Topic: The value of a second opinion
fireatwill's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:15 PM
A fellow had been having headaches for over twenty years. He had tried different doctors and many remedies to no avail. Finally he found a specialist that could help.
He told the man, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have found the problem, your testicles are pressing against the base of your spine and this is what is causing the headaces. The bad news is that the only way to stop the pain is to amputate your testicles.
Needless to say, the man was dumbfounded and requested time to think about it. After much contemplation, he decided to have the operation as he could not live with the pain anymore.
The operation was a success, but the man was in a deep depression over his lost manhood, so he decided to do something nice for himself by buying a brand new suit, hoping it would help cheer him up.
He walked in to the tailor's and made his request for a new suit. The tailor looks him upand down and says: "44 long jacket, 16 1/2- 34 shirt". The man was amazed as these were his sizes and everything fit. The tailor explained that he had been in the business so long that he could easily tell just by looking.
After making his choices, the tailor commented that he had a new suit, shirt, socks, and tie and that maybe he should buy some new underpants to cap it all off. He eyes him again and says "you need a 36 waist". No, no, no, says the man, you're finally wrong, I wear 34s. To which the tailor replied, "no way you wear 34s. If you do, they hold your testicles against your spine and you get really bad headaches...........

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:20 PM
i hate it when my boxers squeeze my balls