Topic: Arrrrrgh | |
Honey men can have women friends that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. Trust me I am older and a little bit wiser as to men, doesn't mean I understand them and what makes them tick just that they do need friends both men and women.
![]() Don't cut him lose, try talking to him, see what he says and if you two have a connection you will know, trust me on this okay. |
Thankd BG.
![]() ![]() We will see how things go, I just know I'm gonna wind up with ![]() ![]() |
Not necessarily doll, talk to him. I am going to tell you like a good friend told me, tell him to be honest and see where it goes from there. Communication is a major thing with a man, even though they don't like to do it, sometimes they have to. Ask him to talk to you and go from there, but don't think about a
![]() (((We all have to suffer from time to time and love I have had my ![]() ![]() So you need to talk to him and see what happens. Maybe he is afraid of what he is feeling......TALK TO HIM |
Not necessarily doll, talk to him. I am going to tell you like a good friend told me, tell him to be honest and see where it goes from there. Communication is a major thing with a man, even though they don't like to do it, sometimes they have to. Ask him to talk to you and go from there, but don't think about a ![]() (((We all have to suffer from time to time and love I have had my ![]() ![]() So you need to talk to him and see what happens. Maybe he is afraid of what he is feeling......TALK TO HIM I have to say BG that this is solid advice. And Kitten, let me just add some things here from a male perspective. Right now, I am involved with a wonderful woman and most of her friends are guys. She was straight up about this when we first started talking cause in past relationships it was always a problem. I am cool with it, and I told her that the majority of friends I have are women. Not cause I am keeping my options open or anything like that. Just cause I have good friends who are females. So, both of us were upfront and honest. I don't feel threatened or anything like that. Neither does she. I know I am the guy she wants to be with, and she knows that she is the woman I want. The main thing is that we both make sure that we show it and say. Not cause we have to, but because we want to due to our feelings for one another. Now, is it weird dating a woman with a majority of male friends? It was a little at first, but here is the thing. I trust her, and I know that these are her friends. I never got jealous cause I am just not that type of person. I say it was weird cause she is the first woman I have dated that has mostly male friends. So, it was new to me. But, I never had a problem with it. We talk alot, so I know that I am the man she wants. Like BG said, communication is so critical. Now, alot of guys don't like to talk about how we feel. I just happen to be opposite of that. But, if this guy isn't like that then just say that it is really important to you to talk about this. Guys will open up when they have to. And, you will be able to tell if he means what he says to you....or if he is just saying things to get you off his back. Kitten, I don't think anyone on here can say they have never had there heart broken. It sucks. But, one thing to remember is that you can't shut out things. Like BG said, you might miss out on that one true great person you were meant to be with. I wish you the best girl. And I pray that things work out for you. |
Your advice from a man's perspective is good advice as well and I hope she listens to both of us. We do know what a
![]() Thanks for adding that, it might help her ![]() |
come on over hellkitten, give you all the face you need
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Kitten~ Do I need to give my perserverance speech to you? A very wise man told me recently that the ability to miss a person that you have genuine feelings for is a gift, for it is better to know that you have found a person for which you care... ![]() That is very nice Lilith... ![]() |
I'm gonna go ahead and go down to the animal shelter tomorrow and get a dozen cats. I've got 5 grey kittens here, that need a home! |
I'm gonna go ahead and go down to the animal shelter tomorrow and get a dozen cats. I've got 5 grey kittens here, that need a home! Here is the wise man, everyone! ![]() |
I'm gonna go ahead and go down to the animal shelter tomorrow and get a dozen cats. I've got 5 grey kittens here, that need a home! Here is the wise man, everyone! ![]() Yea.. So wise that even after suspecting and looking for signs of it.. I did not realize that my cat was pregnant until after she gave birth. But, thanks for the honorable mention. ![]() |