Topic: pls explain
chevylover1965's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:06 PM
i have a couple of dergee's and i have never been to college !but i know what you are saying ! i have three guy's over me at work that have been to college and cant even do my job right ! they ask me how does this work ? i laugh at them and walk away !

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:06 PM

i hope your not going to go to a collage and do something stupid, because people are trying to get educated

oh yeah jsut what I am gonna do

I am not a idiot
your post makes you sound like an idiot, are you mad that people enjoy education, or mad cause you you never pursued one

I may be a idiot but I got what I wanted to say out so its all good,no I never had the money

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:06 PM
Well I worked hard and earned scholarships to pay for college education and worked two jobs to pay for everything else while I got my degrees, my family didn't have the money to cover a cent for me, I did it myself because that's what I wanted to do. I would never dream of using my education as a weapon to look down on others, but I'm proud of the fact of what I accomplished because I worked hard to earn it.

Why are you judging us simply because there are some @ssholes out there that get off on making other people feel bad, not everyone is the same you know!

emilie013's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:07 PM
And lest there be any confusion, there are quite a fair amount of people who DO live of off "mommy and daddy's money" that don't go anywhere near a college or university and just become a drain on society.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:07 PM

i agree with ya OC some of us have to work hard for the stuff we have...but there are alot of college students who had to bust their butts just to get into college and work hard during

yes there are some students who do work there azzes off to get in,but then most of em enjoy there moms and dads money

chris1979's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:07 PM
financial aid is available

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:09 PM

why is it that people that go to college,have degrees seem to think that makes them special,makes them smarter,better,they seem to think that any one who hasnt been to college is trash,that we are below them I am tired of this cause its not true by any means,there can be a 100 different reasons why people are not able to go to college.I wasnt able to go.
that does not make me any dumber because of it.

having a degree dont make u special,does not give u the right to walk over others

It's because these idiots who go to college feel that they're in some way superior to everyone else. They haven't gone out in the REAL world and had to survive like the rest of us, so they think their opinions and their flawed logic surpasses that of the rest of the population.

The worst thing is that it gets worse the higher degree. Pacifists, Socialists, Communists... the list goes on and on. All they do is shove their worthless noses in a book all day, living off of mommy and daddy's money so that they can get their degree in a diploma mill, and they think they're of higher intelligence as a result.

And this is coming from a person who went through the horrors of going through a four-year college. I couldn't stand the arrogance of these career student types and their holier-than-thou mentality, so I stopped going after I got my bachelor's degree.

You're making horrendous and grandiose generalizations. Perhaps your experience was bad, but most people have to work to get into throughout college, and work for what they want after college. Just seems like what you're spouting is an ignorant projection:angry:

The ones who had to WORK to get their degrees (like yours truly) are the ones who DON'T have that holier-than-thou attitude the ones OC is talking about. Why? Because they've gone out there in the REAL world and have had to bust their humps to not ONLY pay for their education, but also pay the bills. This is something you simply can't say for these career students, who suck as much Pell Grant money as they can for their thirty different Liberal Arts degrees.

There's a pretty big distinction between the two groups I'm talking about, if you ask me.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:09 PM
ok I stated wrong,I am judging all the ones who fall in this,so if u dont then pls dont read if u dont want to

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:10 PM

i hope your not going to go to a collage and do something stupid, because people are trying to get educated

oh yeah jsut what I am gonna do

I am not a idiot
your post makes you sound like an idiot, are you mad that people enjoy education, or mad cause you you never pursued one

I may be a idiot but I got what I wanted to say out so its all good,no I never had the money

You can do anything you want to do oc, if you want it bad enough. You are only limited by the limitations you put on yourself. Knocking people who decided to pursue an education really make you feel better? You are shorting yourself if that is how you see things. Go grab what you want dude, there is nothing stopping you except you. I am sure plenty of people on this site could help you with tons of experience if you just ask. By belittling others like that you are really just insulting yourself, and becoing that which you claim to abhore

looking4something's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:13 PM
Try approaching it with proper grammar. lol....just kidding....
Smoke A joint and call it a night.

cdanny47's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:14 PM
My son is in college,,, Bye no mean's do I have money,,, I do without food so he can go,,, He worked his ass off to go,,, So I feel he has done his job,,, So I help the best I can,,,,:smile:

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:16 PM
I am sorry for throwing every one in here,my faught

I only meant for the ones who fall in this,cause yes there are a lot who do work there azzes off,but there are far more who dont

Kg1's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:18 PM
Edited by Kg1 on Wed 03/12/08 11:24 PM
Well just like everypart of life one can't lump all into one catagory, of course there are those that have things handed to them, go through college and never learn a thing, and trust me I've seen plenty of idiot college students, like those you see on Jay Walking with Leno all the time. But more times then not the people that are in college and get degrees are there to better their lot in life, most of whom work hard to get that degree and a lot of us even pay for it all ourselves. but just because one went to college doesn't make them smarter but it ussually makes them more educated, more employable and ussually makes them more money. But there are always exceptions to the rule, Hell look at BUSH he's a college Grad but he's got to be the DUMBest MFer I've ever seen.. but hes made it a lot further then I have. See having a certain name and family money can mean the world, don't matter how ignorant you may be..

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:21 PM
There are more liberals on this site that I have ever seen.laugh

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:21 PM
I am sure it will be so much better in the future.

cnoteblack's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:22 PM
im friggin smart man.i mean like super califragilousde-expealoudoucuois smart man.i mean im like a friggin genious.and i didnt even graduate high what was the topic?

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:25 PM

im friggin smart man.i mean like super califragilousde-expealoudoucuois smart man.i mean im like a friggin genious.and i didnt even graduate high what was the topic?

That A Spoon Full Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down!

DestinysDream's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:29 PM

ok I stated wrong,I am judging all the ones who fall in this,so if u dont then pls dont read if u dont want to

Dude, my mother died when I was 18 so I didn't make it to college. I worked my freaking arse off working to get the money up and pursue a diploma. That's what I am doing right now.

The only reason I'm posting in this thread is to prove you wrong. You've met some jerk with a diploma and think everyone is the same way. You're wrong.

You keep saying it's mom and dad's money, well I go to school with others and I talk to them about where they are getting the money. They are working full time and are in debt up to their eyeballs.

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:32 PM
u all can prove me wrong all u want,it wont get u any where,I stated I was wrong in including every one in this and said I was sorry for it

livelife68's photo
Wed 03/12/08 11:49 PM
I went to college and I earned the degree I have. Although i do not need it for the profession that I am now in. No I am no better than any one else whether they have a degree or not. We are all human we are all capable of making mistakes. OC you are a very smart man if you work for it you can achieve all your goals and dreams. As for the people that look down upon you for not having a degree, don't let them get to you. They are the ones who are wrong and are going about life with the wrong attitude. Stay positive, be true to yourself and all will be good. for what it's worth you have my respect.