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Topic: Your Damn right Iam angry
Jtevans's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:00 AM
i agree on one thing and one thing only,that is Bush sucks!.don't be dissing the guns though cause i believe if everyone was allowed to carry a gun,the rate of crime would drop.why is that you might ask?.well if someone is getting robbed,they could pull their pistol and shoot the s.o.b that's trying to rob them.i loves my guns.owning a gun means i don't have to work out in the gym

mnhiker's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:58 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 02/13/08 11:41 PM

surprised how many still do not get it

whether the govt was behind 9/11 or

just should be blamed for not acting on the info available

is not the issue the invasion of iraq is a diversionary tactic

since 9-11 every right protected by the constitution has been eroded away to be almost nonexistent

is it bush's fault i would say it is as much clinton's fault as bush's fault and it is not thier fault the ""people"" are letting the govt do as they will cause the people are to lazy to work there freedom and now it is gone when they are ready to enforse laws already passed

and now they are broadening the wire tapping powers
a bill is in the sentte at this moment

no one seems to understand it is about a one world govt

and a free america will prevent that from happening

until we get both political parties out of power the


do not stand a chance

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I call it 'the desensitization of America'.

It's like the first monster movie you've watched.

You were terrified at first, but got less so with every monster movie.

In other words, you go desensitized to what was scary in the movie so that when you seen a scary part now, it's no big deal.

So the Patriot Act comes along.

More searches in airports, more waiting, more inconvenience, would you take off your shoes, please?, please raise your arms while I pass this wand over you.

Surveillance cameras everywhere.

Credit checks, urine checks, hair checks, fingerprints.

You get the picture.

So what do you think?

You might say to yourself: 'Well, it's a more dangerous world. There are scary people out there. Terrorists. I guess I could live with a few less freedoms if it keeps me safe from harm.'

But how far does it go? How many freedoms are you willing to give up before you've given up too much?

And how far are those in the government willing to go to take away your freedoms?

mnhiker's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:11 PM

mnhiker..... Yes, we should not blindly accept what our government says and does. But my point is that this thread is designed to generate anti-Americanism and hatred towards our country. The originator of this thread is not offering solutions, only venom and disdain towards our country and our leaders.

I'm glad you agree with me.

When I think about our leaders, I separate it from 'We the People', who are America.

When leaders no longer follow the 'will of the people' then it is time to change course.

Even though I love this country and the people in it, I don't agree with the policies of this administration, and believe they have set us on the wrong path.

So, even though I disagree with madisonman from time to time, I sense his frustration and why he feels the way he does.

There are many other people in this country who feel the same way.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:31 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Wed 02/13/08 11:31 PM
uhhh....no offense.....but what the eff did gun laws have to do with the murder of Lennon? Seriously though.....didn't think his death was a political statement having to do with guns...(i am honestly asking as i didn't read much about the incident)

no photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:36 PM

I'm MAD too, madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ALL the same reasons!!!!!!!!!

Every single redblooded American who loves this country and it's Constitution, should be TOO!

To NOT be Angry over this, one would have to be a TERRORIST!

NO! NO! NO! We do NOT Want this TYRANNY!!!

Our CONSTITUTION Delivered us from the Opression and Tyranny of King George and gives US the Right to Take the Government Away from those who force Opression on the People and find them in committing TREASON!!!

I can't see that happening until "they" start taking away football, soap operas, beer and gasoline.laugh

Life is just too good for the average American to really care what happens until it affects them personally, even if they do have an opinion. laugh By then it will be too late.

How is that local sports franchise anyway?drinker

I agree with this point of whole heartedly! Apathy is our most dangerous enemy.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:48 PM

I'm MAD too, madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ALL the same reasons!!!!!!!!!

Every single redblooded American who loves this country and it's Constitution, should be TOO!

To NOT be Angry over this, one would have to be a TERRORIST!

NO! NO! NO! We do NOT Want this TYRANNY!!!

Our CONSTITUTION Delivered us from the Opression and Tyranny of King George and gives US the Right to Take the Government Away from those who force Opression on the People and find them in committing TREASON!!!

I can't see that happening until "they" start taking away football, soap operas, beer and gasoline.laugh

Life is just too good for the average American to really care what happens until it affects them personally, even if they do have an opinion. laugh By then it will be too late.

How is that local sports franchise anyway?drinker

I agree with this point of whole heartedly! Apathy is our most dangerous enemy.

This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Benjamin Franklin Figured this quote kinda fit the point being made...

mnhiker's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:49 PM

grumble nauseates me beyond words that this president could use the tragedy of 9/11 to justify invading a country which had nothing to do with that attack whatsoever. It enrages me that those who had the courage to oppose this policy so transparently deceitful (and it truly was – from the proof of the Downing Street Memos, to Colin Powell’s charade at the UN, to the assurances that the US knew where the WMD were, to the rejection of the weapons inspectors’ request to have two more months to finish the job) were labeled as traitors and worse for telling the truth. And that 4,000 Americans and over a million Iraqis have died for these lies. grumble

and americans have died because we got all 'over-PC' and lax.
it enrages me that you live and prosper in the greatest nation in the world. a nation where you have the freedom to spit the stuff you spew. and yet theres no loyalty.
thats half the US's problem. people got no loyalty.
it doesn't matter that you are unhappy with every single thing.
you still need to repect the nation that has given you every opportunity to succeed.
be unhappy-work for change. but start with the man in your mirror.
a house divided cannot stand. that is why America is in the shape its in-you and your peeps have no loyalty, so any jack-booted anybody can show up here and be your new best friend
and you'll give all the ammo they need to destroy this nation from the inside out.

dude maybe you should shop around for a nation that will better suit your delicate sensibilities.
beck and bow to your every whim, massage the temples of your whimpering complaints.

I am BLESSED to have been born here. i love this nation in spite of folks like you.

This is a good article on the subject of loyalty.


no photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:53 PM

I'm MAD too, madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ALL the same reasons!!!!!!!!!

Every single redblooded American who loves this country and it's Constitution, should be TOO!

To NOT be Angry over this, one would have to be a TERRORIST!

NO! NO! NO! We do NOT Want this TYRANNY!!!

Our CONSTITUTION Delivered us from the Opression and Tyranny of King George and gives US the Right to Take the Government Away from those who force Opression on the People and find them in committing TREASON!!!

I can't see that happening until "they" start taking away football, soap operas, beer and gasoline.laugh

Life is just too good for the average American to really care what happens until it affects them personally, even if they do have an opinion. laugh By then it will be too late.

How is that local sports franchise anyway?drinker

I agree with this point of whole heartedly! Apathy is our most dangerous enemy.

This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Benjamin Franklin Figured this quote kinda fit the point being made...

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin

This one applys also.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:00 AM

surprised how many still do not get it

whether the govt was behind 9/11 or

just should be blamed for not acting on the info available

is not the issue the invasion of iraq is a diversionary tactic

since 9-11 every right protected by the constitution has been eroded away to be almost nonexistent

is it bush's fault i would say it is as much clinton's fault as bush's fault and it is not thier fault the ""people"" are letting the govt do as they will cause the people are to lazy to work there freedom and now it is gone when they are ready to enforse laws already passed

and now they are broadening the wire tapping powers
a bill is in the sentte at this moment

no one seems to understand it is about a one world govt

and a free america will prevent that from happening

until we get both political parties out of power the


do not stand a chance

just a thought

but hey what do i know

i hear ya....it's almost like they were phasing out our constitution little by little. And people are ignorant enough to let them do it. Our right to bear arms was a last resort for the people keeping the true power, and they are pecking away at that amendment constantly (which makes me nervous) I dont think we should allow them to step on our constitution. These rights were all given to us so we could keep tyranny at bay. We get rid of our rights we are at the mercy of our own government (which is pretty much corporate run)

mnhiker's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:01 AM

I'm MAD too, madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ALL the same reasons!!!!!!!!!

Every single redblooded American who loves this country and it's Constitution, should be TOO!

To NOT be Angry over this, one would have to be a TERRORIST!

NO! NO! NO! We do NOT Want this TYRANNY!!!

Our CONSTITUTION Delivered us from the Opression and Tyranny of King George and gives US the Right to Take the Government Away from those who force Opression on the People and find them in committing TREASON!!!

I can't see that happening until "they" start taking away football, soap operas, beer and gasoline.laugh

Life is just too good for the average American to really care what happens until it affects them personally, even if they do have an opinion. laugh By then it will be too late.

How is that local sports franchise anyway?drinker

I agree with this point of whole heartedly! Apathy is our most dangerous enemy.

This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Benjamin Franklin Figured this quote kinda fit the point being made...

'The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.' - Benjamin Franklin

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:02 AM

I'm MAD too, madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ALL the same reasons!!!!!!!!!

Every single redblooded American who loves this country and it's Constitution, should be TOO!

To NOT be Angry over this, one would have to be a TERRORIST!

NO! NO! NO! We do NOT Want this TYRANNY!!!

Our CONSTITUTION Delivered us from the Opression and Tyranny of King George and gives US the Right to Take the Government Away from those who force Opression on the People and find them in committing TREASON!!!

I can't see that happening until "they" start taking away football, soap operas, beer and gasoline.laugh

Life is just too good for the average American to really care what happens until it affects them personally, even if they do have an opinion. laugh By then it will be too late.

How is that local sports franchise anyway?drinker

I agree with this point of whole heartedly! Apathy is our most dangerous enemy.

This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Benjamin Franklin Figured this quote kinda fit the point being made...

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin

This one applys also.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. -Thomas Paine

Sorry had to throw that one in there. I love quoting our forefathers.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:03 AM
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin

Yeah i love this one....

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:03 AM

surprised how many still do not get it

whether the govt was behind 9/11 or

just should be blamed for not acting on the info available

is not the issue the invasion of iraq is a diversionary tactic

since 9-11 every right protected by the constitution has been eroded away to be almost nonexistent

is it bush's fault i would say it is as much clinton's fault as bush's fault and it is not thier fault the ""people"" are letting the govt do as they will cause the people are to lazy to work there freedom and now it is gone when they are ready to enforse laws already passed

and now they are broadening the wire tapping powers
a bill is in the sentte at this moment

no one seems to understand it is about a one world govt

and a free america will prevent that from happening

until we get both political parties out of power the


do not stand a chance

just a thought

but hey what do i know

i hear ya....it's almost like they were phasing out our constitution little by little. And people are ignorant enough to let them do it. Our right to bear arms was a last resort for the people keeping the true power, and they are pecking away at that amendment constantly (which makes me nervous) I dont think we should allow them to step on our constitution. These rights were all given to us so we could keep tyranny at bay. We get rid of our rights we are at the mercy of our own government (which is pretty much corporate run)

I have 2 books within reach "Windows for Dummies" & "Miracle at Philadelpia"

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:04 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 02/14/08 12:06 AM
you guys rock...seriously...:smile:

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:06 AM

you guys rock!!

DAMN you are my daughter's age!embarassed grumble

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:10 AM

you guys rock!!

DAMN you are my daughter's age!embarassed grumble

yeah, past my bedtime.....point taken.:tongue:

mnhiker's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:10 AM

you guys rock!!

DAMN you are my daughter's age!embarassed grumble

These days I get just as mad at the Democrats as the Republicans. They all play political games, and democracy is no joke! :angry:

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:16 AM

you guys rock!!

DAMN you are my daughter's age!embarassed grumble

These days I get just as mad at the Democrats as the Republicans. They all play political games, and democracy is no joke! :angry:

Big business owns both parties. Time for another tea party!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:17 AM
oh i know.....sometimes i just wishwe could throw everyone out of office and elect a new government by popular vote and see what would happen. Oh yeah.....and not use those damn machines for voting.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:18 AM

you guys rock!!

DAMN you are my daughter's age!embarassed grumble

These days I get just as mad at the Democrats as the Republicans. They all play political games, and democracy is no joke! :angry:

Big business owns both parties. Time for another tea party!

Yeah...someone needs to give them a reality check.

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