Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Sat 05/25/24 09:33 PM
Marriage is a husband and wife so when a guy says he has a husband I assume he must be the ***** in the relationship, and if they want to have children they should have to do it the old fashion way where a man has sex with a woman, if that can't happen then no going out and buying a child, i thought buying and selling humans was outlawed 150 years ago and yet people get awaybwith it all the time.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/06/24 09:37 PM

What does booyah mean?

its erm US slang too that translates to "Oh yeah!"

aka booya/boo-yah

Hmmm, interesting. Usually I relate to a stew or soup. I have also been to parties where everybody brings a bottle and dumps it with what everybody else brought along with some fruit.

I was curious what other meanings it may have, it even has urban slang related definitions. The most interesting one I found was "The process of not getting sleep due to the fact that one was up all night quoting Liam Neeson films. An individual that booyahs usually organizes annual batman conventions and host weekly role playing tournaments in his mother's basement."
I can't make that shlit up if somebody wants to track that info for themselves, somehow just felt so fitting here.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/05/24 06:32 PM

had a shiit week and my dishwasher has been on the fritz. took me a few days of troubleshooting and found the issue. the brands warehouse is currently in location transition and theres a two week delay on part required. The dishes are stacked in the sink so i went to local hardware store and got dishwasher safe super glue. applied it waited the recommended three minutes to set. popped it in and doing first batch right now. if it pops open again ima reapply glue and cure it for 12-24 hours but so far so good.

The other thing is i havent had my medicinal cannabis for three weeks now. Its coming from a different Chemist this time and its due for delivery any minute now.


My 1st thought is if everybody posted everytime something in their house broke we would have to have topics for washer/dryers, refrigerator , stove, vacuum, microwave, plumbing, yard maintenance, sex toys, light bulbs, TV's and electronics besides computer, computer and technology, would be a full time job just to read the post.

My 2nd thought is this guy can't wash dishes by hand? Then I seen the pothead comment and that made sense that he is too lazy to wash a few dishes.

3rd thought is people that "need" medical cannabis? Is this something paid out of pocket? Or is this insurance or paid by public? I know what chronic pain is, I do not expect others to pay for my mistakes and mishaps in life. So sorry that you may have felt a little discomfort for a few days.:rolling_eyes:

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/05/24 06:09 PM

Sex on a first date is Usually a one night stand.

Maybe if somebody doesn't perform well or is psycho it will be a one night stand, not saying it will turn into a long term relationship, if done right it will often turn into a fling, treat them right and they will come back for more.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/18/24 07:18 PM
Pickle juice, the body has a hard time absorbing water unless it has salt in it.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/18/24 07:17 PM

I've heard that drinking plenty of fluids and eating well while drinking can PREVENT a hangover. Though I am not 100% sure if this is true as I've never had one. But to deal with a hangover would be most likely taking something for headache relief such as acetaminophen. That and resting should help a lot. Best of luck!

Why would somebody screw up a $100 buzz with a $5 cheese burger? Food just means you need to drink more to get drunk.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/16/24 08:49 PM

Do you think this is a massive red flag or big no.
Or does it vary by date?

Once again, you are 19 and dating younger guys. Not sure how things work at where you are from, but over here we have a saying "15 will get you 20", meaning that if you have sex with a 15yr old you will do 20yrs in prison. I suggest you hold off on sex til they are old enough to drive, get a job, and pay child support!

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/16/24 08:43 PM

Why is it that when I offer to pay on a date and the guy tries to play the I earn more so it's fine, but when I tell them my salary they go sheepish and then don't tend to want to see me again?

Um, maybe cuz you are 19 and dating younger guys, so clearly you make more at your job then their mom gives them for an allowance 🤦

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/02/24 09:15 PM
A ghost? Like I can spy on people and walk thru walls? That would be so cool!

When I don't show up I identify as "TRANSparent" please use the correct pronouns of Who/Where.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/02/24 08:59 PM

Should flat chested women get implants?

I have no problem at all with flat chested women as long as they don't have an Adams apple or meatballs and a sausage hanging between their legs.

Very large chested women on the other hand can be very unattractive and if they are to big they can cause back problems or other health problems, so I would be more interested in discussing breast reduction then breast implants. Think about how they will look as they age, but to each their own.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/27/24 07:32 PM
FWB, NSA, seems pretty simple if you know the language.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/25/24 07:44 PM

why woman between 30-40 is more appealing

Are you seeking one who is old enough to have established herself in a well paying career, but not too old to bear a child!
Or rather one who is old enough to have gained extensive sexual experience, but still not too old to have lost her perhaps appealing looks!

The dirty 30's, women hit their prime sexually in their 30's as where boys hit their peek in their late teens. Of course men are always thinking about sex so ideally men prefer women in their prime.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/25/24 07:24 PM

A hotel room on a first date?

Well you don't want them to know where you live! Hard to get rid of those psycho stalkers!

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/21/24 07:34 PM
The economy is much more complex then anything stated above, even professionals can not figure it out. Even when the government gives away money to freeloaders it still works it's way around before being collected by the rich, and every time it switches hands the government has its dirty hands out to collect some of it. When the US sends billions of dollars worth of military equipment some where much of that equipment was built in the US so that only the raw materials are leaving the country. The US exports a lot of food around the world, even thou that food is often reimbursed by the US government that money still stays in the US. Unfortunately the top soil used to make it does not, top soil is one of the worlds most valuable resources, unfortunately it is not being respected and many chemicals are being used to make up for it.
The Democrats whom think the "Robinhood" policy of taking from the rich and handing it to the poor is the way to gain control just leads to a socialist and/or communist country which everybody knows just leads to lazy and unhappy, unproductive people as we have seen time and again. So long story short, yes the US is screwed in the long run, unsure when or how, but the US has a good run since WWii, but all good things must come to an end.
The Crypto currency or Bitcoin communities have dreams of becoming the universal currency of the world, it could be very valuable for smaller countries where their currencies take drastic changes, it can go from country to country without exchange fees, and it's digital footprint is more secure. However currently the crypto market is very volatile, day trading is pulling a lot of money out of its market, and it's being used for illegal things as well as funding wars do to people with vast wealth being able to control its market. Therefore it has not gained the traction it needs to become a mainstream stable yet. And it's more like a pyramid scheme then an actual market, a long with throwing those NFT's (or what I call Pokemon cards) into the mix along with some other questionable tokens has really discredited the true value of crypto.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 12/30/23 08:19 PM

I Have Fond Memories of Childhood Playing :
Hide-the Pot-and Seek.
Snakes n ladders ( Using Real Snakes ).
Dodgeball ( Using a 40 Lb Ball ).
Monkey in the Middle ( Using a Rabid PitBull )

Chicken, Russian roulette, and bumper hitching were fun too!🤪

dust4fun's photo
Mon 12/18/23 06:29 PM

What Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg ??

What Comes First, the Marriage or the Divorce ??

Choke the chicken to fertilize the egg?

Legally you need to get the divorce before you marry again.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/01/23 06:30 PM

First off you should learn how to produce an actually link, then you should look at the source it comes from. My boat will continue to sail around for a long time. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. Humans are selfish creatures and change is always happening no matter what you do. Best bet is just to bury your head in the sand and continue to enjoy your life however you please.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/12/23 07:12 AM
Was watching a movie the other day and Morgan Freeman said "God is just an imaginary friend for adults". I laugh at how deeply people get into religion, does Santa Clause still slide down your chimney once a year? Does the Easter Bunny leave you a basket? Not that religion has not done some good things for society, but at some point people need to look at the writing on the wall. Religion is just a grab at power made up by people over time. If you want to have an imaginary friend so be it, if it makes you feel good to talk to yourself then go ahead. But if you are going to start believing some book that has been written over the last 2000 years, and try to interpret that book to your advantage, then you are burning a lot of time and energy that you could be using to do more productive things.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/10/23 04:56 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Fri 11/10/23 04:58 PM

Biden is corrupt, and incompetent as a potus.

Bet he was paid to get us in a war. Open boarder for years you know he was paid to do that. Giving Iran all that money and letting them sell oil while stopping oil pumping here so we wouldn't drive the price down. One news anchor reported the buildings he blew up in Syria were empty warehouses. Now that would not surprise me. Him and his family getting all this money from other countries for nothing. The paint by numbers son getting more money for paints then what the masters sell for. Something smelly here and it's not fish

Biden is too old to care about money unless he is trying to build his estate for his children. Biden thinks he can build a socialist legacy like FDR, wants something to be remembered for. Times were much different when Roosevelt was trying to pull the country out of the great depression. Biden's Robinhood approach of taking money from the "rich" (aka middle-class) to hand out to the poor is just driving the United States to a weaker, lazier country.
If Biden wanted to get into a war he would have been more involved in Ukraine or be getting into the Middle East. Nobody is looking to start WWIII, besides Putin whom is also trying to leave a legacy to be remembered by. That is the problem of giving power to people who will be dead soon, they don't really care because they won't deal with the fallout, they just want to make a name for themselves to be remembered for a long time
The people crossing the boarders are also poor, so if he can feed them his Socialist approach that will gain his following.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/05/23 03:56 PM

Morality comes from God

Laws come from man

They are not intertwined as some suggest

God, the bible, religion is all made up by man.

Laws are also made up by man.

So for the most part Morality and legality are the same besides the punishments that may be handed down. That being said is we are "man" so we can change these rules at anytime. There are many changes that have taken time thru history such as treatment of women, and some of the things of the past are always, and will always continue to be challenged. To kill somebody is considered to be Morally and legally wrong, yet we go to war and people become "heros" for killing people. Basically we should have both in order to run a civil society, but the people of that society are the ones whom should be making those rules up, not some guys from 2000 years ago who were just in it to gain control and lived in a much different time.

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