Craic van Bro "One regular size summer combo on a muffin please!"
66 year old man from Valemount, British Columbia      Looking for friendship, relationship Last seen within the last four days
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About Craic van Bro
Mature, cis-gender GWM seeks monogamy with a good hearted, similarly unencumbered mid-to-late boomer or GenX 'er. Short term cuddle buddy is possible recognizing limitated versatility of dating apps- not being strictly haploid cell banks for LT partnership or dryest senses of humour. At some point at our own speed and time we realize what we want, need, likes, dislikes, compatible careers, and daily rhythms. Profiles showing same interests will generate interest and response. Capacity for love, real joy of life, untold potential for healthy relationship was thwarted, comprimised and repressed, held in silent but hopeful reserve for generations of gay men. This guy next door, town and city type seeks a healthy, mature, educated, cerebral non-smoker with good communication skills. If online ratings, meat market voyeurism for conventional hook-up is your strategy please read-on before clicking! If basking on a log behind the video screen unable to engage in real human connection without getting inebriated or stoned is your habit we are at very different ends of a larger pond! Beyond all the dime-a-dozen online selfies actual compatibility may still be found. This tadpole metamorphosis and shady confines of lily pads, 1st stage growth stage is completed. Frog legs grew out,so I seek to build on foundations of mutual strengths, vulnerability, and trust. Mutual effort, real investment in your dreams, risk and readiness to emerge into the sunlight to launch into a next phase of life is important. I seek a partner ready to take that leap with me, to take the plunge, streach out, to swim and explore uncharted, far shorelines together. Your completed profile is a minimum, necessary pre-requisite- the basic conditioning exercise for sucess! Potential of a soul mate, a meeting of minds is a potential life-changer, the whole point and goal of this. Many a frog lingers in shallow, tepid pools under a tangle of mango trees until it's too late, impossible to emerge into sunlight. Some will never leap out of a simmering cauldron until too late. Indecision is risky too. Lingering on the internet highway can leave a man flattened, sprawled out with tread marks, squashed without a viable future. It seems unreasonable in 2024 to remain in a story book virtual realty where hope is based on frog tales of a fanciful Prince Charming of fairy tales to revive us while thousands are active, living proof of lives fulfilled today, even abundant in post midlife, post pandemic to cultivate and nurture something new! Tender human relationships exist beyond virtual face time without mouse and joystick in hand. I'm casting a wider net today with hope of discovering mutual compatibility within the city or an hour or two west of Edmonton in the BC Rockies. I seek a guy confident in his own skin with a big heart, capacity for patience to cultivate friendship 1st. Urgency might compel anything on two legs to over-ride brain circuits on a given day but let's not set off fire department alarm bells just yet! This is a rocket launch count-down of hope, anticipation, and system checks for now. After cyber-echange and in mutual hope of finding a quality friendship let's meet later in real but neutral space. It's a good day when we might honestly say, 'I tried'. Life is good at the moment. Living the moment means being open to change and evolution. If this profile gets response or provokes interest for more than a nanosecond blink of an eye shoot me a message! If it passes scrutiny for a meeting of minds, make contact or leave a message here. Mutual chemistry might be just around the corner. Why wait a second longer for the universe to unfold? We have the means to connect here now. A warm kind smile and p=0.95 life gets enhanced. If the ground work strikes a mutual common chord, leap off the lily pad! Life might even depend on it!
Profession: Representative Agent of Unrequieted Love
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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