Topic: An Act of Love
liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:48 PM
ok guys, this is my first real thread and I chose to do it on one of the
greatest acts of love, which is self-sacrifice just like Jesus did for
us. I would gladly give my life if it meant salvation for others. Would
any of you have done the same? Also there are many other forms of
self-sacrifice. Has anyone done something selfless for you or have you
done something to show that you love someone? I would have to say that I
love my mother for everything she's ever done for me. A mother never
stops sacrificing :) So if you have any stories to share please do!
Anything positive welcome!
Love All and God Bless!

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:10 PM
Theres no sacrifice like the one Jesus gave. I try to do what ever Gods
will is for my life what ever that maybe.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 01/11/07 11:07 PM
To be perfectly Honest with you Lili.

No. I would not sacrifice myself for the common man.

I speak the truth and Damn be any who would scoff at.


GolfBear's photo
Thu 01/11/07 11:11 PM
I would love to say I would, cause I know in my heart thats what I feel,
but like Jesus, His friends who had sworn to help him and protect and
love him no matter what even "betrayed him"
Because its human nature. Peter, i think it was, was even told that he
would denie christ thrice(three times) and knowing what he was told did
it anyways.

So i would hope i would/could, and will try my damndist!