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Tricess's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:37 PM
Any honest and real ladies out there (with a pic) wanting to chat?

us_copperpenny's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:46 PM
you don't believe in talking to a girl with out her looking good is
really what you are saying

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:49 PM
u know what i believe in myself enuf 2 have a pic up and if the guy dont
like what he sees than its his loss not mine

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:56 PM
i agree, its really whats in their hearts that really count.
unfortunally looks count somewhat

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:01 PM
i agree that they do count some but i am also a firm believer that
someones personality makes them more beautiful than ne thing. they could
be the best lookin person in the world and once they open their mouth
and thier personality stinks then their looks r gone in my eyes.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:06 PM
i damn sure agree. the sexy as hell girls are stuckup and they think
their shit don't stink well i got news for them it does take a big smell
when your taking a shit. see what i mean. lmfao

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:12 PM
i know that one. besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder. to me it
doesnt matter what ne one else thinks as long as u r happy urself and
the other person is happy as well.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:37 PM
yea i really like the girl i met a week ago and she tells me she has no
feelings duh 1 week. she has this whole weekend to see how see feels.
hell in one night we stayed on the ph 5 hours then the next 8 hours then
the next at her house for 3 or 4 hours only to return that night from
12:45am to 5:45am the next morning then i think monday we almost had
sex. no feelings my ass. she is just to scared i would hurt her. i would
never hurt her. hell i am exactly who she discribes on her myspace
profile of someone she wants and she is scared.

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:43 PM
well there is nothin wrong with bein scared especially if u have been
hurt in the past. i know that one for a fact. it takes time and maybe
what she considers feelins isnt the same definition as urs. the only
thing i can say is just be there for her if u like her and the trust
will come.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:46 PM
i will thats y i haven't called her yet. she says the one that likes her
has to understand when she needs space so she is in daytona at the beach
so she will not here from me till mon or tuesday to b on the safe side.

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:50 PM
thats good, trust me comin from an abusive relationship myself, i
understand bein hurt and not wantin 2 share my feelins. not sayin thats
her deal, just sayin i understand the whole thing. it takes time and
some need more than others. there r the special ones out there that make
a person comfortable enuf 2 open up quickly tho. just what ever u do
keep ur word when u tell her somethin. that is what will kill it
everytime is breakin a promise or not keepin ur word. i wish u all the

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:54 PM
this is her myspace blog

Since every guy i have ever reallly really like has broken my heart i
want someone to love me just as much as i love them. i dont want a fake
guy.i want someone that will hold me when i cry. Who will understand
that i need my space. Who will love me for me and if you know that we
would never work out then were not going to. i want a guy to be hurt if
we broke up not go get another gf the next day. i want a real man not
anyone fake.

I am a pretty good match that would never hurt her.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:00 PM
she said in a email that i was making her feel like she couldn't breath
cause i wanted to hangout with her all the time and call her. then she
says plz don't b mad cause she likes hanging out with me. i am not mad i
told her i was happy cause i rather have a friend then nothing at all
and that i also asked her to tell me when i was fucking up cause i am
not good at relation/friendships with benefits. the problem is that i am
a very sensitive man.

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:24 PM
there is nothing wrong with wanting someone attractive. i think there is
a difference between looking for someone attractive and not wanting to
be with a good person who has everything that you are looking for just
because they are not a model. i've had some surprises too with no pics
but it's all in how you go about it

hotswollenwet's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:30 PM
i have pics and would love to chat,,,, and ill be honest, i agree that
what is inside is the most important but for me physical attraction is
very important!

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:49 PM
okay i can tell u r the type of person that needs to work on ur
patience. not that its a bad thing cause im not good with patience
either but i think u r goin in the right direction startin with the
friendship first. but then that is where the patience comes in cause
startin with a friendship means that usually the relationship comes a
ways down the road.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:58 PM
yep well i gotta go. finish this discussion 2morrow or monday ok i
really want ur help

iwasanangelonce's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:19 PM
hi what did u wanta chat about? i,m extremely new to all this and not
sure what to expect so lets talk

Tricess's photo
Sun 09/03/06 08:19 AM
Hey listen, I have been burned by the worst kind of internet people.
Everyone may have an opinion but if a person is hiding, has issues, or
carries baggage, my experience tells me that most won't post a pic. Of
course there are the exceptions of people who are working on getting one
but I am simply not interested in any relations with a psycho. Thanks
for understanding all. Sorry for sounding harsh. iwasanangelonce and
hotswollenwet send me a line. I'd love to chat.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sun 09/03/06 10:27 AM
hey just because some screen names sound inviting Tricess, remeber to
treat them with respect. In my life being raised if I wanted to speak
with a lovely lady I would make the first move

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