Topic: ne one up?
mtironroses's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:09 AM
I'm still listening to percy and smelling that great coffee brewing
!!!!!!! sorry sherrie.. ummmmmmmm greaaaaaat

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:10 AM
oh no then u would be really deaf..LMAO

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:12 AM
lol well i'm still holding my nose waiting for it to be done so i can
dish it out and it be gone and it will be some one elses turn to

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:22 AM
only in one ear
but ummmmmmmm........HUH???

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:22 AM
yankee doodle went to town riding on his mother every time he hit a bump
he had a baby brother

dont ask just bored...

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:30 AM
michael ya lost me??

CrazyJ's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:32 AM
Hey I'm up and here now, LOL

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:37 AM
hey u what are u doing?

CrazyJ's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:42 AM
Nothen much just surfin the net and waitin for some ppl to sart talkin
on here

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:46 AM
u and me both!

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:48 AM
tone deaf...huh???
so here we are...yanky doodle...lmao!!!

lots more than that out there!!!

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:52 AM
ROTFLMAO it worked didn't it..LOL

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/13/06 02:55 AM
you just getting up or not to bed yet J ???

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:08 AM
morning,hello hello.anybody on the playground?

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:11 AM
yup...think Sherri and J are off on a chat...M.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:14 AM
hey how you doin today?gotta say your sure a good poet.

sherrie0527's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:20 AM
well you guys busted us...ROTFLMAO

tallandtttanned's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:21 AM
hey i am up too

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:25 AM

tallandtttanned's photo
Wed 12/13/06 03:26 AM
morning catch