Community > Posts By > jay22

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Wed 03/28/07 07:37 PM
I have found that the best protection is all of them. I have five on my
computer at all times. I can run one after the other and not play online
in between and they will all find something different.

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Wed 03/28/07 07:32 PM
Hate excuses, own up if you make a mistake. Lazy people, I am tired of
working harder because you cannot go to work.

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Wed 03/28/07 07:05 PM

Bad news but yes the one receiving the song is at fault (same as
excepting stolen goods) the reason no sues those that down load is
because is not an offense that is lucrative, however if caught with an
illegal download you can be charged. The worst I have seen is one being
made to pay the fee that the music would have cost. Have a friend that
got hit with a couple hundred for what he had on his IPOD. Advice never
let a spouse know that you download illegally and if you do not let them
know where you store it and never download direct to your hard drive.
Most people do not get caught unless turned in.

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Wed 03/28/07 06:54 PM
Must say the Eagles were always a favorite

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Wed 03/28/07 06:54 PM
Any rock that got the party rolling.

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Mon 03/26/07 07:29 PM
Life changes slim

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Mon 03/26/07 07:11 PM
Would not work anywhere else

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Mon 03/26/07 07:09 PM
Any advice to achieve LL&PH

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Mon 03/26/07 06:54 PM
Alway up for a new friend

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Mon 03/26/07 06:51 PM
How does one get bored, there are so many things in the world to

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Sun 03/25/07 10:43 AM
I do not post much but had to comment.

Remember that those that bring you down are in need of more help than
you. They are small minded individuals, and it usually keeps them from
finding happiness. You on the other hand sounds like you know youself
and that is the begining. I have read most of the post on this site and
there truely are some amazing individuals on here. I am sure that you
will make a lot of positive friends. Also search the web for different
groups, they are everywhere and I am sure that one of them can give you
every number in your state to call for any help you want. I know a
couple of places in WV that I found for a friend by doing a google
search, serch words suport groups and the state you live in.

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Mon 02/26/07 08:18 PM
I could only get past page two. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.
The last ten Presidents have sucked, depending on who you talk too. That
is what makes us Americans. Give me a woman President any day, I am
tired about hearing that man has depresed them and woman who told you
that you cannot. I believe that my parents raised me that I can do what
ever I want so damn it if I want to be pres I will.

Who the ************************** told any of you tha because Bill got
BJ that he was cheating. This was because he was pres. Did anyone think
or even DIG DEEP and find out the truth, THEIR MARRIAGE SUCKED BEFORE

If you want to talk politics then get your facts straight. Dems, Reps,
Ind, all have the right arguments, but any statistics can be screwed to
the moneys advantage. Stop beleiveing everything you read and start
using your mind.

Think hard the best Presidents were shot, why because they stood for
something real (this means not funded by BIG BIZ) Lincolnm (FARMER)
Kenedy (Mafia Hit him, Wait maybe the GOV) what a contraversy. My point
is that the Pres should have Excuse me BALLS (not trying to down woman)
I believe the next Pres should be a woman, a black man, an Indian, hell
a minority. Someone who will fight for a right any right, even if it is
jay walking.

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Mon 02/26/07 07:47 PM
Strength and weakness are one in the same. I lost twice now but, I have
learned my lesson. My strenghts will be her weakness and her weakness
will be my strength.

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Mon 02/26/07 07:26 PM
I am a Hot, Sex machine, Who will rock your world. Damn describes me to
a tee. OK other than the hot, sex machine, rock your world part.