Community > Posts By > bearandwhiskey

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Sun 04/15/07 09:04 AM
The reason some people want to ban him is simple.

Because he says that Bush lied, our soldiers are getting killed and
killing innocent people over in the Middle East because the neo-cons
want Empire and even in pre-911 PNAC documents it says that this country
needs to conqour the Middle East but the people would never get behind
such madness and so, as its printed "we need a Pearl Harbor type event
so the people will rally behind us"

Some people still believe that this government is following the US
Constitution and dont want to hear anything to the contrary. But as you
have noticed less and less American Flags are not being displyed since
911. I used to see hundreds and hundreds of flags and now I never see
any, that is because people dont agree with what is happening by this
government, they have woken up, others want people "shut-uped" and

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Sun 04/15/07 08:47 AM
Fanta46 said
Hey BW did you see my reply on the trade centers?

Yes, I did, and was shocked. You said it was interesting and kind of
phoo phooed it and you still regard You Tube as a site for the bizzare.
Then you wanted me to watch a video of your choice from there......Im
sure the one your thinking of will be quite bizzare. But You Tube is
just a site its not a propaganda machine. Why dont you pick a video that
disproves 911 mysteries?

I have shown that video (911 mysteries) to about 200 people and none of
them thought it was interesting, but they all thought it was horrifying
and tried to prove it wrong, but none of them could. But maybe your a
rare person who can, or maybe I have a group of friends that all think

here is the video for those who want to view it, and please if you have
some information to the contrery of her thoughts I would love to
see/view them, Im open to all on the subject, I just havent found
anything that backs up the offical/governements story.

What is more shocking to me, is that some people I respect like
Gardenfordge will not watch the video.

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Sun 04/15/07 08:25 AM
understood, thanks for reminding me/us.

Just this topic makes me cringe, the question that "should we ban
someone" is one question that should be highly frowned apon and

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Sun 04/15/07 02:27 AM
I looked at the picture and kind of saw a halo, one of God and the Mary,
mother of Jesus and I also saw that he gets his messages from God and
that we should love him and what he does, because he loves us and
protects us and he plays golf with Bill Clinton and they all love us,
and they will protect us from these guys with box-cutters and row-boats,
because they say so, and Hillary will be the next president and we will
follow her because there is crazy TERRORISTS that will kill us, and
these TERRORISTS mean business because they used box-cutters and killed
us, so we have to have the Patriot Act that kills the Constitution and
we will all be safe.....

wave your flag everyone, on the count of 1, 2, 3...ok do it


God bless this government that keeps us safe from those crazy
box-cutters....and cross your fingers that they dont get a row-boat,
cuzz with open borders they could really hurt us. embarassed

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Sat 04/14/07 10:44 PM
Bear and Whiskey Girl are asleep, but Im up and here.

Im not sure if I need coffee or a shot>>>>drinker

maybe Ill have both....ouch :tongue:

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Sat 04/14/07 10:11 PM
well doc

you are a soldier and you know that this countries soldiers took an oath
to the Consitution and to protect the United States, and since you
support this governments involvement in the Middle East and killing
hundreds of thousands of innocetn people that this Constitution does not

I would call you at best a boot-licker like Hitlers SS men and at worse
a traitor to the oath you took.

Now why did you take this original thread of topic?


and back to nusalor in his thinking here, just look at something on his

Profession: Contemplating quantum distractions
Interests: writing, fishing, swimming, adding to gobal warming

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Sat 04/14/07 10:03 PM
Yes Army Doc is following me around in posts and makes sure he agrees
with whomever I disagree with.

but yet he never answered my simple questions and he called me names on

kind of bizzare, but thats why I love this site, because of the
differencs of ideas and thoughts.

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Sat 04/14/07 10:00 PM
ic bootlickers are uniting.


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Sat 04/14/07 09:59 PM
I love change. Im looking for the tallest tree.

your soooo wrong about me.


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Sat 04/14/07 09:58 PM
Here is a place that embraces Freedom, and barters.

Jack McLamb had a table at the last Denver Preparedness Show in 1999,
where he was selling lots in the Almost Heaven Covenant Communities.

Here is a newspaper article from 2004, that tries to disparage the
residents of the Covenant Communities, but you can glean a lot of useful
information from the`article.

Almost Heaven almost gone?

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Sat 04/14/07 09:48 PM
nusalor bothers me greatly, because he knows this system is currupt and
he basiclly says, so what deal with it, I do.

And I say FUQK all of you who holds these kinds of thinking.

People like nusalor are worse then the "soap and sports watchers"
because they actually KNOW that we are being screwed and this system is
evil, but yet they enjoy the fact that it doesnt bother them and they
are cheerleader for the fact that evil is around us and promote the idea


To this I say FuQk the people that enjoy self-ubforbed boot-licking.

Its like they are addicted to licking-boots so long that they are
psycotic in that, they want others to enjoy licking-boots and eating
vomit too.


Pathetic but LOL

I try to avoid these sick lickers of boots...

I just mowed the lawn with fresh dog shiq....they can lick my 10 year
old nikes. LOL laugh

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Sat 04/14/07 08:58 PM
sorry, im slow tonight, I thought you were talking to me..... noway

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Sat 04/14/07 08:57 PM
go back and re-read it. :tongue:

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Sat 04/14/07 08:52 PM
The money is just printed up fake money.

The Federal Reserve is not owned by this country, it is owned by
European Banks.

Have you ever heard of From Freedom to Fascism?

google it.

and I love the barder system.

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Sat 04/14/07 07:49 AM
free speech is a silly thing of the past, go ask Imus.

and back to Doc, where is my bogus sites?

you still havent defended this governments story about the 3 steel
buildings falling to the ground in less than a couple of hours and
Bush's brother being head of security of the WTC on 911.

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Sat 04/14/07 01:54 AM
army doc said: ive seen the bogus little conjobs sites that you keep

Can you give me more details about this?

I dont think I ever talked about websites, only links, but I know you
will be able to give me the details of my fraud.

please help all of us see the bogusness of my ways.

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Sat 04/14/07 12:53 AM
well if you government that tells it like it is then you didnt read the
first part of the thread. and in that in has these really quick answers
to your brainwashing.

so I will repeat, I know you said you read it but you didnt do it, so
PLEASE put the link in the spot and watch the STUPID TIN FOIL HAT

Why dont you just see what you already know????

Ill spoon feed you agian.

Wed 04/11/07 08:03 PM
No, none of you Bush bootlickers have explained the problems of 911.

and the lies of 911 are starting to come out.

32 sec video of Bush

42 sec video of the "boogie man"

90 sec FOX NEWS video; no plane hit the Pentagon

60 sec CNN NEWS video; no plane hit the Pentagon

unanswered questions that people here do not like to think about.

What did Hitler say about telling lies?

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Sat 04/14/07 12:40 AM
I gave my thoughts to the matter esp after the WHOLE THREAD.

but what Im I?

Im just silly, this government loves you and me, so go to bed, kiss,
kiss goodnight...

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Sat 04/14/07 12:34 AM
and to waste more time, where was I arogent?

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Sat 04/14/07 12:33 AM
and your still "clouding" the topic and issue of this topic.

Those that do that are fools.

If Doc left, he left. your ideas about why he left and your input about
why he left are de-watering the ideas of this thread, and you know it.

You are speculating as to why Doc left.

And now you are wasting my time telling you this, but that was your

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