Topic: Cyberstalking
DebbieJT's photo
Sun 03/09/08 12:17 PM
nah not been stalked and if i was am very very good at blanking..after all i slept threw an earthquake lol...stalkers mite as well not bother

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 03/09/08 12:24 PM
Have done my share of stalking and it would be nice to be the stalkee instead of the stalker for once! laugh

Godschosengirl's photo
Sun 03/09/08 12:26 PM
I don't get it. Why do it in the first place. I can understand it if the person wants to keep up on someone for curiousities sake, but to call and say,"whatta ya changin your profile for.." OMG...let it go already.grumble noway noway

Know what I mean??

Godschosengirl's photo
Sun 03/09/08 12:26 PM

Have done my share of stalking and it would be nice to be the stalkee instead of the stalker for once! laugh

LMBO...SOOOOO wrong..laugh laugh grumble noway noway :tongue:

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 03/09/08 12:46 PM
" I see you"laugh laugh laugh

kkKen's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:28 PM
Stalker wanted.Must have expierience at not been caught.
Apply in writing to:My butt:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Totage's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:29 PM

Have you ever been Cyberstalked?

Have you ever Cyberstalked anyone?

And what do you consider Cyberstalking?

Would you consider someone checking in on your profile a Cyberstalker if they were deactivated and would call you when you made changes to it?

If you're trying to figure out if I'm cyberstalking you, the answer is yes. Google won't give me your real address. grumble laugh

TheShadow's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:31 PM

Have you ever been Cyberstalked?

Have you ever Cyberstalked anyone?

And what do you consider Cyberstalking?

Would you consider someone checking in on your profile a Cyberstalker if they were deactivated and would call you when you made changes to it?

Hell what would you call this? there was a women on here for 5 months striaght would look at my profile 2 to 3 times a daynoway I think this site should be set up where you have the chose if you want people yo see your profile or not... Kinda like myspace has it where you can chose to have just your friends that can onlt see it.

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:37 PM

Have you ever been Cyberstalked?

Have you ever Cyberstalked anyone?

And what do you consider Cyberstalking?

Would you consider someone checking in on your profile a Cyberstalker if they were deactivated and would call you when you made changes to it?

I was, on another site. Kind of wierd...but easily blocked and reported. This ending in his profile getting deleted. Fortunately the moderators, they asked me to keep my profile open for a few days so they could monitor...they took care of it for me. :smile: Done deal....and yet another point for the moderators. They are there when you need them! :smile:

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:42 PM
I am stalking PAT drinker
Oops did i say that outloud. :tongue:

Lily0923's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:46 PM
If you don't want people to see you on the interent, don't put stuff on the internet...... Now if they are coming to your house..that's another story...

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:48 PM
I caught myself checking to see if a certain person was online everytime I sigend on the computer. I just forced myself to quit, and stopped talking to her altogther. It wasn't healthy at all

Lily0923's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:49 PM

Stalker wanted.Must have expierience at not been caught.
Apply in writing to:My butt:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Dear Butt:

I would like to be considered for the position of Ken from Kilarney's stalker, I have references available upon request.


no photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:50 PM
Being stalked in real life is a lot weirder. I mean, you never know who is going to pop up out from behind a car at the other end of the parking lot.

Cyberstalking has been pretty innocuous for me, in comparison. I've had mostly good ones, a couple of strange ones. Mostly, it's just ePeek-a-boo.

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:51 PM

I caught myself checking to see if a certain person was online everytime I sigend on the computer. I just forced myself to quit, and stopped talking to her altogther. It wasn't healthy at all

I had the same problem, this one just about had me & her married yikes!!! I did the same thing....

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:51 PM

Have you ever been Cyberstalked?

Have you ever Cyberstalked anyone?

And what do you consider Cyberstalking?

Would you consider someone checking in on your profile a Cyberstalker if they were deactivated and would call you when you made changes to it?

Hell what would you call this? there was a women on here for 5 months striaght would look at my profile 2 to 3 times a daynoway I think this site should be set up where you have the chose if you want people yo see your profile or not... Kinda like myspace has it where you can chose to have just your friends that can onlt see it.

Eactly why I do not even consider "My Space". JSH is enough for me laugh

Lily0923's photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:53 PM

Being stalked in real life is a lot weirder. I mean, you never know who is going to pop up out from behind a car at the other end of the parking lot.

Cyberstalking has been pretty innocuous for me, in comparison. I've had mostly good ones, a couple of strange ones. Mostly, it's just ePeek-a-boo.

here's a funny one

I got accused of stalking, yet the person who accused me told me what was on my myspace...... WHAT?? I'm the stalker tho...mmmmmmmK.

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sun 03/09/08 05:02 PM
I wouldn't consider people checking my profile to be stalking. For one thing, I put the profile there to be read. For another thing, I look at profiles a lot without talking to the person. Sometimes I look because there's an interesting picture or I've seen an interesting post. If that's stalking or offensive, I'm sorry. Should I tell a preson if I just check the profile to see what they're like? Sometimes if I feel we wouldn't be compatible, I just move on and do other things, you know?

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 05:17 PM
STALKING is ONLY stalking if someone

So if you feel stalked know the reasons why yo turn their azz in for...

1. If you find them in your back seat after work.

2. If your phone rings late at night, and this soft voice in the dark says, You want me to get "that"..

3. If you hear thr doorbell ring, but when you go to answer the door, its already open, and nobody around.

4. You sleep in one day and when you go down stairs to get some breakfast. You find the mail laying on the kitchen table and a hot coffee pot half empty, but YOU live alone.

5. Work calls you at home and asks. Why did you have your brother pick-up your weekly planner.

6. When you take out your trash the lid on your dumpster is shaking.

OK,,,are ya freaked yet??
So NOW is looking at your profile that bad? lol,drinker

chuck366's photo
Sun 03/09/08 05:18 PM

Have you ever been Cyberstalked?

Have you ever Cyberstalked anyone?

And what do you consider Cyberstalking?

Would you consider someone checking in on your profile a Cyberstalker if they were deactivated and would call you when you made changes to it?
