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Sun 11/22/15 11:31 PM
It's pretty ironic to compare the Muslims to the Jews. It is Christians and Jews who are being oppressed BY MUSLIMS and it always has been. Don't try to draw a false equivalency between the hypothetical investigation of a confirmed hostile group in our country and the industrialized theft, rape, and murder of innocent Christians by Muslims all over the world.
No organization that seeks to destroy the U.S. government is protected by the first amendment. Muslims should not be allowed into ANY free country for the simple reason that their guiding principles are antithetical to democracy. Americans are done listening to this idiocracy until we get the Muslim Brotherhood out of the White House and out of D.C. and close our damned borders! Furthermore, I am disturbed that your argument is nothing more than socialist rhetoric that was poll tested in D.C. and repeated on all the praetorian media networks by the rabid Christian haters and antisemites. America has put American citizens into concentration camps without fair trial twice before on the basis of race alone, so do not act so incredulous to the concept of registering members of a radical organization like Islam. Heck the same group who supported the Kerumatsu decision are the ones calling RIGHT NOW to politically imprison climate deniers and NRA members while denouncing ANY kind of action against Muslims. Martin Luther's writings were NOT antisemetic, but anti Jewish and based entirely on mistaken theology. The Lutheran church denounced said writings for the reason that they were not sound in doctrine. Since you brought it up, Hitler took Martin Luther's writings out of context as you have done with our founding documents, and just as with Hitler, you have turned the text inside out and against its original intention; NOBODY has freedom of religion in a country invaded by Muslims. Tread carefully, for you find yourself in the company of evil men and walking the path of death and destruction. Perhaps leave the counter-jihad to those of us who are qualified? 1. I don't hate, I retaliate, and with escalation of force because taking a head for an eye leaves no one blind 2. Hating haters makes you a hater- pretty basic reasoning |
Mo (shame be upon him) wasn't any good at reading either. I forgot to mention he was illiterate.
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Sat 11/21/15 05:26 PM
Nice try. Muhammed the pedophile rapist thief deserter illiterate bandit homosexual and bastard descendant of bastards was born after Jesus.
Here is what the Bible ACTUALLY says about the descendants of Ishmael AKA the master race according to Muhammad: Genesis 16:11-12 New King James Version (NKJV) 11 And the Angel of the Lord said to her: “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, Because the Lord has heard your affliction. 12 He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” U Badr watch yourself my illiterate friend. You blaspheme against the Lord of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I do not think this is in the spirit of Islam? |