Topic: Can't Sleep
pennyg281's photo
Sun 02/24/08 11:58 PM

I've been up all day, and still can't sleep, mostly due to being uncomfortable because of a broken Clavical (Shoulder-in 2 places),I've tried lots of pillows. took my pain meds. Any other suggestions?

FireFairyGirl's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:00 AM
hmmm...that is a toughie..... heat pad??

no photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:01 AM
vicidin (sp?) works for all muscle pain

Enya's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:02 AM

pennyg281's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:04 AM

Heating pad helps some but I can't keep it on long. Right now Vicoden(I'm not sure I spelled it correctly either) is my best friend. 500 mg every 6 hrs:smile:

thumper95's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:04 AM
cool pack will help with it, dont sleep on a heating pad,, thats really bad for you

Shaden's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:11 AM
When I took pain medication for, an old injury I couldn't sleep, at all. It seemed to have the opposite effect. Made me hyper and talk a bunch; even got on my own nerves. grumble :smile:

thumper95's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:19 AM
vicoden has that effect on alot of people, adverse to what most peoples reactions are

WhereIsMatt's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:34 AM
Stay off the meth. That **** will keep you up forever.

thumper95's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:35 AM
dont do drugs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkkay?

bradlyy's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:37 AM
I feel for you I broke my in 3 places and had the same problem wish I could give advise but I found no good way tsleep either just try to keep pressure off it good luck

Marie55's photo
Mon 02/25/08 12:54 AM
Maybe try sleeping in a recliner or propped up so you are not laying flat to take some of the pressure off it, instead of trying to lay flat. When my dad had his open heart surgery, he slept in a recliner for weeks because it hurt his chest to try to lay flat, pulled on his sternum where it had been cut open, but the recliner didn't cause it to pull as much.

Can you take ibuprofen or Advil or Aleve (anti-inflammatory)- may help with the pain if it is inflammation causing it. Vicodin will numb the pain but not get rid of what is causing it if it is swelling.

Did they give you a sling to wear?? That may help take some of the pressure off if you wear the sling on your arm and try to sleep, or put a pillow under your arm so it doesn't pull on the bone and separate it while you are sleeping.

Don't know if any of these help, but just some ideas. Wonder if some Icy Hot over the spot would help at all, have no clue, but an idea. Would only be a temporary fix anyways.

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:49 AM
some pure essential lavender oil might help you sleep, as for the pain heat patches help, and other than that just pain killers. i use demerol and df118 and there pretty crap. massaging some arometherapy oils with anti inflammatory properties in might help the pain.

celticpride0280's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:53 AM

some pure essential lavender oil might help you sleep

huh yeah and some toads blood mixed with the hair of a yaks ass

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:57 AM

some pure essential lavender oil might help you sleep

huh yeah and some toads blood mixed with the hair of a yaks ass

grumble grumble
its got relaxing properties, it does help relax me.

celticpride0280's photo
Tue 02/26/08 08:00 AM

some pure essential lavender oil might help you sleep

huh yeah and some toads blood mixed with the hair of a yaks ass

grumble grumble
its got relaxing properties, it does help relax me.
Just teasin'bigsmile flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 08:01 AM

some pure essential lavender oil might help you sleep

huh yeah and some toads blood mixed with the hair of a yaks ass

grumble grumble
its got relaxing properties, it does help relax me.
Just teasin'bigsmile flowerforyou

:wink: :wink: :wink: