Community > Posts By > seamac

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:36 PM

Here's the best one that I have come accross in a long time

Like me for my mind, Not my body
Play with my body, Not my mind


and Amen and Hallelujah!

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:25 PM
Hi action, welcome back! Sorry whatever took you away didn't work out but glad you had a place and friends to return to.

Funny I just posted about this in another thread, when I first joined I was contacted by a scammer, knew it almost immediately so nothing bad came of it but it left me shaken and left a bad taste for this site. However the memories of how much fun I had my first day or so brought me back. Since then I have made a few friends, had many, many hours of fun and found support when I needed it.

I have disappeared a few times since but never deactivated. Just sometimes life gets bigger and leaves no time for being on here. I was gone for months last year during my move, again recently due to starting a new job and a serious family illness. I am always glad to be back. It is one of the perks of this site that you can always count on being welcomed back without judgments.

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:15 PM

'cause everything is better on a stick bigsmile

My mind went straight to painful! LOL

Some things should NEVER be on a stick!! drinker

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:13 PM

Due to an illness in my family we postponed our traditional St. Patty's Day brisket with all the trimmings. Had it this evening, was oh so yummy. Gonna love the left overs too!

I don't know what that is ??? is it like roast beast?

Guess I didn't really answer your question, corned beef is (as I understand it) 'corned' due to the spices used during cooking. It is generally a flatter piece of beef and can be very fatty which is a cheap cut and not so good. Gosh I am realizing that I have eaten this meal once a year my whole life and know very little about the cut of beef itself. Sorry to be so uninformative! Generally it is stewed in water till it is fork tender. If you would like to try this yummy meat I am sure there are lots of recipes at Just enter 'corned beef brisket'.

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:07 PM

Due to an illness in my family we postponed our traditional St. Patty's Day brisket with all the trimmings. Had it this evening, was oh so yummy. Gonna love the left overs too!

I don't know what that is ??? is it like roast beast?

Corned beef with whole peppers and other spices, they come in a packet so I am not sure either. Usually boiled potatoes and cabbage but we fry our cabbage. This is a very American version of an Irish meal but oh my gosh I love it. Some how I forget about brisket the rest of the year. LOL Kind of like how I don't ever roast a turkey in July.

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 05:02 PM
When I type a reply it looks nicely spaced, when I post it looks squished, is there I way to reset a default for this? I have clicked around but with no luck.

Thanks for your help!

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:52 PM
Due to an illness in my family we postponed our traditional St. Patty's Day brisket with all the trimmings. Had it this evening, was oh so yummy. Gonna love the left overs too!

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:47 PM
Edited by seamac on Sat 03/26/11 04:48 PM
Keep posting her in the forums, get to know the regulars, we are a safe if loony bunch.

I had a scam emailer when I first joined, I knew it right away and tried to 'play' him. He figured it out and de-activated but it did leave me shaken, I stayed gone for a long time after that. When I came back I stayed in the forums and still ignore the 'dating' part of this site. I have made friends here, have fun here and get support when I need it too. I don't think you can ask much more than that from a chat site (which is how I think of Mingle2.)

If you are interested in the dating side of this site, remember it is a world wide site, all types of people are here, the very good, the very bad and the very ugly. Be even more cautious than in face to face meetings because the typed message leaves out facial and body language. Take the good advise given here and never forget you can always report anyone or block them from contacting you.

Good luck and very sorry this happened to you. Hope to see you here in the forums!!

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:32 PM
I talk to strangers so easily, in line at the check out, or where ever I happen to be. Try admiring their baby or dog or tat or ring, earrings...anything that is true about the person that isn't to personal, everyone loves to receive a compliment. Your initial comment might be met with a smile and a thanks and nothing more but that is ok because you maybe brightened their day. If it leads to a short conversation, enjoy it. If they are interested too, hopefully the conversation will lead to another meeting for coffee or lunch.

Just be honest with you opening remark and see what happens. Remember practice helps if you are the shy type who finds it hard to talk to strangers. Keep it honest, simple and be ready to move on as if paying them a compliment was spur of the moment. No awkward standing around expecting a stranger to engage in a conversation.

If you do have a conversation that leads to a coffee date don't push for a phone number, just be at the appointed place on time and hope for the best.

Good luck to you totage.

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 12:16 PM
I just recently started a new job at Home Depot as a cashier so everyone is new to me. Yesterday I greeted and chatted with at least 30 people, today I barley left the house. Tomorrow I work so will be greeting and chatting all day again and so it goes.

Matt, I like your idea and welcome by the way! I am a naturally friendly and out going person so today's challenge is an easy one for me. Some people are very shy and might benefit from doing your challenge. I look forward to seeing what others you come up with!

seamac's photo
Sat 03/26/11 12:09 PM
These are really pretty cute. I bet they sell like crazy, I'd buy some as a funny gift.

seamac's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:26 PM
The pics I have to choose from of myself are almost a year old but not much has changed, my hair is a bit longer and I finally managed to gain a few pounds (never ever thought those words would come out of my mouth) I have a few new snow pics and an xmas pic with my folks in it that I really like. I am neither tech savvy enough to post pics from other sources or photogenic enough to have a wealth of pics to choose from. I post the ones I like, wish I had more.

seamac's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:30 PM
Putting off cleaning my house day after day! I had a lifetime of cleaning up after family and self, now that it is just me I can do it or not without setting a bad example for those I used to try to train by example

and yelling!!! LOL

seamac's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:27 PM
Chalk it up to today's technology gone awry! Hanging up was the best thing to do.

seamac's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:22 PM
Sleeping in on spanking clean sheets. My first cup of tea each morning enjoyed while answering email. To finally be working again. To know I am loved and to love. This crazy wonderful site with all you crazy wonderful people. To have figured out Face Book enough to have made contact with my two friends in Japan.

seamac's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:05 PM
Hi and welcome!

Be friendly, honest, interested as wall as interesting. Don't push, just chat and see where it leads.

Post in the forums often, have fun in them and see what develops, maybe some new friends and that ain't bad!

seamac's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:01 PM
Hi, welcome and good luck to you.

My son had a longer attention span when he was 3. You need to post, have some fun and see what develops. Joining a dating site is not a promise that true love or sex or whatever you are hoping for will find you in one short day!

seamac's photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:40 PM
Clueless here too.

seamac's photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:38 PM
I used to have the nic name Alice in Laundry Land, huge combined family equaled 32 or so loads at the local laundromat once a week, actually was much better than a constantly running machine at home. Which wasn't possible anyway because the well didn't give up enough water. So my older sister and I would load the machines, sit in her car and drink a few, transfer to dryers, smoke a few, fold and go. We did all that laundry in about an hour and a half.

Now I have a used washer but no dryer so when I can't hang them out I stay with them while drying...can't afford to replace them!!

Sorry you had your soap stolen! Having even simple replaceable stuff stolen sucks!!

seamac's photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:24 PM
I worked for a while in a home center where it was largely commission based sales and hated it. A woman there who I thought was a work friend stole a few sales from me and the men were viscous. The men would literally elbow you out of the way and since I didn't want to involve the customer on any level of this I would just back off and let them take the customer. My manager said I needed to be more aggressive and never talked to the guys about it. It was a bad situation all the way around and I was glad to get out of there.

I hope your situation resolves in a satisfactory manner and that you are able then to repair your work friendship.

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