Topic: Brothel
Fitnessfanatic's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:08 PM
A passion vacation
in the beautiful jungle
where exotic drugs are smuggled

I learned of a cavern
which I flirtatiously entered
and in the center
stirred a sea of fire
grew a devilish desire
to jump in
and commit sexual sin

Could you give blame?
I saw a visual high
in the flicker of flames

a fatal fantasy of flesh
of naked bodies
burning with sweat
oh the sight mesmerized

The cure of the alure?
A calm call from my brother
commands me to leave
and my lustful feelings subsides

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:09 PM

bgeorge's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:09 PM

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:11 PM
Interesting concept/cure, nicely done fit!

msdestinbooty's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:11 PM
that was a good one drinker