Listening to her read falling asleep in her arms is a dream come true .. Did I say that out loud
Because I long to get her a better aim
Takes the shades of grey book from her and hands her Mary poppins
For being a dealer of the rooroo bean
Finally finds the mark and turns the frog into a prince..
Haven't you heard I'm addicted to the new drug, the rooroo bean
No.. Hilarious Clinton is not here tonight..
Bribe the mermaids to hand her over for well deserved punishment
Bribe the mermaids to hand her over for well deserved punishment
I'll keep her laughing all night long.. With my stand up comedian jokes
Hand foranna a video camera she can put it on AFV..
Because she likes the top of my head and my feminine side
For handcuffing me then tickling me
Pencil pusher
Pick my handcuffs locks and start searching for seacoast, for some serious payback
I'm ready to kiss the coast
Blanketty blank blank..
Uuuummm I'm a she...