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Topic: gossip
no photo
Sat 01/06/07 11:54 AM
**** the sandbox. i grew up, guess they didn't.

chopperdan's photo
Sat 01/06/07 11:55 AM
But man where would that get you? A jail cell for assult. You are better
then that. You can always sue for liable.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 11:55 AM
gossip isn't a form of communication in my book. it's a trait of a
backstabbing weasel and a sign that you can't trust them. also a sign
that they are going to get the **** smacked out of them if i hear that

chopperdan's photo
Sat 01/06/07 11:57 AM
King I'm just say you sound more level headed then that. Let it slide
and contact a laywer if it contiues.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:01 PM
King I think you smart enough to know what is going on and what to do
and if some people keep spreading that around then cunfront them and ask
them if this is tru this show the prof or shut the help up. See wht I
would do is get all of them together and the one that started it and
cunfrunt him or her in front of them all. See I'm not afraid to step up
to the plate if you were to say if i have a problem IL deal with it in
a general matter and most of the time they will look stupid infront of

tonebar's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:04 PM
damn good folk! ty u all!

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:08 PM
i confront people all the time, i use to anyway. it don't even matter
shadow because i have done all i can do. i can't do anything more than
confront them about who they heard it from and why they think i would do
that kind of thing. they can't answer anything about it. they don't want
to talk to me about it but they don't mind talking about it to everyone
else. i'm just sick and tired of meeting so many stupid ass people but
for some reason i don't get a chance to get to know any good people so i
don't have a balance, it's all bull**** all the time and it's annoying.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:13 PM
i know what you mean shadow and i appreciate the advice but i know it is
bull**** but it has gotten to the point where i don't even want to hear
it. it's not like i just can't handle it, it's been too long and i don't
want some ***** ass punk looking down at me. there ain't any reason for
anyone to look down at me. i've handled this **** the right way and they
don't want to stop so someone is going to get their ass kicked and it
won't be me.

Tneal's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:18 PM
One thing I believe in is not to gossip about anyone unless you want
people to gossip about YOU...

Rule to live by!!!


no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:19 PM
i don't gossip about anyone but it seems that people love to talk about
me for some reason. i don't get it.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:20 PM
funny thin is that even though i'm a leo i don't like alot of attention
and for some reason i get all the wrong kind lol

TheShadow's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:24 PM
Yeah I nhear you king sometimes we need to go a little more then usual.
I know you know how to deal with it King but it kinda helps just to talk
about it and to see what other options that you can do but it sounds
like you ran out of that

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:38 PM
King....Believe me I UNDERSTAND...Years ago, when I was young, people,
in this small town area started saying I was a slut, ***** or
whatever...I was a VIRGIN when the rumors, 1st got started. I got
married and, still, the rumors went on...husband died after 10 years of
marriage, and STILL the rumors went on! I moved across the country and I
have lived in many states, now....and guess what!? I have come back to
this little freaking town, after all those years, at the age of 50, and
the rumors are still, going strong. I look at it this way, my real
friends and relatives DO NOT believe the rumors and I do not give a
rat's ass about any others and what they say. LMAO!

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:44 PM
gossip? what that?

By the way did you hear what I heard?

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:44 PM
anyone can point fingers at me all they want just leave the middle one
out of it and we're good

tonebar's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:54 PM
those who point have 3 back atem

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 01:00 PM

chaiselounge000's photo
Tue 01/09/07 10:30 PM
well i heard that his brothers sisters best friends mom who hired this
nanny who knows this girl who works at burger king is the cousin of the
guy who told him. . .

You should only believe the source and no one who starts the story I
heard. People gossip because it makes them feel better about there own
boring lives.

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:21 AM
gawd that's so true

Tneal's photo
Wed 01/10/07 07:24 AM
They also gossip to get attention... REMEMBER HIGH SCHOOL PEOPLE???? lol

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