Topic: Jesus is my Lifesaver
redmange420's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:43 PM
He can judge the left side of my buttocks!! I don't really know if I
even believe in god anymore. Yes I believe in Jesus, but I also believe
he was a black man.

songbirrd's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:45 PM
how can u believe in Jesus and not God?

redmange420's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:47 PM
Because Jesus walked on this Earth and had to put up with BS the same
way all of us have.

redmange420's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:48 PM
How many stories have you heard of where god was the actual one to help
someone in person, none.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 12/30/06 06:12 PM
God is our creator- He came to earth in the form of Jesus to become more
real to mankind, share teachings and be an example. They are the same
yet different.
Kind of like I am Tressia the daughter, Tressia the mom, and Tressia the
sister. I have different aspects to my life but I am the same person.
Without the aspect of God ( in the form of Jesus) we would be seperated
from God (the father).
This is where faith comes in-
When my kids were little they believed if I kissed their "boo boo's"
they would be better. As soon as I kissed them my kids stopped crying.
Its in faith that a relationship with God/Jesus
is built.
Just my personal observation. Im not sure if that helps you but I hope

songbirrd's photo
Sat 12/30/06 06:15 PM
God is everywhere and He is not a person He is The Creator of All
Things.why should He have to proove his existance by coming in the flesh
when the air we breathe should let us know that He is with us everyday?

horseracer's photo
Sat 12/30/06 06:24 PM
greeneyedlady you are a smart girl you put it in words that even i could
understan.and you are right

karmafury's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:37 PM
I expected to find a piece of poetry and found a sermon. Two actually
but not sure of the sources for the second. I'll just stick with my

no photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:42 PM
simply beautiful for santhana ignore the
little peasant he don't make sense because his brain never developed
past 14

redmange420's photo
Sat 12/30/06 11:26 PM
If God created all things, why would he purposely create bad people, and
send them to hell because they were bad?

Theoretically, Jesus could have truly thought he was the son of God,
since shrooms and peyote are natural!! LOL Just kiddin, but "could" have
happened. For all we know, the bible could have been written by Jesus
himself, and thats why those years about his life were not written.

I maybe wrong, but it "could" have happened.

no photo
Sat 12/30/06 11:28 PM
Bad people were not and are not created bad, we are all given the right
to choose their destiny, evil has been existant for a long time

redmange420's photo
Sat 12/30/06 11:32 PM
I dunno. I have a lot of mixed feelings on this. If I seem rude about
any of it, I apologize. Just weirds me out sometimes.

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/31/06 12:51 AM
Its just hard for me to have faith in a god that has shown he has no
faith in me. If there really was a "god", he would have helped me see
my son by now. I prayed and cried for 2 years straight, having faith
the whole time, and finally I gave him up like he obviously did to me.

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 01:40 AM
god never gives up on us we give up on him and sometimes we pray for
things to happen when we want them to.all things will happen when god is
ready for them to happen please have faith
in thel ord and you will see he truely does exsist.

Morena350's photo
Sun 12/31/06 02:38 AM
May the love of God be with us all, for this I tell you
there are days coming our way, when most of us will wish we where choose your words wisely, the day will come soon, and
all of you who denied him will cry for his mercy!

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:50 AM
Morena...I have seen Deaths door,and walked among old friends,
I have been through my own Hell and back...
to th Masses...
now here for learning all that I can,
for my mind as well as my soul,
but even then,I see no needs to go to a church to pray...

God and Jesus can hear me,where ever I am...
all we can do is pray and hope...

Faith is in Your believing that those prayers come true...

like I've been searching for my soulmate,
but only finding me,when I look inside,
hence my poets name....................Lonely Soul

redmange420's photo
Mon 01/01/07 11:38 PM
I am thankful for the blessings I have, don't get me wrong. Sometimes, I
dunno, I trip out. Can't put it any other way.

Juliea's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:00 AM
Heavenly Father, Abba Father, I stand in the gap for Red, my Lord. In
Jesus Name, I lift him up to You my King. I ask that
you touch his heart. Their is no distance in the Spirit. You
know exactlly where Red is right now. Fill him with your Spirit Lord so
he can learn who You really are. Show him Lord who you are. Let your
Awesome Presence manifest in Red's life.
Your Word says that signs, wonders and miracles will follow those that
believe and I, Juliea, believe their is restoration
power about to manifest in Red's life. I believe My Lord that
you will give Red a new heart. Create in RED a clean heart, Oh God and
renew a right spiirt within him, In Jesus Mighty Name. I pray blessing
over his life. I call him forth into
your Kingdom to serve with his time, treasure and talent,in
Jesus Name. I plead the Blood of Jesus over RED from the crown of his
head to the soles of his feet. I cancel null and void
any assignment the enemy has for Red that is hindering him from
coming out of darkness into YOUR MARVELOUS LIGHT, IN JESUS NAME. The
Lord rebuke you satan off Red's life. Give him wisdom
and understanding of who You really are. You are a Mighty God, powerful
and Holy God. I pray for mercy, grace, compassion,and forgiveness over
Red's life. Lord, your people perish due to
lack of knwolege, please don't let Red perish. Show yourself strong my
Lord in Red's life, give him revelation my God, in a
dream, a vision, a sunset, a smile, a billboard, a song, a wake up call,
something Lord. I know You my God. You are an
Awesome God and You desire to have covenant relationship with
your son Red. Bless him exceedinglly, abundantlly more than he could ask
or think, in Jesus Name. Amen

Juliea's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:00 AM
Heavenly Father, Abba Father, I stand in the gap for Red, my Lord. In
Jesus Name, I lift him up to You my King. I ask that
you touch his heart. Their is no distance in the Spirit. You
know exactlly where Red is right now. Fill him with your Spirit Lord so
he can learn who You really are. Show him Lord who you are. Let your
Awesome Presence manifest in Red's life.
Your Word says that signs, wonders and miracles will follow those that
believe and I, Juliea, believe their is restoration
power about to manifest in Red's life. I believe My Lord that
you will give Red a new heart. Create in RED a clean heart, Oh God and
renew a right spiirt within him, In Jesus Mighty Name. I pray blessing
over his life. I call him forth into
your Kingdom to serve with his time, treasure and talent,in
Jesus Name. I plead the Blood of Jesus over RED from the crown of his
head to the soles of his feet. I cancel null and void
any assignment the enemy has for Red that is hindering him from
coming out of darkness into YOUR MARVELOUS LIGHT, IN JESUS NAME. The
Lord rebuke you satan off Red's life. Give him wisdom
and understanding of who You really are. You are a Mighty God, powerful
and Holy God. I pray for mercy, grace, compassion,and forgiveness over
Red's life. Lord, your people perish due to
lack of knwolege, please don't let Red perish. Show yourself strong my
Lord in Red's life, give him revelation my God, in a
dream, a vision, a sunset, a smile, a billboard, a song, a wake up call,
something Lord. I know You my God. You are an
Awesome God and You desire to have covenant relationship with
your son Red. Bless him exceedinglly, abundantlly more than he could ask
or think, in Jesus Name. Amen

Juliea's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:10 AM
Thanks greeneyedlady,
You are a definitley a Child of the Most High God!

We are going to lift up the Name of Jesus

Let the Apostles arise!
Let the Evangelists arise!
Let the Pastos arise!
Let the Prophets arise!
Let the Teachers arise!

Let the ministry of the Prayer Warriors arise!

We're taking the nations for Jesus! Haleluia!

satan, you are a stinking liar!!!!!!!

JESUS RULES--tomorrow is promised to no one.
Ask Jesus into your heart to be your personal Lord and Savior
today. Ask HIM to forgive you and start all over. He is worthy!