Topic: Soldier Asks Himself: "Am I a Torturer?" | |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! you have nearly killed me of boredom
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I am from a long line of military (he!! even a decendant of Grace O'Malley...a pirate queen) my family members have come out of the military perfectly fine. just as sane as anyone. There are many others with problems that have never been in the military. That is a personal view there. I haven't posted my personal feelings about it yet. The facts are there for all to see. I do not have to post my personal view on this. I can go and get the stats on the problems of war if you would like. I read some the other day? again...we will have to agree to disagree |
Personal view here. The soldiers have lost humanity thanks to the war. They have to to do what they do and this is a problem for them even if they do not realize it. One cannot kill another human and not have issues with it. They have to take the human face off of the enemy in order to do it and keep doing it. This makes them have difficulties from then on. No matter whether they hide it well or not, they have them. Any person who is human to start with has issues after war. Now if they were a sociopath to start with then they will get great joy out of killing and will have no problems with living with it after.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! you have nearly killed me of boredom ![]() I know it was long, sorry but it was worth the read to see into a soldiers mind. |
| reality. I will admit i do have some forms of PTSD. 140ish combat ops would make anyone a bit jumpy. Most people that have been in prolonged stressful situations have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. War is a horrible thing. Yeah, you do have to let go of some forms of morality in order to survive in life and death situations. I'm sure there are people in big cities all over the world that knows exactly what i am talking about as well. Now here's this, i didn't read the whole article,(sorry i will later), but when dealing with certain people you can't be soft. Am i saying we should actually torture them? NO! But, this is unfortunately an enemy that is very tricky to fiind on an open and real battelfield. We rely a lot on military intelligence. Yes, when you have a known terrorist, or ring-leader insurgent you can't make them feel at home and comfortable and expect them to cooperate when it comes to getting out to bed to move to the next cell, let alone getting him to share info. You have to make them feel a bit uncomfortable. Then usually what happens is they'll have someone who befriends them. Gets them extra sleep. Some extra meals. Maybe a desert or an alcoholic beverage. Then this person slowly gets to know the prisoner. It's a game of psychology, people don't do this for shear enjoyment. You can't fight a battle with rose peddals and sugar. I'm sorry but keeping someone up for 48 hours is a joke. I've stayed up longer than that on certain operations. Peace time and war time. I think you'll find that they don't just treat everyone like this. There is only a certain group. Usually ones that fight back a lot and don't go where we ask them. So take a breather, it's not common place to torture. Especially for the hell of it. I know several people that put tours in at Abu Ghraib.
that is someone I would listen to...because he has experienced it first hand!!!!