Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Tue 06/06/17 04:33 PM
Beauty and the bacon.

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Tue 06/06/17 04:11 PM
Okay to get the ball rolling, here is another one.

Field of bacon

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Tue 06/06/17 04:06 PM
Example... Jurassic Bacon

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Sat 01/31/15 09:18 PM
Yes the computers now days makes things so much easier and i have noticed that its happening alot more lately that kids are not being prepared for the real world. Like counting change correctly or even reading or spelling correctly.

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Sat 01/31/15 12:59 PM
I have worked retail for almost 10 years. Its a hard job sometimes. I have watched cashiers get so nervous and count the wrong change back because the customer is giving them a hard time. I usually tell them to take deep breaths and relax. Then other times its their first job and they really dont know how to count change. It could go either way.

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Sat 01/31/15 12:43 PM
Rain dripping off my roof. Also birds scurrying for food at the bird feeder.

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Sat 01/31/15 10:44 AM
Those that are waiting for marriage before having sex are few and far between, but thay still exist. I am one of those few. I have waited this long and have no desire to break that vow. I have no judgement for those who have. I am not God and nor do I want to be. I am definitely not perfect and has made lots of mistakes.

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