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Topic: so, what are you allergic to?
Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:40 PM

condoms too?

they make them out of other materials as well, and no i don't mean sheep skin or any of that dumb ****

Yea a lot of people don't realize that. They just hear latex allergy and automatically they think..."so you can't have sex with condoms?"grumble grumble

lulu24's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:41 PM
SEVERELY allergic to poison ivy...been hospitalized with an internal case.

yellow jackets, pecans, and codeine.

TheShadow's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:42 PM

I'm alergic to bees, some medications, and azzholes...

azzholes... explain this one laugh laugh laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:43 PM

Myself. Every time i touch myself i swell up.

Badda bap pshhh

I'll be here all day.

laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

toastedoranges's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:47 PM
Yea a lot of people don't realize that. They just hear latex allergy and automatically they think..."so you can't have sex with condoms?"grumble grumble

well, i'm sure a lot of guys try to use that as an excuse.

myself, i'm slightly allergic to it. nothing serious

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:50 PM

Yea a lot of people don't realize that. They just hear latex allergy and automatically they think..."so you can't have sex with condoms?"grumble grumble

well, i'm sure a lot of guys try to use that as an excuse.

myself, i'm slightly allergic to it. nothing serious

I get anaphylactic shock!laugh laugh

Thu 02/14/08 03:00 PM

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 02/14/08 03:02 PM
My ex, paying bills!!laugh laugh

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 02/14/08 03:59 PM

Right-wing conservatives make me break out in hives.
laugh laugh drinker far left liberalslaugh

ellgee1976's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:18 PM

im allergic to:

pain (it hurts),
the color white (i break out in dirt), (edited)
stupid people (i break out in annnoyance),
kids toys that make noise (i break out in the uncontrollable desire to pull my hair out)

laugh laugh laugh

apparently typing too..cuz i break out in typos lol

Pinky01's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:25 PM
nothing ..
muah hahahaha devil devil devil devil devil

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:27 PM

nothing ..
muah hahahaha devil devil devil devil devil

Want some of mine?devil

Pata's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:37 PM
I´m allergic to tequilla, I break out in tatoos.

laugh laugh laugh

I have to give this to my girl Bry.........she said that once and I loved itlaugh laugh laugh

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