Topic: What phrase gets under your skin ?!
maraskia74's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:45 PM
Edited by maraskia74 on Sat 03/22/08 10:45 PM
your how old, dang did you have tv back then :tongue:

Bobby0414's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:46 PM

On myspace a lot of people post a message complaining about "the haters." They are referring to people who are against them in some way. It is used a lot. I suppose if you have never looked around myspace you wouldn't know but it is pretty common. It is over used.

Haters are the new breed of losers for teens. They are always trying to start fights just for something to do. They have no life and constantly pick on people who are different, obese, ugly or anything thy can find to pick on just because they can. You will find them on yahoo chat rooms alot

only reason they say that now is because they heard it in rap song

ugh no one has any originality anymore
rap music is mainstream and you arent a gangster
so put a belt on
and quit saying yo after every sentence
to all u gangster wananbes u are boring and oridinary

seahawks's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:47 PM

Me: Hi, can I speak to Mr Davis?

Secretary: Can I tell him who's calling?

Sure, go ahead. And while you're at it, tell him WHY I'm calling too, Miss Know It All. . .

elsathebloody's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:48 PM

is dude'ette better? lol

My friend calls me dude and dudette all the time.
It makes me feel like he thinks I'm close enough to him that he doesn't have to feel any less of himself as a guy around him.
So I like it. ^^

Kaseynej's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:49 PM
I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.

elsathebloody's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:50 PM

I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.

I want "What's happenin'?" to come back.

It was so hip! smokin

seahawks's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:51 PM

I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.
wat up comes from inbreeding.!!!! lol

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:51 PM
Hit the ground running.

I despise that phrase.

Bobby0414's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:51 PM

I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.

I want "What's happenin'?" to come back.

It was so hip! smokin

Gotta start using
Thats jamaican for what happnened

Jtevans's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:52 PM

I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.

Wat Up?

Kaseynej's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:53 PM

I can't stand "wat up?" Really? Cause what's up took so long to say? And that one can get on my nerves at times too, but at least I understand it.

I want "What's happenin'?" to come back.

It was so hip! smokin

Gotta start using
Thats jamaican for what happnened

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh That was great! Thanks!

FETTS61's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:08 PM

toastedoranges's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:08 PM

Every time I hear someone say "I'm saying" I just want to scream "I have no clue !! What you are saying !!!! "

ok your turn... tell me yours .

most any that is trendy

Bobby0414's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:10 PM
You know how we do
actually no i dont know

holla back!

umm am I in trouble?

you are correct word is a word

Lordling's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:13 PM


Well, it's nothing to be trifled with, I can tell you that! laugh

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:14 PM


I like that word.

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 03/23/08 04:19 AM

is dude'ette better? lol

Ummmm NO. noway

Ivyhill86's photo
Sun 03/23/08 05:18 AM
Edited by Ivyhill86 on Sun 03/23/08 05:21 AM

Ivyhill86's photo
Sun 03/23/08 05:21 AM

Haters. Have you been to myspace. Apparently they are all hated by somebody. Who are these haters and what do they have against people on myspace.

I so agree with your post! A person could have a total of five page views yet be rambling on about “haters” trying to bring them down on the site. Ha! I just don’t get it.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 03/23/08 05:32 AM
"ya know?"after every i dont know ya dope.