Community > Posts By > Ridha

Ridha's photo
Thu 06/25/20 07:32 AM

I get out of bed in the morning because I have to pee.

You can always pee on your bed sheets.

haha just kidding, good one though

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 09:35 AM
Never had a first kiss. Never will. Just look at my face. Kissable? Think not.

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 09:26 AM
Platonic friends all the way. But no friendship is platonic unfortunately. In reality there's always some sort of hedonism involved. ALWAYS

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 09:18 AM
Sex is immoral. Sex is pointless. Unless having kids. We should not have sex for fun.

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 09:12 AM
I know only that I'm as useless as WE ALL ARE

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 09:10 AM
I do not believe in love at all. It's an irrational feeling that fades away once reality strikes again

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 07:39 AM
Now I have to wonder.. What lead us to this nihilism? Look around you. It's the technology that's destroying us.

We are incapable of basic face-to-face human interaction. We are bound to our cellphones, we can't live off without internet. Also we have way too much times on our hands. This leads to absolute emptiness and meaningless life. We are all living in our bubble, our comfort zone. As our societies have been built on patriarchy do you really need to wonder why women are becoming less and less feminine? Or why men have become less masculine? It's because we keep trying to push the thing called "gender equality". That thing itself is not ever going to happen. Not at least how most understand it.

We really need rewiring of human nature and society if we were ever to achieve this kind of thing. That's just the harsh reality

Ridha's photo
Wed 06/24/20 05:54 AM
We humans especially women are polygamous (women are the ones that choose) by nature. Cheating is wired in us whether you like it or not. We by nature are not committed to one person. Biologically speaking. But monogamy is part of social structure of what we created. And honestly I like it. It is more human.

Let's be real here. The only reason why we have sexual urges is for procreation. Compered to other animals we achieve sexual maturity quite late. So that's why we don't have so called mating seasons.

Tldr: you'll get bored of your partner's face so cheating will be your natural instinct. (Disregarding social morals etc.)

Ridha's photo
Tue 06/23/20 04:34 PM
Edited by Ridha on Tue 06/23/20 04:34 PM

I fortunately already believe in God. Had I not I wouldn't be here. Would've committed suicide long time ago.

If it's that bad you're probably better of with a psychiatrist as opposed to a bunch of people on a forum.

As for the question... I get out of bed because life is beautiful, worth living. Life is about joy and happiness, and growing and evolving as a human being and as a Soul.
Doing things that make you happy and fulfil you, seeing the beauty in everything, including small things :)
Like seeing the beautiful roses in my garden even though the rest is one big mess and looking more like a jungle than the nice garden I was creating. But the roses are still gorgeous, even the one that grow on the broken rose arch that's hanging in the hedge.

The glass is half empty or it's half full, or maybe even full. It's a choice.
BTW, if you have no real reason to feel suicidal then it can be smart to have your hormones checked (blood test). Hormones do funny things with people, and they define who we are, how we feel. They basically run us.

Thanks for your point of view. It was joyful to read.
As for me being suicidal, don't worry I'm not. I was just pointing out that religion indeed is what matters most to me. Without it my life is completely empty. Now I kind of know what causes my negative worldview. It's funny that you mentioned hormones because I think they are one of the causes. It has also to do with the guilt that I feel whenever I masturbate.

Really sorry that I mentioned that but that's how it is

Ridha's photo
Tue 06/23/20 03:13 PM

... by not knowing if you have a respectable face?

Really..? Does face matter that much?

Ridha's photo
Tue 06/23/20 03:12 PM
I fortunately already believe in God. Had I not I wouldn't be here. Would've committed suicide long time ago.

Ridha's photo
Tue 06/23/20 03:09 PM
Absolutely horrendous. But If you're satisfied then there's nothing wrong.

Ridha's photo
Tue 06/23/20 01:53 PM
Title. Thoughts on nihilsm in general? What are the main forces that get you out of bed living your every day life?

Obviously besides family, working, school, etc..