Topic: Just a Thought, Yes I really Had a thought.... shocking...
Webcredo's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:20 AM
Has anyone ever wondered why we seem to grow fond of people over vast distances? As I sit talking to friends I find myself asking this page this question. Do we feel safer opening up to a person that's miles away from us, or are we really opening up at all. I think we feel safe in the fact that the odds of meeting these people is slim at best. I feel the sadness in this, for it breeds more despair. We bond with a friend miles away and get disappointed when we never meet them.. Oh we make plans to meet, but we all know how often those really happen. But still we build hope on such a small string something is bound to snap. More often than not what snaps is us, not our friendship. We fall apart because the things we want to happen never seem to materialize, and this hurts us beyond repair. Have you ever asked yourself why we do this to ourselves? I think in some ways we build a picture of a safe place with our distant friends, and find strength that the odds of meeting are slim. This is not to say, that we really don't want to meet that person, because if we look deep inside we truly do. Oh to have the money and time to reverse this trend and prove to people its ok to open up and show yourself to a distant friend both online and in real life. Just think of the expression that would be on your friends face as you arrive. Can you imagine how happy that person would be for the rest of there life. For deep inside I think we all just need to feel love and share the love we have inside. To give the hug we need to give and kiss the check of the friend we long to meet! Distance is just a barrier we put to help us fail. Are you tired of failing? I know I am!!! Hugs to all my distant friends for without you I would not be me.

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:22 AM
Ive met alot of people on the net.......I seem to see alot of people on this site with a very negative mindset........

Me??? Never negative!!! If I want to meet someone.......distance is not a factor......and if we hit off great!!! If not.......then Ive made a new friend~!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:22 AM
btw the sites Ive met ppl from were not dating sites......

darkowl1's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:23 AM soo rock!!!!!flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:24 AM
huh Ok.................

In many cases what you have said maybe true... but I have a different story...

Of saying F*ck it!, and being completely raw and honest, and not expecting, demanding, or requiring anything in return, and I have a copy of a confirmed airline ticket...Canada to Brisbane, Australia, for the 18th April...for this person, I 'connected' with.

It can happen, it does happen, when the will is there, and the want...anything is possible..

Most prefer to stay small, dream small, and not have to do the work...

and so they reap what they sow...

Dream big, be big, and sometimes you get what you deserve, and reap what you sow.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:25 AM
There is probably some truth to that. Probably why some people prefer to date on the internet vs. real life is due to the anonymity. Lots of factors..

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:26 AM soo rock!!!!!flowerforyou
Thanks!!!blushing drinker blushing

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:28 AM

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:31 AM

huh Ok.................

In many cases what you have said maybe true... but I have a different story...

Of saying F*ck it!, and being completely raw and honest, and not expecting, demanding, or requiring anything in return, and I have a copy of a confirmed airline ticket...Canada to Brisbane, Australia, for the 18th April...for this person, I 'connected' with.

It can happen, it does happen, when the will is there, and the want...anything is possible..

Most prefer to stay small, dream small, and not have to do the work...

and so they reap what they sow...

Dream big, be big, and sometimes you get what you deserve, and reap what you sow.
Kudos sista!!:wink: drinker

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:32 AM
laugh btw........I do think I had a shot glass in my pocket!!:wink: drinker

Webcredo's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:35 AM
reply to my own post:

I over the many many years of interneting. Does anyone remeber the Imagination Network. Im talk back when the internet was just starting. I made friends there and even dated a few people from there. I made many trips over 1000 miles in my time.

Take ICQ when it was a good place to chat back in the mid 90's, I met people in Arizona, Texas, New York, Canada and Australia plus other places. the only one I never got to meet was in Canada.

I do whatever it takes be it just for a friend or more. Life is short and meant to enjoy, so i pack the car and hit the road. All the good memories and times I can remember. I Just posted that to open up discussion since I am bored laying in bed for the last week. All one can do is watch tv, read a book, listen to music and log on with laptop from time to time.

have fun evryone until next time Mike.

ed_d_baby's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:43 AM
dude they dont want to see your face neways this thred is lame nice pic next time leave it blank it might help...internet junkies like people actually use this to hook up with people that is weird lame and as gay as this thread oh n as lame as hellcat...

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:47 AM

wiley's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:49 AM
Eh? Troll much? noway

ed_d_baby's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:55 AM i cant help it...this thread does suck its lame i cant help my opinion...i jus feel if people are so caught up in this internet dateing thing its not to healthy... its wierd

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 03:00 AM
i AM an internet junkie!!!!!!!devil

And I know "things"devil drinker glasses

wiley's photo
Mon 03/03/08 03:01 AM i cant help it...this thread does suck its lame i cant help my opinion...i jus feel if people are so caught up in this internet dateing thing its not to healthy... its wierd

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 03:02 AM

Webcredo's photo
Mon 03/03/08 03:08 AM

dude they dont want to see your face neways this thred is lame nice pic next time leave it blank it might help...internet junkies like people actually use this to hook up with people that is weird lame and as gay as this thread oh n as lame as hellcat...

And what good have you done with your life? Do you even have a heart? Or is that truly ice in your veins? Have you even left your city, your house? Do you even have a Job or know what its like to support yourself beside tak9ing handouts from your family. Judge me, works both ways.. You want my life. I guarantee if you lived my lfe you wouldnt be alive today, your not strong enough. Have you been Raped? Has any of your fiancees ever been raped infront of her daughter and then Stabbed? Have you spent 23 years of your life piucking up feeckle matter on the floor and all over the house caring for a disabled parent. Have you held the hand of a stranger as they died<Thats compasion and I have>? Have you ever had your life destroyed at the hands of a surgeon just because he was in a hurry to go fishing? Well thats just a taste of my life, care to live it. I right now have a 1 inch wide 4 inch long whole in my gut watching my bowels go thru it. Yet I have to wait for a surgeon to be kind and fix me and I still have to be insulted by you... Isnt life grand! So glad your in it to prove for without you I would need pain meds...