Community > Posts By > Donte9214

Donte9214's photo
Sun 04/12/15 03:56 PM

I'm assuming this is one of those for profit colleges, Phoenix, De vry,
Carthage, ITT, one of those types. So yes if you don't pay your bill they can and will hold back your paper.
Most state universities and non profit private colleges do charge a graduation fee of sorts, usually a couple hundred bucks, more like a title registration fee for your car, to cover all the paperwork and etc for your certificate.

Reread any contracts you signed with the school. Or beg, borrow, or steal the thousand, get your paperwork straightened out, get a job and chalk it all up to experience.

Yup, you are correct. It was a for profit colleges(Everest College). I never knew that a school could hold your degree. I wish I would've known that at the beginning. Lol, begging, borrowing, and stealing isn't my thing. I do have a job but I'm not about to drop 1000 on a piece of paper. If I can just get my transcripts for proof, I'll be good.

Donte9214's photo
Sun 04/12/15 12:18 PM

your profile shows you're in the states so o guess you'd have to ask the administration of the school you attended.
maybe you owe tuition fees? don't know.

I know in other countries you have to pay registering fees withthe state or country in order to make things official

I talked to financial aid and they told me that it was because I didn't bring in my tax return or apply for another loan but I fail to see how that has anything to do with my degree. They never told me I had to pay a registration fee so I'm not sure about that. With tuition fees, they can hold your degree? That doesn't make sense. I can understand paying $40,000 for a student loan but paying for a degree I don't think so, that's what I attended 2 years for and I should be able to receive it regardless.

not sure what you mean here hon
college I attend will drop you from classes two weeks into semester if you do not have fin aid to cover your classes and books or you have not made payment arrangements with billing dept
they can hold that degree for one unpaid parking ticket on campus if they want to

I know what you're talking about, I had to pay every month other wise I couldn't attend school but the people who own the school I attended, got into major trouble with the government and they stop accepting payments. If they're holding my degree because of the payments I couldn't submit, that's not my problem.

Donte9214's photo
Sun 04/12/15 12:16 PM

your profile shows you're in the states so o guess you'd have to ask the administration of the school you attended.
maybe you owe tuition fees? don't know.

I know in other countries you have to pay registering fees withthe state or country in order to make things official

I talked to financial aid and they told me that it was because I didn't bring in my tax return or apply for another loan but I fail to see how that has anything to do with my degree. They never told me I had to pay a registration fee so I'm not sure about that. With tuition fees, they can hold your degree? That doesn't make sense. I can understand paying $40,000 for a student loan but paying for a degree I don't think so, that's what I attended 2 years for and I should be able to receive it regardless.

Yes they can hold your degree until you are completely paid up for your education.

the contract works like this, you pay the school to teach you, they teach you and you prove you are learning by passing classes, after you pass all the classes you still are only meeting 1/2 the contract, You still have to fulfill the other half the payment part

I never heard of a school holding your degree until you're completely paid off. Others have gotten their degrees so I doubt that's it. If going to classes and passing is only 1/2 the contract and paying is the other 1/2, they should've really mentioned that before I attended. I would've attended if I knew that was the case

Donte9214's photo
Sun 04/12/15 10:07 AM

your profile shows you're in the states so o guess you'd have to ask the administration of the school you attended.
maybe you owe tuition fees? don't know.

I know in other countries you have to pay registering fees withthe state or country in order to make things official

I talked to financial aid and they told me that it was because I didn't bring in my tax return or apply for another loan but I fail to see how that has anything to do with my degree. They never told me I had to pay a registration fee so I'm not sure about that. With tuition fees, they can hold your degree? That doesn't make sense. I can understand paying $40,000 for a student loan but paying for a degree I don't think so, that's what I attended 2 years for and I should be able to receive it regardless.

Donte9214's photo
Sun 04/12/15 09:36 AM
I just graduated college with my associates degree and after completing, I was told I needed to pay $1000 to get my degree. Does anyone know why I have to pay to receive something I went to school 2 years for and completed all the courses? I think something's wrong with that. If you have any information or any ideas, I would really appreciate it.

Donte9214's photo
Sat 04/04/15 12:28 PM

Honesty is the best policy and "cheaters never win" are among the best known sayings of all times, but are they true?
Does honesty really pay off? And if it does, Why there are so many liars, hypocrites and two faced people in the world?
Why is it that liars get ahead in life while honesty holds you back?
Why does it seem like dishonest people get ahead in life?

You would think they would be true. I believe we live in an evil world so I think that's why liars and cheaters get ahead. It's just like that saying nice guys finish last. I didn't believe that at first but it's true. You would think being nice would be beneficial but it's not. It seems like when you're nice, people take advantage of you. I guess that's just the type of world we live in.

Donte9214's photo
Thu 04/02/15 07:56 AM
You're very pretty

Donte9214's photo
Sun 03/22/15 08:06 AM

Live a lifelong dream of space travel or stay here with screwed up healthcare, pollution, bills, less privacy and rights, Big Brother watching your every move and tracking you, Obozo, Hitlary, and the terrorists.....

Where do I sign up?

I can understand your point of view, but I can see leaving everything that is already established just to start over.

Donte9214's photo
Sat 03/21/15 05:05 PM
What's up everyone. What do you think about people taking that one way ticket to Mars? I couldn't imagine leaving Earth, my family, friends, technology, or the things I worked hard for to completely start over on a new planet. Would you guys do that just to be apart of history? Even if you're unsure about if it's safe or not.

Donte9214's photo
Sat 02/21/15 10:01 AM
Hey, I'm looking for some more people to chat with.

Donte9214's photo
Tue 02/17/15 10:51 AM

No, I would not advise it.
Even Christians that are saved but never grow or want more knowledge or try to live the life is difficult. It is best to find where a person is in their life from the beginning. You are not judging but you need to be with some one like minded.
Someone that doesn't believe no, "unequally yoked".

That's a good point, it is probably best to try to figure out before starting a relationship with someone. I just don't want offend anyone or seem like I'm judging.

Donte9214's photo
Tue 02/17/15 10:46 AM
I don't know if certain will never believe but the only people that I have seen go from non believing to believing were the ones that have had near death experiences.

Donte9214's photo
Tue 02/17/15 08:31 AM
For some strange reason, I've been hearing that the finals will be the Cleveland Cavaliers & Oklahoma City Thunder. I know that these 2 teams have probably the 2 best players in the league but that means nothing. I think it will be Atlanta Hawks & Golden State Warriors. It pains me to say the Warriors because I'm a Kings fan but I have to keep it real lol.

Donte9214's photo
Tue 02/17/15 08:23 AM
Should a Christian be in a relationship with a non believer? I was told that a Christian and a non believer shouldn't be in a relationship because Christians will be saved and non believer will not. I was with a girl for about a year and I didn't know that she didn't believe GOD existed. I asked her how are we gonna deal with this situation and she never talked to me again. She was a nice girl and I felt bad because she said I broke her heart but she wouldn't help me find a solution for it. I want to be Heaven and I don't want the woman I spend my life with not to be there with me. I don't believe it's a good idea but I would like to hear what others think.