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Topic: Just Friends Forever (no more love stuff)
TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:23 AM

There's no guarantees

I learned that ...

On pretty much anything

What a truth... AMEN !!!

mommyof1's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:14 AM

I have to disagree with you on this on TM....in you theory that 'no one person is "faithful" anymore' line

I am very faithful to my partner!! always have been, always will be! In fact.. I am offended by this statement!!

get you facts straight before you 'clump' everyone together!!!!

I am thinking that you are in a minority. I am not making an absolute that you, as a faithful person do not exist, I am saying you are a minority, and an extreme minority. This is my experience with relations, not some major scientific research project.

So, any suggestions on how to find the "faithful" types?

My recent attempt included this...

... I determined within myself to work on a friendship first. Upon developing a friendship with this person, we found out that we had a great deal of things in common, we enjoyed each other's company, and (at the time) we both made an open announcement on this web site (we met here) of that special relationship.

I thought she was a quality woman, and I let my defenses down. Only to figure out later that she had been in communication with someone else, in the same manner, on another bulletin board. Then, out of the blue she stopped returning my e-mails (for no reason) and stopped returning my phone calls... and then I discover they have planned to meet in his home state.

I would have thought this one was a "keeper"... but she did not possess the qualities of faithfulness. My observation was that she was from a more refined moral code, and professed to be faithful to her religion (Christianity) and told me numerous times it had been over five years since she had dated anyone.

Later, I find out this other man had been in the background the entire time. She even said the words "I love you" to me, and supposedly that means something, which I guess to some people, is just a form of self-entertainment.

I gather this, plus every relationship I have had since I was a teenager, and in the gathering of facts, the woman has been unfaithful 100% of the time in every relationship, with women coming from all walks of life....

At this I come to the conclusion that the world is pretty messed up...

I am a good man, with many good qualities, but this is the outcome each and every time.

I am thinking it is better for me to live alone than to persist in discovering the same outcomes in the world of love relationships. This is my world view, from my experiences.

Perhaps I am in the minority... I just dont understand how someone can be in a relationship with someone and have something on the side. That, to me, is just WRONG on all levels!!

All is not lost TM.....sometimes time away from 'looking' for someone to share your life with is what is needed.

I am truely sorry that you have had such a rough time with relationships thru your life. It may do some good to just step back and take a break.

Good luck to you!

trueokie2's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:30 AM
It has happen to me also... I know what your saying.. I feel the same way.. I attract men but they dont want to hang around for the rest of their lives.. SUCKS..grumble

bad_girl's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:32 AM

It has happen to me also... I know what your saying.. I feel the same way.. I attract men but they dont want to hang around for the rest of their lives.. SUCKS..grumble

Sounds familiar

TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:56 PM

Perhaps I am in the minority... I just dont understand how someone can be in a relationship with someone and have something on the side. That, to me, is just WRONG on all levels!!

All is not lost TM.....sometimes time away from 'looking' for someone to share your life with is what is needed.

I am truely sorry that you have had such a rough time with relationships thru your life. It may do some good to just step back and take a break.

Good luck to you!

There is no way that I would even dream of wanting someone else once I have set my mind and heart toward someone. That's exactly why it boggles my mind so to see other people struggle with un-faithfulness, and to have met so many women that are not worth the time of day.

You are to be commended for being a good person and staying the line to faithfulness. Its great to know that someone like you is out there in this weird world of today...

I am stepping back to take (another) break... my breaks usually last about 5 or 10 years... I rarely give my heart out, so I will just go back to what has become more normal for me... to just live alone, and to be happy and in peace... maybe this is my calling in life...

seahawks's photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:59 PM
woman are like chocolates , ya dont know which nut yur gonna get.!!!! lmao jk jk relax ladies lol

TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:24 PM

It has happen to me also... I know what your saying.. I feel the same way.. I attract men but they dont want to hang around for the rest of their lives.. SUCKS..grumble

I think it has a lot to do with how people are raised, and I think the very culture we live in encourages infidelity... we see it in all types of art forms... movies, TV shows, magazines, all types of media portray infidelity as "acceptible"...

I was raised by two old-fashioned parents who have been married and have lived in the same house since 1949... my dad is now 81 years old, and my mom is 78... and sometimes you can still catch them hugging in the kitchen... they have truly loved each other all their life... it has never been perfect, but I think people have too many pre-conceived ideas, re-inforced by the media, the art forms, and the culture, that life should be some kind of a Hollywood bubble... but it is not...

Life as an existence will one day bring death...

One day we all pass from this world... and in the process, there are thousands, maybe millions of ups and downs... if we love someone, we figure out how to deal with the ups and downs...

I do not feel any woman has ever truly just loved me... no kidding... a lot of them have come my way, and they wag their tongues around in their mouths about "love"... but they have no clue what it is about...

I don't want to get "religious" on somebody... but here is love... a man named Jesus gave his life voluntarily, thinking it would satisfy a sacrifice for all generations to come... it is said he "loved" people... he layed down his life, and did something for other people... something that even cost him his life in the end...

Today, many people are selfish, and self-serving... they have no idea what love is... they think love is a sexual act, and that's it... love is mutually giving to one another... the reason many couples break up is because one party becomes the taker, and the other party becomes the co-dependent... it doesn't matter which sex holds which position... it is a giver, and fixer... attached to a user and a taker... I have seen it too many times... way too many times...

I would prefer to find a friend... and with that friend, build an equal give-and-take relationship... one that works equally for both parties...

I have never found that... all I have found in life is either the giver/fixer types... or the user/taker types... never a match... I am 46 years old... it is very frustrating to even think about it... and I tend to prefer just to live alone... to be alone... and to guard my heart for the evils of this world that either present themselves as giver/fixers, or user/takers... I don't want either one of those types... and both types can portray infidelity... it doesn't matter

It is wise to guard my heart

It is wise to care for myself enough that I take care NOT allow myself to be used... I deserve better

In my opinion, I feel the world is screwed up... not as an absolute, but as an observation that so many are screwed up out there, that I would rather NOT become in the middle of some "dating game" or "meat market"... I am not a hunk of meat... I don't want a hunk of flesh to just have sex with... I want an intelligent human female that can keep up with me in depth and wisdom, who has a passionate nature like I do... and has values... which will in some ways need to come from an up-bringing... its not something you learn from a book... values are well-practiced traditions that are handed down from generation to generation... I did not come from a perfect family, but I came from a mother and father that did the best they could to raise their children the best they could...

Look at what people accept today... that both parents need to work and have careers, and the child is a latch-key kid, who comes home to an empty house while mommy and daddy are both pursuing careers... the kids are raised by the day care system... and parents expect the (really screwed up) public school system to teach their kids... NOT...

Throw the kid a playstation/X-Box/Nintendo paddle, and that is good enough for a baby sitter... NOT...

Its creating a lazy generation of people who think the world should be handed out to them at the next level... its a game that doesn't include any hard work... it is heading toward, and well on the path to being a fat and too entertained society and culture that is losing its ability to work... no wonder jobs are going over seas to places where they actually have family values, and WANT to work... the typical fat American just wants to sit on their butts and watch TV, watch sports, watch sopa operas, watch reality TV shows (yuck), or play games until they fall asleep at the gaming console... "work" is nearly been blocked out of our spolied rotten vocabularies...!!

Add to that over-emphasis on entertainment... the excitement of entertaining someone in a sexual encounter... its just another play toy... like buying a new car, a new house, or some new material thing... sex has become the material thing... and it is no longer the icing on the cake... it is the flavor that drives the human to gain more of the flavor...

So much that many people do not remain faithful to the people they claim to "love"...

That is NOT love... it is an immature, emotionally fat, nin-com-poop who is driven by entertainment... the "chase" is the entertaining factor... when the chase is won, the entertainment value drops... and they seek out their next victim of love...

From where I am sitting, it looks like a nightmare...

Maybe America will wake up before it gets scratched across the throat by Freddie Kruger's knife-like Nightmare On Elmstreet glove....

I'm already awake... I've been awake for years... but a lot of people are alseep... and Freddie's gonna get them,,,,,,,,,,


bad_girl's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:30 PM

woman are like chocolates , ya dont know which nut yur gonna get.!!!! lmao jk jk relax ladies lol

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