Community > Posts By > boise83714

boise83714's photo
Sun 02/01/15 09:10 AM
I'm not a liberal. At all. But, this country has always been home to those fleeing poverty and oppression. The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

When the blacks came, they were disrespected and humiliated. When the Italians came, they were hated. When the Irish came, they were hated. Every country evolves. In business, without new ideas and evolution, the company will become stagnant and it will fail. The people to the south of us have been here much, much longer than we have. Everyone is free, provided there is not a repression of freedom.

boise83714's photo
Sun 02/01/15 09:02 AM
Putin isn't an enemy. Iran isn't an enemy. The United States military industrial complex is the enemy. The enemy is politicians and even religious groups baiting our young men into a false battle under the guise of terrorism, all to control the last drops of the worlds oil.

The enemy is despair, which is the lack of faith people have in themselves, others, and humanity in general.

War and finger-pointing is the failure to communicate, or the unwillingness to communicate.

Iraq was a beautiful country with a rich history and peaceful people with a high regard for women's rights and education, art, and the sciences, before the United States military destroyed it, and with it, and entire generation of people. There were no weapons of mass destruction, only evil bombs.