to a queen-size water bed...and purchased a body pillow to spoon with - it was real rough. A friend made me a square pillow out of one of his flannel shirts and I'd spray some of his British Sterling cologne on it.
When I sold that home and relocated here; I switched over to a select comfort air mattress {queen-sized}...there's not much space for me with 3 little poopers staking out their area around me! But I'm such a light sleeper; some nights I'm still sitting up in my grandmothers rocker beside my bed with my feet propped up on the mattress --- I do sleep sound in that short ole padded rocker. |
SassyEuro stated >>>
Yea, that 1 1/2-2 mile distance is incredible! Sheriff Cook, took a big chance (imo, considering the way cops are viewed now), because Matt was next to the cabin, they said camouflaged ( now I read different), Cook had no sure way of knowing who he was or if he was armed at the moment. But Cook said he ran towards the tree line (where he would be lost again). I'm SURE I would of fired two shoots also. * He was already found guilty & a previous list of escapes... so not likely to surrender or corporate.. more likely to kill again, then or later* Amazing - I've heard it repeated 3 different times - on 3 different TV reports; that Sweat was first spotted by the deputy 'standing on the road - walking away from the deputies vehicle'...that the deputy rolled his window down and asked Sweat 'what are you doing'? Because of the camo-outfit the deputy wasn't certain that it was Sweat...until Sweat started to run! And in the video/still photo's Sweat was for sure decked out in Camo Gear. Yipper, had 'COOK' not brought Sweat down with those 2 slugs - he'd have been long gone and that many more man-hours and equipment tied up looking for him. But I'm thinking like you have; not knowing exactly 'why Sweat is ratting all of the security/staff out at his last lock up'...but if he wasn't those rat-basturds would be getting away with all of their drug smuggling and other nefarious activity in there! Don't you know that they were all praying there'd be 2 dead bodies brought back not just the one. LOL |
Ltme stated >>>
Alright 2A. Makes sense. So let's consider this angle: There were great-grandparents whose lifestyle was much like their great-grandparents. Progress was so (comparatively) slow back then. But our great-grandchildren's lives will be quite different from ours. There is a parallel between technology, and social change. The sexual revolution after all resulted from technological innovation: birth-patrol pills. The sociological affects of social media (the proliferation of the smart-phone & "apps") couldn't have happened without the pocket-held devices. Is it technology that's hurtling us forward? No longer a need to buy bales of hay to feed the family horses, because the Prius eats electricity from the wall? Ohhhh, exactly; that's why those moving graphs impacted my thought process about those 6 'Hot Button Social Issues' so strongly! The expedient way that 'WE ALL' are obtaining our social news and the ability to react to those issues; sans the old tried & true method of waiting for our local & states elected officials to bring that information back to us {with their own biased Opinions weighted to them} we get it within minutes of their voting on issues! We are soooooo fortunate to be living in this day and age; and yet it's depressing how many of our population just don't 'VOTE' --- gut wrenching IMHO Wasn't like it has been in my late 19th century or the 20th century either --- we've become apathetic |
My folks did - so did my mom's folks {separate beds} and then dad finally made a 'MAN CAVE' in the basement and started sleeping down there my last years of high school. He had his 'electronic lab' down there and would be up all hours of the night working on 'phone bugging systems'!
I know some of the farm kids in my 4-H group that did, so I never thought it abnormal --- but some of my city classmates sure did. But I got to wondering - have any of your parents lived this way? |
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Tue 06/30/15 11:00 AM
Tmommy posted >>>
Thinking.. where the hell is my truck people? What do you mean half hour to an hour late? you outta your "@$&*#%~#*&!!!" Mind! that irritates me: I'm � early for any place/appointment/job/meeting that I have to be at! {{hugs}} & and prayers that they get their late arses over there ASAP CrystalFairy - Excellent news about your auto; BTW, how's your dear daughter doing since her wisdom teeth extraction? All better I'm hoping - no residual ill affects? Debbie - HELL YES - 2 dang hot here too! I'm still recovering from all the limbs I chain sawed down over the weekend --- still haven't worked on that huge pile of limbs yet either! |
Ohhhhhh, SassyEuro ....the **** is hitting the fan; after Sweat starts his purging of his soul while in the hospital bed!!! WOWSERS - WOW - WOW - WOW shocked SassyEuro replied >>>
2OLD2MESDSROUND, WOW.. is right. This Tower (of corruption) is falling quicker than I expected. I REALLY did not expect SWEAT to be captured alive. MATT.. maybe, because he killed for pleasure & probably would of soon, & be recaptured. But SWEAT, though sadistic, thinks he kills when he thinks he. has been wronged, like self preservation. 3 Administration & 8 Security/ Guards... Not enough. I hope SWEAT calls them all out.. There MUST be more & I'm sure a few policial surprises. I enjoyed reading the last CNN link ^^^ there; it followed much of what I've been hearing on PBS radio! Sweat had left Matt behind because he was slowing Sweat down...blisters on both of his feet/bloody socks and the age factor was just impeding Sweats ability to move faster! Read that link - it's so informative. Sweat was within 1� miles from easing over into Canada! THAT'S 2 DAM CLOSE! WHEW...if it hadn't been for those 2 slugs in the back - he'd been GONE! |
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Tue 06/30/15 10:46 AM
LTme stated >>>
Thank you for the update 2A. I had wondered. Do you think they should be fired? Demoted? And do you think the prisoner will try to escape from the hospital? Oh, the drug trafficking will be peeled away and there will be many 'SQUEALS' from other guards as to 'who knew what/when/where'; but it all filters straight up above IMHO And here's what I thought would have been Mrs. Mitchells end to her 'aiding and abetting' had she really been there to drive them away>>> Former FBI official: Mitchell would have been killed But a former FBI assistant director cast doubt on the plan that Sweat described to investigators. Chris Swecker said he doubts Sweat and Matt really intended to kill Mitchell's husband and then drive with her to Mexico. "I don't think they'd take the time to go divert to her house just to kill her husband, and I'm not sure why they would want to do that. That just wastes time," Swecker told CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday. And he said Mitchell's failure to pick up the escapees at the manhole likely saved her life. "They would have had no use for her whatsoever," he said. "They used her, and they would have tossed her out right away. And then she would have been in a very shallow grave within hours." She's a "MORON" and both Matt & Sweat could tell she'd be a liability once they were on the road --- foolish/gullible and utterly unsuited to be working around hard core prisoners IMHO I don't think that Sweat is in any condition to attempt a 'escape' while in the hospital; but - BUT he'll be working on another plan once he's established somewhere else; the man has that gift and it gives him purpose while he lays around locked up! |
I would love to be a mouse in the corner of this law chamber; really - really I would.
LTme stated >>>
As the topic is rate of social change, I ask: Do you think this now closing court session is the first in which a 5:4 decision would have been in favor of the human right? That if it had addressed the issue in a previous session, it would have gone the other way, by whatever ratio? And was the issue chosen for that timing reason? But since I don't know & and can only speculate according to the 'WORLDS' view of their discussion - while taking on these weighty matters! IMHO - I'd be more apt to feel/think that because so many other non-3rd world countries have already taken on the 'EQUALITY of Marriage Issue' and they've approved of this issue - many of our states had given permission {see chart in the link}...the title wave of seeing the sound reasoning for this was most persuasive! Marriage is a 'CIVIL CEREMONY' and shouldn't be based on FAITH. We have to purchase a 'permit' that makes it a government/state = legal determined matter. Religious thinking/feeling has zero bearing on this matter! |