Topic: Seeking a type of perfection
MindOfChrist's photo
Sat 01/19/08 05:07 AM
When I tie my shoes my laces will never be perfectly balance. Though I try to take good care of my body, I will never look like Brad Pitt or Arnold. Even at work, as hard as i try to make every install of a kitchen the best I can, it will never be flawless. The cabinets themselves are not flawless nor without imperfection. But each kitchen will be done according to quality and dedicated craftmanship because I love my job and what I do.

I do seek though to be perfect, or as close as I can get to it, in my heart according to love and intention, my life as far as action and deed, according to my spirit with wisdom. love, and humility; to have a upright and clear conscience, and to keep my body fit and capable. This is a quest, a longing within me. I have not reached this but I am on a path that leads me further.

It has nothing to do about being better than others in any way, notion,or beleif. As I go down this road instead it is toward greater love and kindness to be directed at others, that I am not against any one. For I wish to have the mind that there is no "them", that we are only alienated in our own mind and imaginations, from which prejudice and hatred come and are build upon.

I am looking for any who would join me, in this mind set and goal for themselves and together, for it is good to stir one another to love and good deed, and to seek after peace and good will with all men, to accept, honor and appreciate all that each person is and who they can become.

oldsage's photo
Sat 01/19/08 06:32 AM
Nothing is perfect. I just do my best & try to enjoy life.

MeShell77345's photo
Sat 01/19/08 06:40 AM
Be the one that loves you the most. ~ Brett Dennen

I think you would enjoy his music Mindo, you should check him out.

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:20 PM
Um what does this have to do with parenting? just curious.