Community > Posts By > TxsGal3333

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/11/22 06:27 PM

hi all. new to site looking for descrete fun

The forums is not for looking for sex you have a profile and email to contact others if they are interested..

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/11/22 02:01 PM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Mon 04/11/22 02:02 PM

I am not trying to ofend anyone. Its just a topic for discussion. Religion is opium for the masses (). The most religious people are the ignorants, poorest, ignorant and mostly illiterate at the merci of their leader

Humm for not trying to offend anyone don't ya think by labeling them as ignorant, poorest or illiterate because they believe in their Religion or those they follow?

That sounds more like what happens within a Cult instead of those that believe in God and the Church.

I'll admit there is a lot of Preachers that I do not agree with how they funnel the money they get from their congregation.. Mainly those Televangelists that are raking in the dollars.. Honestly they should look into them more..then they do...

It is not Religion that is a scam, it is those that portray the bible in their own twisted ways.

And yes it may seem like an addiction to some.. But to others Religion has brought them peace of mind.. And help put them on a path to straighten their life up and be the person they were meant to be..

For some finding Religion is life saving from their past..

Where a Cult is a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. Those within a Cult seem to follow their Leaders rules..

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/11/22 10:32 AM

Religion is used to manipule people, to attain certain self centered goals. It serves the leaders and distroys the followers reasons why its dogmatic.

Just because you feel that way does not mean others do..

If Religion is not for you then by pass it and let those that do believe in Religion, share their beliefs as they see fit..

Sounds like to me you are trying to manipulate people into believing as you do.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 04/05/22 01:33 PM
Google it~~~slaphead

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 04/02/22 12:26 PM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Sat 04/02/22 12:28 PM
D.A~~ tell KitKat she has free rein to post anywhere she wants too bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/01/22 10:34 AM
My grand kids :heart:

Wind Therapy~~ glasses

Sassy (my dog)

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 03/31/22 06:32 AM
Work... then pick up my dog to go to my daughters then off to a musical play my granddaughter is in then back to their house to watch two of my grand kids so my daughter & hubby can go to a friends Birthday party..

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/30/22 05:17 PM

You stole my plan ... right down to the lurking .... there goes my agenda!!!

Awww I forgot to add with a drink in my hand~~~drinker biggrin

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/30/22 04:10 PM
Relaxing after work and lurking~~

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/30/22 09:19 AM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Wed 03/30/22 09:21 AM


what planet are you living on where its OK to blatently Batter someone PERIOD let alone on National TV?

you my dear need help in common sense..
EVEN Whoopie goldberg from the view who I cant stand 80% of her woke A S S time.. agrees with my point of view... ! VIolence begets violence and YOU even got Chris ROCKs name wrong too... you called him Kid ROCK who is WHITE? wow??

I assume I live on the same planet as you do, since you are the one that decided to attack me on my views... Ohh, but it seems okay with you, to talk down to others..

And in the first place I never said Will Smith was right just that I understood why he did it if it was not staged!! That there is a time and place for certain comments.. So before you go off on me about my views, maybe you should re-read my comment..

And excuse me for my typo~~~ I will admit I did say Kid Rock instead of Chris Rock my bad~~

And well sweetie I don't watch the View~~~ the show is bs~~~

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/29/22 11:29 AM

If men and women are equal then why is it alright to make fun of a man's appearance but not a woman's?

Seriously this is your perspective on this??

Not sure where you have been, but women have been made fun of for their appearance for century's....slaphead

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/28/22 04:55 PM
It amazes me what makes the news...

But honestly can't blame Will Smith his wife was upfront about her health issues, and had even posted recently about her loosing her hair.. Just not the time or moment to dig at someone you have issues with.. Specially when they go after your family..

Now if the joke had been about Will Smith instead I would almost bet he would have had a come back which would have ruined Kid Rocks joke..

Ya know no matter that Kid Rock is a Comedian there is a time and place to show your talent and when being giving an Award, you don't take that moment to take a jab at another Comedian's family cause you wanted to get a rise out of him.. slaphead

Only way I even knew about this was it was plastered on ever News Channel & it was the first thing I seen.. I did not watch it but ohh and behold let this make front page..slaphead slaphead slaphead

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/28/22 04:39 PM

how do I deactivate my profile and photo for a little while

By reading the instructions above that was given~~~

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/25/22 11:45 AM

being “turned off “ can happen so easily and it can be enough to destroy a connection .

Before you unleash your kink .. it makes sense to be sure she shares your passion or is interested in exploring that with you . You can’t just dress in her a sexy wooly outfit and tell her to baa like a sheep .. she may be allergic to wool biggrin waving

Spot on~~~

Really let them know prior so they don't get invested and find out what your interested in is a total turn off for them..

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/25/22 11:42 AM

I have invested so much into our relationship and all I get back in return is CHEATING on me, Now I agreed that relationship isn't for me.

Humm and this is coming from one that has a user name like that... lmao

So did they not blow their whole paycheck on you so now they are scum??

If a man treats a woman like scum even I must say, maybe they got what they deserve..

And yes I said that... slaphead

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/20/22 04:54 PM
It shows woman looking for a man hope that is what you are asking for.

Forum Admin

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/20/22 10:44 AM
Ohhh heck I talk to myself all the time and have for years.. It is the way I figure out problems at times hahaha cause I answer myself at times too..laugh laugh laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/20/22 05:09 AM

Here is the list of the current moderators for the Community:

There has been a change on Admin/Mod for the Forums.

Please Report all problems within the Forums so Keith can handle them. Do not directly contact him if it is a Forum issue those need to be Reported.

-- ( Keith Admin/Moderator for the Forums/Site)

All other issues with the site needs to be Reported to Support in order for them to be handled.

Here is the link for support.

Please help the site out by Reporting all issues that need to be addressed within the forums.

Enjoy the forums~~~


TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/18/22 11:57 AM
Hahaha made me go read 3 pages of the old before you flipped..

Ohh and looking for Normal here.. sweetie there is nothing normal about this place laugh laugh

Just happen to see this one and felt like it needed posted again..

Always dance to your own Music~~ no matter how hard things get or what others say...

Just Breath~~~you will find where you have peace of mind and go there as often as you can.. Sometimes away from everyone and just get lost~~

Just be you~~~ that is who we were drawn too.. clowns and all~~

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/18/22 07:58 AM

Soufie..TxsGal....Hiiiiiiiiflowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart:

Storm...We talk or text almost daily...she is my mental rock.flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Guess I better get back to work

Wildfires have killed the air quality this morning..Im outside today..masking does not help either sick of it all.

Wow I have not looked at this thread in forever~~~~ Funny that I did and at the right time..

Girl hope life is treating you okay... And not too many hills you could not climb and over come... Life is like a tight rope I have found out hahahah We just got to all keep hanging in there...

Good to see you post.... bigsmile