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Topic: gun laws in the U.S. and abroad
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 12/22/06 08:58 PM
Amendment II

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be

Ok, first off, I'm not against owning firearms. I've owned a few myself
INCLUDING handguns. I also had a coach gun, which is also a restricted
weapon in Canada. These weapons however, can be legally possessed in
Canada if one is a legitimate gun collector. I even know someone in the
town of Harrow, Ontario that owns a hand held rocket launcher. Ya just
can't cruise around the city with them!!
The only reason I brought up the whole "gun thing" was cuz Bryon was
trying to hide behind the constitution with his views on the other
thread talking about the American right to life, liberty and something
else I can't remember at the moment cuz I'm pooped lol. So on one hand,
the constitution guarantees that stuff, but on the other hand, it
guarantees the right to own something concealable thats sole purpose is
to infringe on someone else's right to live free???

Ok NOW, as far as Amendment II goes, I notice that the REASON for that
right is to maintain a well regulated militia. I know there are some in
here that have served and others that are currently serving their
countries, and to ALL of them, we owe a big debt. But how bout the rest
of you? Are you willing to take that right under the conditions spelled
out QUITE clearly in this particular amendment? Have you even bothered
looking into the National Guard? You know, one weekend a month 2 weeks a
year?? Or would that cut into yer party time? You want that right but
wish to waive the condition under which it was given.

As far as a gun ban goes, I SERIOUSLY doubt that cops would quit. You at
least give firearms to those that are protecting not just your nation,
but your neighbourhoods. We have gun restrictions in Canada, yet our
police officers still carry.

Karma: I think I heard about that town if it's the one in Texas yer
thinking of lol

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 12/22/06 09:01 PM
oh btw Fanta...it's pretty hard to hold up a liquor store with a pick up
truck, and not that easy to sneak up on someone either. Altho if ya had
a Dodge 'Stealth' maybe you could sneak up on 'em LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/22/06 09:33 PM
The dems are afraid of guns. They see it as a criminate for their policy
of total control on American citizens. That's why they want gun control.
They fear that if every citizen was armed that we would all revolt like
the revolutionist did against England. So they cite the need for gun
control so that ordinary citizens wont take-up arms against a communist
regime like the Dems.

verbatimeb's photo
Sat 12/23/06 02:39 AM
About that hunting near your home. If the land is yours you can
restrict anyone hunting there and if it is your neighbors land I think
you would have to talk to him about it. At least that is how it works in
the USA. I don't know about Canada so my point may be moot.

I have guns, lots and lots and lots as I am a collector and a shooter.
I hunted for years and loved every minute of it. I would not give up my
guns for anyone or anything. But then again I have never been shot. I
do keep a loaded and ready handgun on my nightstand. Not in a drawer but
right where I can lay a hand on it comfortably. I don't think I could
sleep without it either.

I guess a lot of that has to do with how a person is raised and their
personal experiences. My experiences have been positive and no one will
be able to change MY mind by talking, posting or writing letters to
their congressmen or congresswomen. I will stand up and be counted when
it comes to gun issues as I do believe I should have a right to defend
myself and my friend.

I take care of a handicapped person here in my home and he is helpless,
it is in my hands to defend HIM and protect HIM to the best of my
ability and with all my training, I can do that. I did not pick up guns
as a hobby until I was much older. I was taught to respect and care for
a gun when I was a child as everyone in my family hunted and shot trap
so it is normal for me to have guns and know how to handle them.


no photo
Sat 12/23/06 07:07 AM
I have been shooting guns and rifles since I was 11 yrs old I love the
feeling of the raw power in one's hands.

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 06:01 PM
not tryin to argue animal but i have heard of someone holding up a
liquor store with a pickup. they drove it right throught the front of
the store lol

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 06:06 PM
gun ban = government guarantee that the good guys are not armed.
police state = when only the police have Guns.

.... for the first time in history we have full gun control. our
streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will
follow our lead into the future. - Adolph Hitler, 1938

The experts agree gun control works.
Stalin, Mau Tse Tung, Hitler.
.... any questions?

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 06:09 PM
if the criminal has a gun, I want a BETTER gun with more and bigger

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 06:10 PM
amen brotha

Fanta46's photo
Sat 12/23/06 08:12 PM
So on one hand,
the constitution guarantees that stuff, but on the other hand, it
guarantees the right to own something concealable thats sole purpose is
to infringe on someone else's right to live free???
Public animal,
this is not why I own guns!
And a militia at the time of the constitution was the ppl, who took
their rifles from over the mantle, and organized to fight the British!
Who at the time, by the way was our government!
If these ppl( American Patriots) had had that right removed the we would
still be British!
So to me and my gun loving brothers, this means that a government of the
ppl, and by the ppl, and well armed can maintain this power and our
If they the government continues to take my rights away one by one, I
will show them why that article is in the Constitution,
when I fight them in my YARD!!!!!!

verbatimeb's photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:52 PM
You will know I am carrying "concealed" when you try to rob me.

Make my day.


no photo
Sun 12/24/06 02:35 AM
i don't have any problem with the concealed carry permits and i think
they have done a good job with them but i would never carry myself
because of some of the situations that i have been in, i know i would
have used it. they turned out alright without it but i do know that
there are situations where some would not be as lucky.

verbatimeb's photo
Sun 12/24/06 04:42 AM
"if the criminal has a gun, I want a BETTER gun with more and bigger

lol Rambill. Sorry, but rambill is hysterical. Great handle.

rambill... rothlmao!!!


michael1313's photo
Sun 12/24/06 10:56 AM
Gun control,is being able to hit your target...

if your prey has two legs,
you are not hunting,you are killing humans,and needs a badge...

if your prey has four legs,meat in the freezer,good shot!
hope you got a permit...

if you are defending your home and family,
use a shotgun,so you won't miss,and call the cops,A.S.A.P.!!!

if you just use a weapon to show off in front of your buddies,
I hope you shoot yourself,and not me nor mine...or them...
guns are not toys and should be treated as Leathal Weapons.(.)
I said (period).

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 03:09 PM
Society can prevent some abortion by letting Love, Mercy and
Tolerance,(but not judgement) rule in our hearts.
So it's my choice to consider pregnant women First Class Citizens at
least equal to if not above all others in question.

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 03:11 PM
ooops, wrong post, Love My guns

verbatimeb's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:55 AM

Well said. I probably sound like Annie Oakley here but shooting, as a
sport, does not get enough attention. It is a great competitive sport
and those who aquate shooting/collecting only with hunting are simply
not or ill informed.

RESPECT for a firearm is leaned and RESPECT for how to use one is earned
during that learning period in time.

Not everyone wants to do this though and that is OK too just as a lot of
folks watch football but could not begin to be on that field of


PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 12/30/06 11:06 AM
yeah..but verb, if I've had no proper training and I'm not in shape,
they're not even gonna let me on the field. If I have no proper firearms
training I can still go buy a gun. Bad analogy.

leroy01's photo
Sat 12/30/06 11:29 AM
Free country my f*cking ass! I have been a regesterd gun owner since the
Brady Bill was in affect! The ATF & FBI has been consistent to take my
gun rights away along with yours ever since! I recently lost my rights,
do to being a passenger in a car! The person driving, did a crime I was
unaware of! as a result of this I have lost my rights to bear arms! On
the same token my licence was suspended! Free country? I now have to
fill out papers to travel? Sound fimillar? This chit was going on in
Europe in the 30's. Think twice before you say you live in the land of
the free! Maybe seeing your babbies slapped up on the side of box cars &
disgarded as trash as your being herded to a death camp! Maybe then you
will question the athority that runs this administration?

leroy01's photo
Tue 01/02/07 12:17 PM
Fanta Yes they can take your truck! It's called conspiracy! This
coincides with reasonable suspicion. It is up to the officer to decide
what is reasonable or unreasonable!
Forfeiture is next on the agenda! You live in a country that says you
are guilty, unless you are financialy eligable to prove otherwise!
Freedom is a word that is used loosely in this country! People who live
here that say they have freedom, are blinded & brainwashed! In the next
10 years I see two social classes forming. #1 Those that work for the
system. #2 Those that are vicims of the system!

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