camping in the back garden
It's great my kids and I got rained out with our easter weekend camping. My kids are currently asleep in there tents in the back yard. It's great and the kids love it we've even done toasted marshmallows lol
Hi all I'm new here
Thanks all
Minecraft parents
Lol I know the feeling my son is minecraft mad.
I don't think any woman would regret having children unless she was too busy trying to become a man, then there is no time for being a mother. Or, if the woman married for money, had children, and not out of love, then there can be some regret, but not to the extent of the first example. Or, if the woman had children out of love for a man and for his children, or for just the love of children, and after the man did not take responsibility to provide anything, then this is cause for some regret, but not as much as either above examples and not regret for having children, but regret for who they had them with. Finally she might regret it if something was wrong physically or mentally with the child but only for the sake of the child's quality of life and feeling guilty more than regretful, a mother wants the best for her children that's all. Same goes for all the fathers I know. Including myself I have never regretted a day since my children were born even with my son is special needs. They brighten up my life. |
Single dads?
I'm a solo dad full time 24/7 365 days and believe me solo mums in my country are able to get government support very easily. But solo fathers are ignored or told there lieing and to get the childs mother to apply. When the child's mother is no where to be seen or heard from for years that is an impossibility.
All the best I hope you find someone. I'd offer but I live in another country.
Introducing your kids
With my children I wait a few months then if I feel the relationship is going somewhere I introduce my children. My son has anxiety issues and issues with abandonment above other things so I have to be careful. Although I do tell someone on the first date I have my children living with me and that my son is special needs.
Hi all I'm new here
Thought I'd pop in and say Hi.
I'm a full time solo working dad with a special needs child. It's very hard to find someone who understands and sometimes I wonder whether a relationship is worth it as I can't always give a partner the time they deserve. I'd love to find someone as it gets very lonely and In the past I've found solo mums to be the most understanding but both being in the same boat it sometimes seems like ships in the night and doesn't go far. Without my family's support and my understanding employer I'd be lost.
I hope you find what your looking for. I know how hard finding someone as a solo parent is. All the best and keep up the good work.