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Topic: can't sleep..
wilkit's photo
Mon 02/11/08 12:38 AM
hmmm wth is bedtime?

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 02/11/08 12:43 AM

I think I just need more "positive" thoughts before I go to bed. :wink: Laying in bed is when I usually end up thinking about all the stressful and negative things going on in my life. So I guess it's no surprise I end up having stressful and negative dreams.
lol well could use your imagination and think of some pleasant stuff before you nod off hun...but do know what you mean ...worries of the day hun

soxfan94's photo
Mon 02/11/08 12:43 AM
Edited by soxfan94 on Mon 02/11/08 12:47 AM
Alright Debbie, I'm trying again with this one for real heading to sleep now. Got anything good that I can think about to ensure good dreams? :tongue:

littlebluebear22's photo
Tue 02/12/08 01:29 AM
dammit.. same problem again =(

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