Topic: Trying to enter Heaven
uk1971's photo
Thu 02/21/08 05:31 PM
Three guys die and are trying to get into heaven.
God says to the first guy an overweight male
"My son to enter heaven you must overcome your addiction to food, to do this you must be locked in a room for 10 years with all the good food until you are sick of it".
He says to the second guy, a sex maniac, that he must be locked in a room with all the sexiest girls untill he no longer enjoys sex.
The third guy, a pothead must smoke the best weed for 10 long years untill he no longer wants any.
10 years go by and God goes to the first room and hears crying. he opens the door to se the extremly fat guy crying that he hates food...
So God lets him enter heaven .
He goes to the second door and the guy is in the middle of the room crying.
"Oh God. I never wanna have sex again"
God allows him to enter heaven.
Finally, God goes to the third door where he hears some crying, when he opens the door the pothead turns to God and yells..
You dirty rotten fake. You didn’t give me a f*ckin' lighter!!

bigsmile glasses

the_don6972's photo
Thu 02/21/08 05:33 PM
wow that would be horrible all that weed and no way to smoke it for 10 years

cpt_johhny's photo
Thu 02/21/08 05:44 PM
You could always eat it. It would taste funny and take longer, but hey, its better than goin ten years with all that good bud lyin around.smokin