Topic: mexican, italian, polish lunch
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Wed 02/06/08 03:30 AM
Three men worked at the mine. There was a Mexican, Italian and a Polish. Anyway one lunch hour they were talking about the same old lunches their wives packed them every day.

" If i get one more burrito for lunch I swear I'll kill myself" The Mexican said.

" If i get one more lunch of spaghetti I'll do the same" the Italian said.

"If i get one more bologna sandwich I'll kill myself with you" The Polish said.

The next day as usual the three men go the same lunches so they killed themselves.

Later at the three mens' funeral the three widows we talking. The Mexicans wife said as she sobbed,

"If i only knew how much he hated burritos I never would have packed them, he could have had rice or tacos."

Then the Italian wife said " I always could have packed him lasagna if I only knew how much he hated spaghetti."

The other two wives looked at the Polish wife expecting a few words of grief. "Don't look at me, that dumbass always packed his own lunch"

62easygoing's photo
Wed 02/06/08 03:36 AM
Here in New Mexico....Mexican food, still number one.:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

higlander's photo
Wed 02/06/08 03:41 AM

Here in New Mexico....Mexican food, still number one.:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
yes is truthdrinker drinker

boneyjoe's photo
Wed 02/06/08 03:47 AM
pass th hot dogs please

recentfree's photo
Wed 02/06/08 04:30 AM
sushi and beer for me!!!!!!!drinker