Kyle "In pursuit of happiness (like everyone else i guess!)"
47 year old man from Watford, England      Looking for relationship Last seen within the last day
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About Kyle
Someone once said that it’s not a good idea to give too much away about yourself early on. It’s better to be a little vague and mysterious. This way, it maintains people’s interest and makes attributes more fun to explore. So I’m writing this while wearing a fedora hat, a trench coat and dark glasses! Anyway, I think this is good advice, so I’ll just run through some of my basic interests and goals. I’m interested in keeping physically and mentally healthy (but not obsessively), so I pay a lot of attention to exercise and nutrition and then spoil it all by occasionally over-drinking a little! I am naturally drawn to creative endeavours like art (in all forms), writing, music and video. I like short walks, open fires and long chats. I’m not the biggest fan of flying abroad (although I have done a fair amount of this). I am disincentivised by the hassle of the parking, checking in, security checks, sitting in cramped airline seats and eating stuff they call food. I’d much rather just jump into my car and drive off somewhere (usually on a whim!) Over the last few years for some reason, my attitude to life has changed quite drastically. I began to realise that I would really like to be in a long-term, steady relationship, get married and have a family. Although this sounds quite normal to most people, I was always too busy and enjoying life without the need for commitment and the responsibility of children. However, I now feel that getting married and raising a family is the most natural thing to do. Also, I’m in a more financially stable position now, which adds to the practicality of settling down. I’ve seen many couples go through very difficult times and even separations from problems where the root cause was financial instability. So I decided I should start looking for a partner who feels much the same way in terms of marriage and children. So, how did I do at being vague and mysterious?!!
Profession: Self Employed
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
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Marital Status
Never married
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