Topic: The fat n sassy women club - part 2 | |
the world is very messed up
I was engaged,and stood up at the alter to find out she was with my best friend,who after shot his self
I havent had a relationship yet that they havent cheated on me. yes sweetie my life and what has happened dont come close to what most have went trough, |
OMG OC that's terrible
people just don't seem to think about the consquences of thier actions at all.
Either that or they just don't care. *shrug*
no nowa days they dont think
I can't believe that people actually think about the results of their selfishness. I can't believe that so many people are THAT EVIL. It has to be ignorance & denial. If they think about it & don't care, there is no hope for us.
That's about as close to a religion as I get.
nowa days people have lost the true meaning of happiness,and love has really been lost
why do you think that is OC? I suspect it has to do with the media. Everyone wants what they see on TV & they think they deserve it. They can't see that this desire is the result of Madison Avenue physcoligists trying to sell stuff!
It's the desire for Instant Self Gratification, red. The media sells it, and the masses swallow it hook, line, and sinker.
money,power,and greed the 3 things that are tearing this world down
I alwats say just 1 greed don;t you think the other 2 are just part of greed?
Wiley did we type that at the same time?
No I was for the most part agreeing with you.
please take the gun off the poor wittle kitty!
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no power and greed can go with out money,I think if money wasnt here people would still be greedy,and walking over the little people for power,because they cant get no where any other way
You guys have great pics let me know if you find any really good red hens!
I can find u some if u wish
Well money is just a token of value that is variable,& it's self of no value, Money is a sort of power to bargain with. Greed is the desire & power is the means to obtain what you desire. Does that make sense?