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Topic: y do women change their minds?
fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:44 AM
i got a girl that one min we are fine then the next she is coming out
with i dont think we are going to work out.

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:47 AM
she's picky? not sure? keeping her options open?

try askin her

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:52 AM
LG, he can TRY. But if it's anything like what I been through, you will
never get an answer that you want to hear. She wants her cake and eat it
too. I say dump her. Find somebody that cares about your feelings too!

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:52 AM
well she was depressed and pmsing along with that had ended up talking
to her ex last night. They are now just sex buddies I have put my all in
this girl and says im boring, not her type
how can that be if she came onto me? Says we arnt goin to work. Yet
after each time we go out she says she has had fun. I hope she didnt
mean all of that. kept on refrencing her ex on how they could have fun
anywhere. All i have been is nice and caring and been there for her and
she gives me this

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:53 AM
As soon as he dumps on her again, she will be back in your arms. Don't
do this to yourself!!

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:55 AM
ill try to take ur advice man i have gotten screwed over 3 times maby im
too nice as people have somtimes said

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:00 AM
Being nice is good man. But draw the line. As long as the X is in the
picture (for sex or whatever), you have a problem. You are not in a good
situation. Good luck to you.

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:00 AM
so then she's keeping her "options" open..

nerves is right, she'll come runnin back to ya the minute her X doesn't
pay attention to her again..

dump her and move on...she's not worth the effort you're obviously
puttin into it

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:02 AM
Trust your instincts fivespeed. Been there done that and it ain't nice
any way you look at it!

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:05 AM
i thought that too but she was acting like she was working past her x. i
think she was using me for her money. im goin to talk to her face to
face tonight cause i dont like typin alot of stuff can be said over the

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:11 AM
True and you are probably right. You can always just use her for sex!


fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:14 AM
problem with that dude she says im too big didnt know that was ever a
prob for women

Nervesgone's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:15 AM
I ain't going there. I ain't had no complaints!

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:16 AM
There are tons of women in the world why waste time on one that
obviously doesn't want what you want. Why would you want to settle on
something your not sure about? There are lots of confident stable women
out there not mooning over their ex's. But hey if you want a women like
her go for it.

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:17 AM
hahhah we will just keep it at that thanks for the advice man

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:18 AM
no way..she says you're too big??? lmao

sorry..not tryin to imply you're not...but that's just funny..

sorry, that's an excuse..nothing more

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:18 AM
aleacim831 - well i really didnt plan on that. I have a prob of ending
up in odd relationships that mess me over in the end. I wish i could
find one that wasnt morning over her ex. who knows i might need help.

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:21 AM
ellgee1976- i know it was an excuse thats the stupidest one i have
heard. I thought in a womens eyes bigger was better but i guess somtimes
not. Says at first she was goin to but then changed her mind says she is
picky who she sleeps with.

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:21 AM
You can always stay single lol Thats what I do works for me and
eventually you'll meet someone you want to be with. Don't rush into
things either you can tell if a woman misses her ex or isn't over him
easily because she'll either talk non stop about him or compare you to
him. There are many other ways to tell but those are two I can think of.

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:25 AM
aleacim831- well she did both of those. she would occasionaly mention
him but not that much. Go figure her excuse i think for wanting to see
him mainly is to get laid again. Lame exuse. I try to to rush into thing
. i just want somone to luv me for me. She did i thought but it wasnt
the case

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