Topic: LEPERS THE FOURTEENTH - part 19 | |
ill have a entire buildng before my son gets
steve could tell ya he was here when he broke his
brb need another beer
he just picked up my son and carried him to the car...i couldnt of ever done that....
yeah,, he didnt need to put weight on it did he
nope we was lucky you was here
OH CRAP! Jennitis! AND its contagious!
lol PAT
its not as bad as the doctors findings from this morning,,lol
oh thanks pat!!
Your welcome!
they found out your brains way to small huh steve
rectalopticitis,m,,, where the nerves in your ass get crossed with the nerves in your eyes,, and you get a really sh1tty outlook on life
hey jen,, the proctologist called,, they found your head
at least i dont have Ed Zachary disease steve
ohhhhhh snapppppppp