Topic: Gates In Position... Says Iraq is HIGH PRIORITY
verbatimeb's photo
Mon 12/18/06 12:02 PM
WASHINGTON - Robert Gates assumed the helm at the Pentagon on Monday,
saying Iraq is his top priority and warning that failure there would be
a "calamity" that would haunt the United States for many years.

"All of us want to find a way to bring America's sons and daughters home
again," Gates said after taking the oath of office as defense secretary
from Vice President Dick Cheney at a Pentagon ceremony. "But as
the president has made clear, we simply cannot afford to fail in the
Middle East. Failure in Iraq at this juncture would be a calamity that
would haunt our nation, impair our credibility, and endanger Americans
for decades to come."

Gates said he intends to travel to Iraq soon to hear the views of U.S.
commanders on how to improve the situation, "unvarnished and straight
from the shoulder." The remarks seemed to contrast with critics'
complaints that the man he replaced, Donald H. Rumsfeld, did not listen
enough to the advice of the military's top officers.


So what does everyone think of this new guy? Are his words worth the


newguy's photo
Mon 12/18/06 12:29 PM
Actions speak louder then any words spoken. Lets see if he says what he
means..and means what he says.

no photo
Mon 12/18/06 02:59 PM
Thank you verbatimeb for the update.
Yes, words like that are worth the effort.
In a conflict, I believe that words are the ammunition around the
belts of our elected officials, politicians, citizens, and media, are as
bullets are to our soldiers.
So it is our word against theirs. So may we get our words lined up
with those who are sending in our Badd-Ass Troops.
It's a big saftey issue. If the opposition can change the minds and
words of the U.S. citizens by killing more troops and convincing us it
is an unwinnable internal conflict then that may remain thier top
If we as citizens will stop bashing and start backing our elect, then
maybe the opposition will realize that their efforts to seize world
opinion is slipping fast.

May Our Kick-Ass Troops Be Blessed With A Hedge of Super Natural
Protection! May The Enemy Lay Down Thier Arms And once Again Respect
Their Own Lives and Cities. In Jesus Name... Amen

verbatimeb's photo
Tue 01/02/07 02:25 AM
Thank you NewGuy and John7771. Gosh these articles don't get much
response do they? I am quite surprised by that as the war seems a big of
a contoversial topic. Not that I want controvery, not at all, just

Thanks again,


Lastofakind's photo
Wed 01/03/07 05:38 PM
Not to seem, to be like the others but my son had been to Iraq with the
1133rd in Iowa. Whether him or Rumsfeld does it matter we have heard it
all before or some of us. If asking where I come up with this, lets
first say I support our troops there. However, for me being a disabled
Vietnam Veteran (1969-1971 - 2 tours of duty), former Marine. We
couldn't afford to lose there either. Stop at 3000 instead of 56,000
men. Were a country of 250 + yrs, Iraq 5000 + whats going to change?