Community > Posts By > Sarah19095

Sarah19095's photo
Sat 03/28/09 12:25 AM

I have a honest question about this. Why didn't people do this when the first part of this money was spent? This is the second half of the package. Why now?

Its the whole party mentality...Its ok if we do it but if you do it its wrong...Thats why I refuse to have my head stuck up any partys azz...Its been going on as long as I have been alive!

The tea party that is brought up in this forum is actually the third tea party. People have been protesting from the start. The first Chicago (Nationwide) Tea Party was on February 27th, the next will be April 11th, and the last April 15th. The people have been protesting from the start but it hasnt seemed to help so they are going to try again before the government decides to spend even more money.

Sarah19095's photo
Fri 03/27/09 01:55 PM

"McCain surrogates have taken to drawing attention to Obama's middle name, Hussein – a tactic that plays into racist assumptions that Obama is a Muslim with anti-American leanings, according to critics."

This is taken from the article posted by Winx.

I never knew Muslim was a race. This is how ridiculous the race argument has become.

McCain Lost.. Obama is President. Who gives a rats ass what happened during the election. We are allowing our country to be destroyed.

Doing something about that is far more important than worrying about what someone said last year. For Christ Sake.

You are right, what's going on now is more important. I have done things about it.

I do think, btw, that ignorant people throw the Muslin word around in a racist way.

But you yourself quoted the ignorant article as proof that Senator McCain was using the terminology in a racist manner. Which, by the way, the article said nothing about the truth in the matter, it was heresay on the Senator's tactics. Dont call the article you are using as a source ignorant because it makes you look as if you are ignorant as well.

Sarah19095's photo
Fri 03/27/09 12:12 AM

When will we get it in our minds to unite?

Unfortunately I dont see that anywhere in the near future. When our President is giving a national press conferrence and he refers to the republican party as "they". Doesnt seem like he is looking to unite us.

I remember McCain calling Obama, "That one", during a debate. That was just wrong.

Ma'am I also remember President Obama calling Senator McCain John without first asking if that was alright. I also saw Senator McCain refer to President Obama as Senator Obama at all other points that night. If you'd like to get into a debate on whether or not something is polite you yourself should use the proper mannerisms (ie President Obama and Senator McCain). And, a debate is meant to illicit emotions which could result in someone being impolite. A press conference is not meant to do that and the president went in with his words already formatted. There is a difference between the heat of the moment and a preprepared speech.

You can't even compare Obama calling McCain by his first name with McCain calling Obama "that one".

Yes you can, it was all disrespectful no matter how you look at it. Yes Senator McCain was wrong but so was President Obama. It is a bad reflection on both and even worse a poor reflection on our nation.

I disagree. I feel that it's worse to call a black man, "that one".

How does that even have to do with race? I'm sorry but you argument has no legitimate backing to it. By bringing up that somehow Senator McCain's comment had to do with race you are actually perpetuating racism. "That one" has nothing to do with the color of one's skin. I'm about as white as you can get and my father calls me that one all time. Its got nothing to do with the color of the President's skin.

Sarah19095's photo
Fri 03/27/09 12:08 AM

What I still haven't heard, re-direct to the OP besides from yellowrose, is how many will be attending the Tea Party demonstatrions in their areas to take place on 4/15/2009??

I'll be attending at the San Diego Harbor as I did in early March and will do again on both April 11th and April 15th.

how was it in March?

There were 3 planned, the first official one was in February (sorry I got it mixed up)

Sarah19095's photo
Thu 03/26/09 11:21 PM

When will we get it in our minds to unite?

Unfortunately I dont see that anywhere in the near future. When our President is giving a national press conferrence and he refers to the republican party as "they". Doesnt seem like he is looking to unite us.

I remember McCain calling Obama, "That one", during a debate. That was just wrong.

Ma'am I also remember President Obama calling Senator McCain John without first asking if that was alright. I also saw Senator McCain refer to President Obama as Senator Obama at all other points that night. If you'd like to get into a debate on whether or not something is polite you yourself should use the proper mannerisms (ie President Obama and Senator McCain). And, a debate is meant to illicit emotions which could result in someone being impolite. A press conference is not meant to do that and the president went in with his words already formatted. There is a difference between the heat of the moment and a preprepared speech.

You can't even compare Obama calling McCain by his first name with McCain calling Obama "that one".

Yes you can, it was all disrespectful no matter how you look at it. Yes Senator McCain was wrong but so was President Obama. It is a bad reflection on both and even worse a poor reflection on our nation.

Sarah19095's photo
Thu 03/26/09 11:19 PM

What I still haven't heard, re-direct to the OP besides from yellowrose, is how many will be attending the Tea Party demonstatrions in their areas to take place on 4/15/2009??

I'll be attending at the San Diego Harbor as I did in early March and will do again on both April 11th and April 15th.

Sarah19095's photo
Thu 03/26/09 01:33 AM

When will we get it in our minds to unite?

Unfortunately I dont see that anywhere in the near future. When our President is giving a national press conferrence and he refers to the republican party as "they". Doesnt seem like he is looking to unite us.

I remember McCain calling Obama, "That one", during a debate. That was just wrong.

Ma'am I also remember President Obama calling Senator McCain John without first asking if that was alright. I also saw Senator McCain refer to President Obama as Senator Obama at all other points that night. If you'd like to get into a debate on whether or not something is polite you yourself should use the proper mannerisms (ie President Obama and Senator McCain). And, a debate is meant to illicit emotions which could result in someone being impolite. A press conference is not meant to do that and the president went in with his words already formatted. There is a difference between the heat of the moment and a preprepared speech.

Sarah19095's photo
Thu 03/26/09 01:23 AM
No, it was directed at the man who said that rich people should pay more taxes because they benefit from society as well, for some reason it didnt link to that though.

Sarah19095's photo
Thu 03/26/09 01:03 AM
Do your homework before you complain about President Bush, these issues didnt start with him they started with Clinton when he passed legislation to try and "get everyone into a house." In fact, President Bush was one of the people who looked at the Fannies and Freddies and said that something wasn't right. Its not his fault that Nancy Pelosi and the Leftist House and Senate were opposed to looking into it. And yes the rich do benefit from society but the poor benefit far more, in a country that is built on pulling one's self up by his own bootstraps why should the rich have to subsidize the lives of the poor?