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Topic: Terrorists support Obama?
Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:46 PM

Fallon opposed the "surge" in Iraq

and he was wrong opposing it since the surge has gone well..

yea Bush and the Republicans...

laugh laugh laugh laugh
The Blind leading the blind!!noway noway

are you saying the surge isn't working...if you can't see that it is perhaps your the one that is blind..

FYI the surge is working...

karmafury's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:55 PM
Edited by karmafury on Tue 03/11/08 08:04 PM

I think you'd believe anything Bush said.

And you aint even an American.
My Nephew is over there.
If he gets killed, all you Bush loving, war-mongering
DS's had better watch out!!

Esp. You foreigners with no part in it!!

You put up an article about Canada's malfunctioning Politics, and counting myself, only had two people give a ****.
Yet here you are playing American, and joining in with the
low, low, minority of 28% who support Bush!

You aint American, and worse,
You advocate our young men dying in a war your countrymen wont even get involved in!!

Your kind makes me sick!!!

How's that, did you like it???laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta, Fanta.

There are Canadians serving in Iraq. We don't blow horns there, wave our flag etc but there are Canadians there. Members of JTF2 regularly serve in Iraq, at the behest of the Pentagon. We don't need to flag wave and beat our chests there. Our guys do what they are trained to do and that's it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Media Release
For Immediate Release
January 28, 2008

Iraq no place for Canadian military officers: Green Party

OTTAWA - The Green Party today expressed its strongest possible objections that another Canadian general has been dispatched to Iraq as part of a military exchange program with the United States. Brigadier-General Nicholas Matern is the third Canadian officer to have joined the command group of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“It is highly inappropriate for Canadian soldiers to be participating in the United States´ illegal military occupation of Iraq,” said Green Party leader Elizabeth May. “The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was in violation of international law and Canada has rightfully abstained from the war. Canadian service personnel should have no part in this illegal occupation.”

Ms. May said that shipping Canadian soldiers to Iraq is incongruent with Canada´s abstention in the war and that the practice should end immediately.

“It is troubling that Prime Minister Harper allows these exchanges to continue,” said Ms. May. “Mr. Harper owes it to Canadians to clarify his stance on the illegal Iraq war. He voted against a 2003 motion that Canada should stay out of the Iraq invasion and occupation and is now allowing Canadian soldiers to participate in the war via exchange programs.

“Defence Minister Peter MacKay also spoke in favour of Canada joining the `coalition of the willing´ when he was in opposition. Mr. MacKay has a responsibility to explain the Canadian military presence in a command role in Iraq,” added Ms. May.

“The invasion of Iraq was built on lies and has been widely condemned by the international community. Our country should have no part in this continuing occupation and the Green Party demands that General Matern be reposted and the exchanges to Iraq be terminated.”


Camille Labchuk
Press Secretary
613-562-4916 ext. 244

This entry was posted on January 29, 2008 at 5:47 am and is filed under Bush's GWOT, Canada/Canadians, Canadian DND/Military, Canadian Government/Stephen Harper/Conservative Party, George Bush/Bush Administration/American Empire, Green Party/Elizabeth May/issues, Iraq. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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