Topic: bridge for sale?.... | |
i wanna ivest in this bridge proposed by barak obama
.i thought there wasnt much substance to barak but the more i learn about this man the more i kick myself in the ass.i believe there is a bridge under construction that can bring people together.orchestrated by obama it may get done in our lifetime.lately he has been attacked over affiliation with a minister spewing firey rhettoric.i niether agree with what ive heard from mr.wright.but mr.wright has served in the marine corps.this is a land where we have the right to express our views even if its very critical and even viewed as has the right to say what he feels ..hes earned it by serving this country.and we have these rights also due to many americans defending our freedom with different views.we are all lead by a different reason or sometimes a common goal.its true.ive written songs that include lyrics such as"im all for america...**** the government.."or from tears of a killa..."like ali im sayin **** your army".i love this country and the people in it no matter what color your are.and ive learned that saying these things doesnt help us progress into the future .while i was saying **** your army its because i was turned down by the marine corps.turns out i love the corps.and have a great respect for the not voting for mr.wright but ive been looking hard at this man named barak obama.who in the hell does he think he is coming out speaking the truth?theres commentators who cant stop long enough to understand that hes getting it.people all around me use inflamatory language and make racist comments or engage in hatespeech almost daily.i continue being their friends because i believe they dont understand that the world truly is moving on the people are coming together everywhere.and it goes both ways.some black folks dont realize that the man you may be trying to act hard to might be the one putting his life on the line for him.i just dont think condemming mr.wright for expressing his views no matter whos apart of his church will ever be good enough for the narrow minded views we have been listening too.i say the **** i heard him say makes me sick i cant stand to hear anyone put america down..but hes got the right and contributed to protect those whos anti-american.the ones trying to supress those rights or the ones excersising those rights.?express your thoughts and views and the next time a bullet comes my risking my life for you. |
lol... i love obama...
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vote for hilary
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obama gonna blow u u p.!!!!!!!!! lol
Obama is a lying racist. First he claimed he never heard any of the racist anti-American rhetoric from Wright. Now he states he heard a few inflamanatory remarks from the Reverend.
A person is judged by the company he keeps. Obama chooses to align himself with a man who accuses white people of inventing AIDS to destroy blacks. Wright also says America deserves 9/11. Wright also states, "Never mind God bless America ... it is God damn America." Do you really want our president to be Obama, a man whose spiritual advisor hates America? Additionally, did you hear Obama's speech? He talks about his "white grandmother who loves him as much as anything in the world and who helped raise him and sacrificied time and time again for him." And what does he do? He trashes her, or as the pundits have been saying, he threw her under a moving tractor trailer to save his political ass. Would you do that to your grandmother? You talk about racism and how wrong it is. Why are you defending Obama? If you stand beside him, then you are as racist as he. |
i just think that you should speak from your heart even though others dont agree.i dont agree with everything obama says but i cant stand by as hes bashed for something someone else believes in.hes said he opposes the comments made.i cant stand by while someone is attacked when i believe its wrong.i may not vote for obama i have issues with foriegn affairs.but i sure am glad im apart of a country that has a man like him in it.the united states to me is the best example of democracy in action you will ever see.we argue we disagree we fight we vote .and no one will put us in jail for it.we have laws we must follow.the year 2008 is so different from the fiftys or earlier when they had segragation.when no one said **** you when they heard the word nigger.when no one was willing to say its time we came together to heal these wounds created by our own ignorance.its not gonna be a cake walk.its gonna be hard as hell.the next time you hear your friend say something racist tell him to not talk to you like or white.or mexican or asian.its gonna take some concience thinking and you gotta be willing to be heard.tell your kids not to put people down because they are from a different race.theyre gonna get older and get themselves in trouble doin that.damn im excited .time for change.i know whatevers said by politicians hardly ever gets paid attention too in the hood.were to busy dealing with this no work havin povetrty watchin our backs all that arguing in washington or on the news doesnt make change out here.its been like that for ever.but we have hope.hope that the light will shine our way.notice us.
Yes, you are right in that one should speak from one's heart. However, I saw Obama speak and he didn't speak from the heart. He had a prepared speech that his staff wrote for him. If he had spoken from the heart, as you want politicians to do and rightly so, he wouldn't have needed notes and cards. He would have looked his audience in the eye and made them aware that he was speaking from his heart. Once again, he didn't do it. Obama is a phony and will say and do anything to become president. |