Topic: The 'N' word
hikerchick's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:08 PM

It shouldn't even be a question
My Bad, should have worded it different. Obviously if it's used as a term to define a race never. But the word is used almost like the 'F' word anymore.

like in rap songs, etc.

I have to laugh, my daughter and her group of white preppy friends call each other "nigga"....

I don't think they see the significance the same way I do ..I grew up in the 60s and 70s...

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:10 PM
Foul, even when said between friends of same ethinicity.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:12 PM

Fair or Foul?

Depends, when it ends with a A instead of ER I don't see a problem with black folk using it, as they are just trying to make it a less hateful word. I don't think it's right for white folk to use it all as it is a direct referance to the Nigerian slave trade. Just my humble;^]

briancarr's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:14 PM
Being African American, i understand why it is important not to use the N word. But, i think all words that hurt all races, and genders should be considered.

tdaddyhack's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:14 PM
I call my black friends that all the time but its not like i say it with er...of course they don't care cause I am their boy...if you are down with a black person and know the difference then they usually don't care but i wouldn't advise you to do it if you haven't been boys since back in the day.

Truth of the matter is only a racist would bring a topic like this up cause they should know the difference anyways!!!!

hikerchick's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:15 PM

Being African American, i understand why it is important not to use the N word. But, i think all words that hurt all races, and genders should be considered.

I agree 100%

mach25's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:16 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao

FindMe1113's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:18 PM
"Truth of the matter is only a racist would bring a topic like this up cause they should know the difference anyways!!!!"

BINGO!....Thanks "tdaddy"!


hikerchick's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:19 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao

I hope you are joking - I don't use that word even inside my's a hateful word and I would feel sick using it..I don't like to be hateful towards anyone, any group at all.

lulu24's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:21 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao

sorry, paul...just because that's the first thing YOU think's not the thoughts that run through MY head.


i'm quite sad that you would think that way.

mach25's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:21 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao

I hope you are joking - I don't use that word even inside my's a hateful word and I would feel sick using it..I don't like to be hateful towards anyone, any group at all.

yes I am being a samrtass about the question!!! lol

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:21 PM
I over heard three women discussing blacks in an inappropriate way, the other day. Their conversation then switched to how white kids are acting like black kids cause the think its cool to wear there pants at their knees, and talk like "N"'s.

I could not take it any more, so walked up excused myself and said: What really makes me sick is how blacks are acting like white folks...They are getting educations, helping our communities, becoming preachers and saving peoples lives. I bet yall would hate to go to the emergency room and have one save your life.

They quickly dispersed and never said another word.

I do not Tolerate Ignorance!!!!!

briancarr's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:21 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao
Eventhough your statement is somewhat suppose to be funny, it has a lot of truth to it. Another truth is that i have been called the n word in a hateful way by more African Americans than white Americans. It didnt feel good to hear it from either of them.

Troubled's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:22 PM
But if society as a whole can't get past a 7 letter word How is it going to get past the race issue in General?

mach25's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:24 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao
Eventhough your statement is somewhat suppose to be funny, it has a lot of truth to it. Another truth is that i have been called the n word in a hateful way by more African Americans than white Americans. It didnt feel good to hear it from either of them.

the way i see it is like this, ne body can be whatever someone wants to call them, but we cant stop that, and i do not think like my joke, I love all sorts of people even if there was a purple person they would be loved..sooo.... in reality, what's the big deal in a word ne ways??

hikerchick's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:24 PM

But if society as a whole can't get past a 7 letter word How is it going to get past the race issue in General?

I think it's all part of the same process.learning to just live and let live; accept other people, and stop categorizing each other.

lulu24's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:24 PM
i do not believe in "race". biologically, it doesn't exist...

we have different cultures in america, but we are all human beings.

maybe my background makes me see things a bit differently...but i'm feeling literally ill at a few responses.

Jess642's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:24 PM
huh Is Noodle a foul word???

I didn't know that... all this time I have been insulting people from Eastern cultures, my bad...ohwell

Turtlepoet78's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:25 PM

But if society as a whole can't get past a 7 letter word How is it going to get past the race issue in General?

I do agree with that, dialog is everything. I think more people should be taught the origins of the word to see exactly why it's such a hateful word;^]

hikerchick's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:26 PM

Fair or Foul?

aww come on guys, the first thing a white person says to their self when mad at a african american is the n word and same for a african american when they are mad at a white person they say honkey or redneck to themselves!! Soo what's the big deal!!! Sadly but true! That's why I just say biothches! lmao!

only joking guys!! lmao
Eventhough your statement is somewhat suppose to be funny, it has a lot of truth to it. Another truth is that i have been called the n word in a hateful way by more African Americans than white Americans. It didnt feel good to hear it from either of them.

the way i see it is like this, ne body can be whatever someone wants to call them, but we cant stop that, and i do not think like my joke, I love all sorts of people even if there was a purple person they would be loved..sooo.... in reality, what's the big deal in a word ne ways??

It's the intent behind the utterance.

If I call you a chair, that does not make you a chair. If I call you a (insert slur here), it doesn't make you that but it sends the message that I consider you lesser than myself. And like it or not, that hurts.