Topic: Welcome to the Spodie
FroznChild's photo
Sat 03/01/08 06:35 AM
I consider myself a weekend warrior, and like to attend, "swinging bashes". I do know, that life needs to be taken seriously, but sometimes, you just have to take a serious day off... and of course, that means, throwing your inhibitions to the wind, taking chances, and letting your hair down... (Or up, which maybe in your case, if you happen to look something like a chia-pet)
Personally, I don't really care what you look like... (sure) I of course, have my own, "picky" idea of what humans, specifically girls, women, ladies, but yes, humans, should look like.
I think that one should be thin, and athletic, at least medium height, and, here's the most important part, each human should have a butt crack... or help them God.
So I can be picky...
But, sometimes, I can be real, and realise, that nobody really cares what I think... when... they're horny.
So, this leads back to the party I went to, where everyone but me, must have been horny. I don't drink beer really, so, the whiskey must have already had me two shots to the wind, and, although there were many, many, pretty, beautiful, georgous girls around... many of them seemed, "airy" of mind, heavy of chest, and thick of thighs...
or, maybe it was just my double vision... but the majority of them, seemed as though they were the talking adults, in the Peanuts comic strips...
Wahhh wah wah wah Wahhh Wah wah...
I mean, how are you supposed to be attracted to that? Now of course, I am a red blooded male, who, supposedly, should be turn on by just a little bit of cleavage showing, or, possibly a girl in a very short skirt, bending over and showing her better half... Lol.

My dad, he always said that a woman was like a bus, another one will come along every five minutes. (being the son of my father, but, a little wiser, I would have to say the true is same for males, although it may be every three minutes in our case) horndogs...

In theory, all of these girls are great, because they seem to get "wet" so fast, and at parties, if you got the beer, or the weed... the shrooms, coke, or ice, or blah blah blah... then so many of these girls are hovering around you like an addicted umbrella...
You know the problem with being addicted? YOUR A ****, TED!
Now, there may have been a lot of drugs rolling around, and the music may have been a touch to quiet to drown out the cat calling of male and females, but me... well, I was just sticking to the whiskey, and the spodie juice...
And then I saw her... 2 feet away from me, dipping from the other side of the spodie trough... and I could hear... just so barely hear, above the music, the sounds of possible, intelligent conversation...
So, being "aroused" I sidled in closer to see if my ears did not decieve me... and yes, the sweet, sweet lilting tones of good coversation that makes a womans voice sound like angels wings lighting to the ground... and the closer that I got to this lovely bit of "interest" in the night, the more it seemed as though the angels wings would never stop, abounding all around me, spinning my mind, and my senses, with the music.

Her voice, and her style... the way she stood with confidence, but also with relaxation. She looked so clean, as her skin reflected off of the moonlight (flood light, lol) and the sharp tips of her teeth met with the sharp tip of her tounge, as she licked her lips... and set her eyes upon me.
May I join you in conversation? I asked.
Sure, she said... she arched her eyebrows at me, and noted to me, "I'm only talking to myself!"
at that, she laughed, as I looked around and realised, that such an intelligent, sophisticated conversation, had been being held with nobody.
Well, it sorta made me chuckle, and I relished the look in her eyes, when I stated:
Well then, I didn't mean to disturb you, please, carry on, and pretend I never interrupted... if you need me, I'll be nearby, envying your style...
My head was already swooning as I walked away, nay because of the whiskey, or, for that matter, the spodie, but her laughter had made my head spin, and my heart beat faster. Chills were running down my spine, and my arms, as the memory of her voice, and her delicious smile, rolled over me like thunder in a lightning storm... It was almost as if lightning was flashing in front of my eyes...
I was barely 5 feet away, when a flying tackle from the same girl sent me sprawling half-way across the lawn, and tumble stepping onto, and, lol, into, the patio furniture lounged about the deck.

Her chant like yell, of, "you're not getting away that easily", followed me all the way across the yard, onto the deck, and, unfortunately stayed with me, as I fell into the pool, and quickly, and immediately, proceeded to sink directly to the bottom...
I did this for several reasons... you know. To build suspense, to teach her a lesson... sorta because I was kinda caught up in the moment, not to mention surprise, and continued, or continueing, to be caught up in the moment, since the crazy, intelligent, damn so beautiful, chick, had tackled me. And, oh yeah, the biggest reason I did this sinking to the bottom of the pool trick, is, because I can't swim.

So, suffice to say, the last thing I saw before the water got too blurry, was this angel like female, standing at the pool side, jet black hair, pale skin, and beauty red lips... stripping off her shoes, socks, shirt... and pants!
And, although I was drowning, man, was I enjoying the life that was passing before my eyes!
Such alabaster skin, it shone against the moonlight (floodlight, lol) and, somewhere in a ten foot pool... I think somewhere about eight feet, her fingertips brushed against my hand, and soon she was grabbing my wrist, trying to pull me towards her, and up, up to the top. As my eyes surveyed my rescuer, it was only then that I realised it was the same girl that had tackled me, and sent me into the pool to begin with... the same girl, that I saw stripping off down to bra and panties at poolside, while I was on my way to visit pool bottom. And, I noticed, that this same girl, with the heavenly voice, the intelligent mind, soft skin... shinning eyes... the wicked, left wing tackle,... this same girl, was wearing nothing but white panties and bra... and I could see right through them.

Lol... even underwater, even drowning, let me tell you, I was aroused... this was quickly becoming the best party I have been at for awhile. And, it may seem ungently, or, crude, but you aint seen nothing, till you seen a girl in thin, sheer, white bra and panties, underwater, while you're drowning... and... she pulling you towards her... yes... I was aroused.
As she pulled me up against her, we shot up, out of the water, somewhere in the middle of the pool... and, as we broke the water, I kissed her... long... and hard... (in more ways then one, lol)
As we escaped from the water, a friend of someones friend, (not mine), wrapped a large towel around the both of us, and we sat, and sipped whiskey, arms around each other, cuddling in the warm towel, until we finally dried, and were warmed by each others heat...
Most of my heat was from the entire event, which even the memory of the event shivers me right now, to the core... oooh do I love it... but some of that heat was from the vivid memory of the two of us underwater, and how certain parts of our bodies met as she pulled me too her.

As we were gathering her clothes from the poolside, she mentioned that maybe we should see "more" of each other... and I couldn't help but whisper in her ear... that I had seen a little more of her then she thought... that her white undergarments, her, bra, and panties, had been see-though under the water...

All she said was, "so were your white shorts"...

What, a Party!

With Equescent thoughts...

lilith401's photo
Sat 03/01/08 06:41 AM
And this is your idea of "General Discussion"....? Really?

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 06:42 AM

And this is your idea of "General Discussion"....? Really?

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 06:42 AM
Edited by kerouacfan on Sat 03/01/08 06:43 AM
mad @ double posts ~

Jill298's photo
Sat 03/01/08 07:05 AM
I didn't even finish it... you lost me at "women are like buses"