Topic: Ms. V's mountain cabin | |
*sits down at the kitchen bar beside Sass & tx, sips her coffee. You two girls got any plans for today?
gotta go to work
*loads the dishwasher. Ric & wyatt are soo messy!
typical males
Have a good day, tx! I'm gonna hide the front door key under the mat if you wanta use the house when I'm not here.
ok thanks nice
I'm just gonna straighten up the place before I lock up & head home. *starts cleaning the ashes from the fireplace
ok i'll be leaving here soon myself
i'll be sure to clean up my mess |
*strips sheets off the beds & loads'em the the laundry to wash, stereo in the background plays ~ "Natural Woman"
You're always welcome at my house!
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*emptys the water from the hot tub, closes the lid & locks it down
*locks deck door & windows, closes blinds & curtains
*takes left~over firewood back to shed outside garage
*goes to her bedroom, grabs suitcase, purse & jacket, heads for front door
see ya nice
*waves bye to tx, locks the front door, puts key under mat, stops on steps looking back
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waves back
*puts suitcase in back seat of her car, gets in, starts car & heads down the driveway. BYE~BYE
regretting that i must leave also
things are packed takes one last look around opens door locks it heads to car |
gets in car looks back one more time
drives away |